Fighting and Moments

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Damon told his parents what happened and they welcomed me in with big hugs and let me stay in the guest room. I woke up to them making me breakfast. I haven't eaten breakfast since my mom passed away, but it was delicious. It was like a dream come true now.

We got out of his car and walked to the doors of the school when I groaned making my way up the few steps "What?" He asked as he ran up the stairs like it was nothing "I'm tired and sore." I pouted as he chuckled "Joey really was kicking your ass this morning." He told me as I frowned, "I know I'm getting in the ring in two weeks and he says I need to be prepared." I said as he nodded. We walked into the school when Damon grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers together "What are you doing?" I asked as he smiled "Holding your hand because I don't care what people think so don't say it." He said, causing me to playfully glare at him. We made our way to my locker as I grabbed a few things before I headed into the bathroom changing into my skinny ripped up jeans and a black T-shirt. I shoved my clothes from practice into my bag before walking out seeing Damon patiently waiting "You could have gone to class." I told him as he shook his head "I'll walk you to your class." He smiled as I smiled back, grabbing ahold of his hand walking down to my first class. He kissed my cheek "I'll see you at lunch." He said before walking off. I couldn't help but smile when I walked into my first period class seeing a few students giving me weird looks. I bit my lip and made my way to the back of the room. I sat at my usual desk and patiently waited for the teacher to start class.

I slowly made my way out of the classroom and was heading towards my locker before going to the lunch room when I got pushed into my locker "You're pathetic thinking he's really going to be with you. Probably using you because he knows you'll give it to him just like the rest of the football team." Sarah said as her sister Paige and their friend Tiffany laughed "I didn't sleep with them." I told her as I faced her "That's not what Louis told us. Your little buddy Damon is going to be mine so back off." Tiffany said as I glared at her "Sorry he wouldn't sleep with a bunch of dumb nosy bitches." I told them as I looked at every single one of them "Watch who you're talking to." She said, poking my chest "Don't touch me." I said through gritted teeth "Or what? Little wimp is going to cry?" She said frowning before laughing at me. "Alright." I said before bringing back my fist and hitting her directly in the nose as she let out a scream "What the hell!" Paige yelled, pushing me into the locker. I pushed Paige back, knocking her to the ground as I got over her hitting her repeatedly in the face "Get the psycho off of my sister!" Sarah yelled when someone picked me up off Paige only to see a huge crowd. I tried to pull out of their grip but they held me tighter as I felt my heart beating like crazy. I got carried into the bathroom and set down when he let me go. I turned around and pushed Damon before walking off towards the sink when he grabbed my arm pulling me into him "I couldn't take it any longer." I quietly told him as he kissed the top of my head "I'm not blaming you, you kicked that girl's ass." He said with a smile as I laughed, shaking my head "Let's get out of here." I said to him as he smiled "Wasn't it we shouldn't ditch school." He said in a girly voice as I glared at him "Oh hush." I laughed as he chuckled grabbing my hand pulling me out of the bathroom when Louis walked up to us "What the fuck is your problem going after my girlfriend like that. Quit being jealous of my relationship." He angrily spat "Excuse me, your girlfriend had been tormenting me since you spread that stupid rumor about me sleeping with the football team." I told him as he glared at him "Watch who your talking to Erin." He said stepping closer to me only for a hand to be brought between us and pushed Louis away from me "Your the one who spread that rumor about Erin?" Damon asked calmly as he looked over at me "Yeah so what? She's a whore anywa-" Louis got cut off by Damon hitting him directly in the face only to see Louis go down "Oh my god." I said as Damon grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the school. I was running behind him still holding his hand but let go to get in the car.

He pulled down the familiar dirt road before parking the car. We slowly made our way to the spot on the dock before sitting there silently "I don't want you to fight in two weeks." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows "Excuse me? Do you think I can't fight?" I asked as he shook his head quickly "No, nothing like that. I just don't want you to get hurt." He told me as I nodded "Look I love boxing and I've been trying to get in the ring for years now and I'm not backing out now." I told him as he sighed "Fine." He said as I smiled "You going to be there?" I asked as he slowly nodded "I wouldn't miss your first fight." He said as I smiled, pushing him slightly causing him to playfully glare at me "I will throw you in the water keep it up." He said as I smiled, pushing him again before getting up and running from him. "Erin!" He yelled as I took off running towards the car only to be tackled to the ground "This isn't football." I said as he laughed, "I'm sorry." He smiled down at me as I smiled back at him "Erin" he started but I shook my head slightly wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his. He kissed back immediately before licking my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I ignored his attempt only for him to press his body against mine more when a phone started going off. I pulled away but he kissed down to my neck "Damon" I said out of breath only for it to come out as a moan "I know. Dumb phone." He groaned getting off of me helping me up before grabbing his phone from inside the car and answering it.

Damon: What do you want?

I bit my lip trying not to laugh at how frustrated he sounded.

Damon: Sorry mom, I was uh in the middle of something.

I let out a small laugh before getting into the car pulling a few leaves out of my hair when he got in the car. "My cousins Tyler and Maddy are coming to stay for the weekend." He told me as I nodded "I'll leave after getting my stuff." I told him as he chuckled, "My mom told me to tell you that you're not leaving, you can stay in my room." He said as I smiled "She's allowing me to stay in your room?" I asked curiously as he looked down at the keys before starting the car "Um something like that." He said as I laughed while putting my seatbelt on and heading back to Damon's house.

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