Forever Like You Promised

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Erin's POV

I sat on the edge of the dock with my feet hanging off as I cried. I heard movement behind me but I just wiped my tears as I heard the footsteps come closer "Erin, tell me. Please" he begged "I'm pregnant." I told him as he was quiet "I understand if you don't want it, we haven't even graduated high school yet, we have boxing and no jobs and I get we're to young." I told him as he sat next to me "Erin," he started but I shook my head and looked towards the water "We graduate in a month, boxing is our jobs. We make good money doing it. We both planned on not going to college and staying with boxing for the rest of our lives. Now we just get to train a little boxer." He calmly told me as I looked over at him to see him looking at me "Wether it's a girl or boy we'll train with them and be a family." He told me as I nodded and smiled as he wiped away my tears "Hopefully a girl so she can beat anybody up and I won't have to worry about her getting a boyfriend." He joked as I laughed before laying my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me "I love you and no matter what, I'm making a promise to you I want to be with you forever. I want kids with you, don't get me wrong I was expecting later in life but I want this." I teared up as he tightened his arm around me.
He pulled into his driveway and turned off the car as neither one of us moved or spoke. I sighed before Damon broke the silence "We have to tell her." I nodded, but stayed quiet as he got out of the car. I took a deep breath before going to open the door when Damon opened it "Thanks." I smiled as he smiled back before closing the door behind me. We made our way into the house and into the kitchen "Did you eat?" He asked as I shook my head "what would you like?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders "I'm not sure." I told him as he chuckled before opening the fridge.
I watched Damon make me pancakes and bacon as I smiled. "So would that make you only two weeks?" He asked as I shook my head "Damon, last time we had sex was right after I got off my period." I told him as he nodded "so would that make you like 6 weeks?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders "I think. I'm going to call and make an appointment tomorrow." I told him as he smiled "How about you spend the night tonight." I nodded "If your mom says yes." I said as a voice scared the life out of me "Say yes to what?" She asked as Damon cleared his throat "To Erin spending the night." He told her as she smiled "Of course. I don't mind, door stays open." She told us as I looked at Damon to see him staring at me already, if only she knew.
-1 week-
I woke up and pushed Damon's arm off of me as I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and threw up all bile. Once I was done I flushed the toilet and sat on the floor putting my hands into my hair "I'm guessing you don't have the stomach flu." Mrs. Trevors said as I looked over at her to see her leaning against the doorframe. I slowly shook my head "How long have you known?" She asked "Since last week." I whispered as she nodded before smiling at me "Does Damon know?" She asked as I nodded "Do you know how far along you are?" I licked my lips before replying "7 weeks." I told her as she smiled "Only 5 more months and we can throw a baby shower." I smiled and sighed in relief "We wanted to tell you, I was just so nervous you were going to hate me." I told her as she snorted "Honey, I believe things happen for a reason. I also believe you guys are soulmates. I'm here for you, Damon and my grand baby." She told me as I smiled and got up before hugging her "I'm going to be a grandma." She squealed as I laughed before she opened the drawer before handing me a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste. I quickly thanked her before brushing my teeth.
I sat downstairs in the kitchen as Mrs. Trevors set a mug of tea in front of her before setting hers down in front of her. She sat next to me "It helped with my nausea when I was pregnant with Damon." She told me as I nodded and smiled "Babe, Erin." Damon called out before coming into the kitchen to see us sitting at the table. He looked like he was about to have a panic attack when he relaxed "It's 4am and you guys are up?" He asked as I nodded "I was helping her with her morning sickness." Mrs. Trevors said as Damon scratched the back of his neck "We were going to tell you-" he started but she put her hand up, shutting him up immediately "I'm not mad, I'm excited. If you need to move back in, you're more than welcome to." She told me as I smiled at her and thanked her before she grabbed her tea before smacking Damon in the back of the head "I'm happy about this baby, but I'm mad at you for not using protection." She glared as he put his hands up "It wasn't even me. She's the one that instigated it and I didn't have a condom on me. You try having a mighty fine girlfriend who tries to get with you and trust me she knows how to get to me, your not going to say no." He told her as she rolled her eyes "Boys." She mumbled as I laughed before getting up and wrapping my arms around Damon "So now that you obviously can't get any more pregnant, does that mean I don't have to wear a condom?" He asked as I opened my mouth when he got smacked in the back of the head "Mom!" He yelled holding the back of his head as she grabbed her phone off the counter before walking passed us as I laughed. He shook his head as I waited before grabbing ahold of his shirt before pulling him upstairs "Does that mean?" He asked as I nodded as he smiled widely before picking me up and running upstairs to his room with me as I giggled.

Word Count: 1144

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