broken wrist

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sometimes i think i want a bad boy🥴✋🏻

top! daniel [bottom! corbyn]

WARNING[S]: BROKEN BONEStop! daniel [bottom! corbyn]

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"dani" i hear my lovely boyfriend of three years call, my heart swelling as i walked towards the couch as he reaches out his arms, making grabby hands at me and i can't help but smile. "what do you need love" i ask softy as i lift him into my open arms proudly, holding his head close to my shoulder as he lowly mumbles into my shirt, me not catching it.

"you know i can't here you clearly when your heads muffled into my shirt sweetheart" i tell him, running my hands gently through his hair as he lifts his head up, leaning against my forehead with his. "m' tired" he groans as his eyes flutter shut, looking beautiful as ever. "i can carry you when we leave if you want" i offer him as he nods his head, placing it in the crook of my neck, falling asleep fast, as i sing to him, rocking us both back and fourth until the manager tells us it's time to leave.

i carefully stand up as corbyn groans, placing my hands under his butt after making sure it was comfortable with him first. he wraps his strong legs around my waist, while his arms automatically connected around my neck, his head laid on my shoulder, as we walk down the rail and outside to the huge amount of people.

i continued walking until i felt my foot hit something, causing my shoe to rip and my body to fall to the ground with a full force, feeling corbyn catch us on the ground below, before he cries out in pain. my eyes wide as i immediately hover over him, his wrist bent in un-describable ways, as my eyes cover with fear, as his sobs get louder. "angel" i whisper in his ear, his body laid against the concrete as his face was scrunched with pain.

i gently grab his wrist, wrapping it in a soft towel, before placing a warm kiss to his forehead, smiling once he did. "hurts" he groans, not moving it as i held the towel around it sternly, waiting for the paramedics to arrive.

once i hear the sirens, i have jack switch places with me, so he was now holding corbyn's wrist in place, as i picked him up extra carefully and carried him to the ambulance, placing him on the stretcher, before the doors where closed, and corbyn was gone.


i laid uncomfortably in the hospital bed with a cast around my wrist, while i was drugged on medication to help with the healing process and the pain, swear to god i saw god once. i was propped up against the uncomfortable back board, my back aching as i was waiting for dani to come and pick me up, after being here for 4 hours, drowned in exhaustion.

i suddenly hear the door open, snapping my head towards it seeing daniel with a smile on his face while carrying "get well soon" balloons, i obviously blush. "hi bubba" i giggle as daniel stands in front of me; me wrapping my legs around the back of his thighs to pull him closer to me so i can touch him better. "i got you balloons" he smiles as i chuckle.

"i noticed. tie them around my wrist" i tell him as he complies, tying them around my non-broken wrist. "beautiful" he smiles as i lean my head against his chest as he holds it there, kissing the top of it. "are you feeling okay" he suddenly asks as i nod, pulling away, remembering how he doesn't like it when my voice is muffled. "still hurts a little bit. but i'll be okay" i smile as he cups my cheeks, my head forced to be looking up at him as if i was looking at the ceiling.

"i'm sorry i dropped you" he chuckles as i let out a giggle. "you didn't drop me. you fell for me just a little too hard" i giggle back as he rolls his eyes. "i tripped over someones foot, don't push it" he snickers as i pucker my lips wanting a kiss; as he leans down, making all my dreams come true. i have him.

i have the love of my life.

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