Never Leaves Me Alone

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|Erin Wilson's POV|

I made my way home after school. I got up and walked to the doors on the bus seeing as it was my stop. I got off and headed past the police station and the bakery and made my way down Main Street. I took a left on my street and made my way all the way down to my house.

I sighed seeing my dad's old beat up truck in the driveway. "He's going to be angry." I whispered to myself as I made my way quietly into my house. I carefully opened the front door and looked around not seeing him. I sighed in relief making my way towards the stairs when I ran into him "Oh look who it is. The slut." He laughed as I could smell the alcohol still coming off of him "I had school." I told him and before I could say anymore I got hit in the face with a fist. I immediately fell to the ground. "Get up and make me food." He said through gritted teeth. I quickly stood up and made my way into the kitchen. I pulled out a pot putting water in it before putting it onto the stove and turning it on. I bent down going into the cabinet grabbing a box of Mac and cheese. I left the kitchen and made my way into the bathroom waiting for the water to boil. I looked into the mirror to see my lip bleeding and swollen. I sighed and quickly grabbed a towel rubbing it under cold water before applying it to my lip even though it was stinging. I made my way into the kitchen and opened the box of Mac and cheese before pouring it into the boiling water.

After making the Mac and cheese I filled a bowl up of the entire thing of Mac and cheese and brought it to my father seeing him sitting on the recliner watching tv. I quickly made my way upstairs to get in the shower and get some sleep since I have to be up early for practice.

I got out of my bed yawning and immediately flinching because of my lip. I slowly made my way to my closet grabbing my black joggers and a grey shirt, some underwear and my bra before making my way into the bathroom. I quickly changed and put some makeup on putting my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my bag putting a pair of jeans and a nirvana shirt in there along with some underwear. I put my backpack on and quietly made my way out of my room seeing his door closed. I sighed in relief before making my way downstairs and out of the house quickly.

I walked up to the bus stop seeing Sally "Good morning' Erin." She smiled "Morning Sally." I smiled slightly when she furrowed her eyebrows together "Enough with the boxing kid. You're going to get killed one of these days. You have a beautiful face your ruining it." She said as I nodded "I-I can't Sally you know this." I told her as she sighed while shaking her head. Before I could say anything else the bus came.

-After Practice-

I made my way to my locker and grabbed what I needed for my class before making my way to the bathroom. I changed into my jeans and my shirt before making my way out of the bathroom seeing Damon standing there with his arms crossed "Finally you take forever." He said as I rolled my eyes "What do you want?" I asked while looking around, "I want to help you." He told me truthfully as I shook my head "Leave me alone." I told him as I went to walk past him he grabbed my arm "What happened to your face?" He asked quietly "Nothing. Was in a fight." I said pulling my arm out of his grip and going to my first period class.

I patiently waited for my class to end so I could go to the library during lunch to work on some homework. I wonder if I will tell the truth to Damon if he can help me in the ring. If you win you get money and I need money so I can leave my pathetic father. The bell rang pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly got up and grabbed my bag and headed to the library to work on some homework. As I walked down the hall I felt someone walking next to me. I looked over to see Damon "Can I help you?" I asked as he chuckled, "Tell me and I'll get you into the ring." He told me as I shook my head "Back off." I told him walking into the library and sitting down at a table "I know you don't fight on the side." He told me truthfully as I looked around before standing up "Fine you want the truth, follow." I told him as I walked away and went into a closed off room with a door where people do projects together. "Truth is I got into a car accident with my mother, I was 9 and a truck hit her side killing her instantly, I was out for two weeks and they all said it's because I went to a mental hospital instead of jail because I killed her somehow. I had a boyfriend who was on the football team and he tried some stuff with me during my freshman year here and I didn't allow him and he got beat up. Boxing really helped with that and he made the rumor that I slept with the entire football team and they all agreed since they were his friends. I don't know where they got the i tried to kill myself and I ditched most of the time for boxing so they assumed I'm a drug addict." I told him as he clenched his jaw "Who was the football player?" He asked and I laughed "Why does it matter? I don't know you and you don't know me. We aren't friends." I told him as he shook his head "My cousin tried to kill herself because of bullies so I don't exactly like them. I appreciate you telling me and I'll help you get into the next fight." He told me as I nodded "So how did you hear about the gym?" I asked as he smiled "My parents know Joey considering he is married to my aunt which makes him my uncle i guess." He said as I opened my eyes wide, "He's your actual uncle?" I asked as he nodded "Yeah we recently moved closer so I decided to join his gym. I've been boxing since I was 5." He told me as I smiled, "I started when I was 10." I told him truthfully as he nodded, "We should hang out." He told me as I laughed before stopping seeing as he was serious "I don't have friends and I don't plan on having any." I told him as it was his turn to laugh "That's cute but I'm not going to take no as an answer so I'll talk to Joey after practice tomorrow and then we can come to school together and get to know each other." I bit the inside of my cheek while looking at his blue eyes "Fine, only because you're helping me." I told him with a smile as he chuckled, opening the door allowing me to go first.

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