annoying my boyfriend

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baby, just keep fallin✨🦋

baby, just keep fallin✨🦋

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corbyn woke up early in the morning to the fresh smell of bacon and eggs. he casually lifts himself out of bed and walks into his connected bathroom. he looks in the mirror. "i'm gonna annoy the shit out of daniel today" he laughs to himself without any true intentions.

he walks downstairs as he sees daniel cooking at the stove. he smirks and walks towards the stove, looking through daniel's eyes. "are you using this?" he asks, pointing to the stove. daniel smiles. "yes love i am" he replies.

"okay" corbyn speaks, as he turns off the stove and runs away laughter filling the room. daniel staring at him, but still smiling.

"babe i-i-i the pan is supposed to get hot? we're you worried it was gonna burn or something" daniel asks. "you know what? don't mess with my shit in the kitchen" daniel giggles out, as corbyn bats his eyelids, his innocence making an appearance. "i'm not!" corbyn fake gasps, offended at daniel's accusations.

daniel laughs and pulls corbyn in by the hips. "you are!" he frowns.

"are you using this?" corbyn asks once more, before pulling away from daniel and pointing at the stove, daniel had just turned on. "no i am not" daniel frowns. "okay" corbyn replies as he reached to turn it off again, sending daniel into chaos. "no no no wait yes i am" daniel groans, as corbyn laughs.

"this is not how it works" daniel states, turning on the stove again. "corbyn i need to make YOU" daniel starts as corbyn tries to turn off the stove again, falling into laughter as daniel holds him back by the hips.

daniel grabs an egg and hold it up to defense.

"i will throw egg whites on you" daniel laughs out, knowing corbyn's intentions. corbyn fake gasps, as he placed his hand on his heart.

"you wouldn't!" corbyn laughs.

"what makes you think that?" daniel asks, pulling corbyn into his warm embrace.

"because then you would have to clean it up" corbyn snickers. "and you love me" corbyn states the obvious, as he wraps his arm around his neck, and left his feet up, causing daniel to fall on top of him.

both fall into a pit of laughter.

"is this your way of trying to have sex with me?" daniel asks, as corbyn laughs more.

"i just like annoying you"

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