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Erin's POV

I opened my eyes and cuddled back into Damon seeing the sun was barely out. I felt throw up starting to come back up as I pushed his arm off of me and ran to the bathroom. I threw up into the toilet when I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back. I flushed the toilet before sitting on the floor "Babe, come on let's get you some tea." Damon quietly said as I nodded slightly as he helped me up "I'll be down there in a minute." I told him as he walked out of the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth before walking downstairs. It's been almost 2 weeks since I found out I was pregnant. I have been throwing up almost every morning, but the tea helps it was lemon and honey. I walked into the kitchen and watched as Damon made me some tea. I wrapped my arms around him, making him turn around and wrap his arms around me as he leaned back against the counter "Do you want to stay home from school?" He asked as I shook my head "I already missed two days this week and we graduate in two weeks." I told him as he nodded "At least you won't look pregnant for graduation." He joked as I shook my head "imagine me trying to walk across the stage with a big belly." We laughed when his mom walked in "I have work and I have to pick up your cousins after school so if you could please order some dinner tonight so when I get home I don't starve to death." She pleaded as he nodded "I'll make sure he orders or makes something." I told her as she smiled "I am so grateful for you, you're the daughter I never had." she told me as I smirked "See I'm more loved." I told him as he glared playfully "Just wait until the baby is born, you won't be the one that's most loved anymore." I gasped "So your saying you won't love me, got it." I bit the inside of my cheek trying to keep from smiling as he widened his eyes "N-no I- I just- I meant." he stuttered as I smiled "I'm kidding, relax." I told him as he huffed before glaring as I laughed.


I stood in line next to Damon waiting to grab our cap and gown. I looked down to see how perfect my hand fit in his. I never knew I could feel like this with someone or ever fall in love with someone, but I did. Everything about Damon was perfect, even the mistakes he made. Just like my long white dress I was wearing. It was perfect, but the mistake was wearing these white 4-in. heels. I looked up towards Damon to see him already staring at me with a small smile on his face. I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled and I quickly turned away from him. I felt a breath against my ear that gave me goosebumps along my entire body "I can't wait to meet our baby." he whispered in my ear as he put his hand on my stomach making me smile wider "I'm excited." I told him truthfully when our perfect moment was interrupted. I glared at the lady standing on the other side of the table as she shouted "Next." I took two steps towards the table when she held up the clipboard "Names." She mumbled "Erin Wilson and Damon Trevors." Damon told her as I rolled my eyes, irritated at this lady for interrupting my boyfriend and I's small conversation about our baby. I watched as she walked towards the racks "Babe, relax." Damon chuckled as I glared at him making him shake his head "I'm sorry its my hormones." I barely said above a whisper as he smiled when she handed us our caps and gowns. 

I stood up with a few other people in my grade that were in my row. We walked towards the stage as we stood there in line waiting to be called up to grab our diplomas. Every time someone got called up there was a lot of cheering going on. My heart pounded against my chest as my anxiety started kicking in as I was the next one up. "Breathe." I whispered to myself when my name was called, it felt like I stopped breathing. I heard loud cheering as I walked up the steps and across the stage "Congratulations." Our principal congratulated me as I shook his hand and grabbed the diploma with my other hand "Thank you." I smiled widely before walking off the stage and sitting with the others that have already received their diplomas.

I wasn't paying too much attention as my stomach kept growling with hunger. "I would like to congratulate the class of.." My stomach started growling loudly as my cheeks heated up hoping no one heard my stomach. I watched as everyone stood up and it made my hurry to stand up before we all threw our caps up into the air. I smiled widely as I made my way towards the back trying to find Damon. I pushed a few people out of the way as it was loud, even for it being outside. I started to breathe harder and my palms started getting sweaty when I felt a hand grab ahold of my arm. I turned around ready to fight when I saw Damon "You okay?" he asked as I nodded calming down "Congratulations." I smiled as he pulled me into his arms and picked me up before spinning me around. I giggled keeping my arms tightly wrapped around his neck. I leaned into him with a smile on my face and right as I felt his lips brush against mine, he pulled away. I frowned as I realized Sally, Lindsey, Mrs. Trevors, Damon's cousins and of course our boxing crew. I smiled widely at them all before getting pulled into big hugs "Watch the baby!" Damon yelled as Cole gasped "What?" he yelled with excitement "You're pregnant?" Jared asked as I nodded "Oh my god congratulations you two!" Jared yelled pulling me into a hug "I thought you were just getting chunky from missing practice." Mark said before closing his mouth "Sorry." He apologized making me laugh "Its okay." I told him before pulling him into a hug. I quickly pulled away as they were all talking to each other when I felt arms wrap around my waist "I love you and I love our baby." He said right next to my ear making me smile from his words and the warmth of his breath against my ear. I knew that I made the right choice of becoming his friend, and the right choice of forgiving him and being with him. It felt right with him, and deep down I knew it was the right choice to be with him. Not many people believe in soulmates, and at one point in my life I didn't believe in it either, but having Damon in my life and having a baby on the way. I now believe in soulmates and that me and Damon were destined to be together. He definitely was worth the fight. 

Word Count: 1225

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