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A/N WOOOHOOO, Another update. WHO AM I? 

Just reading through my messages on here and it is lovely to see some messages from you guys! I wanted to give any of you the chance to message me even if just to have a normal chat, to vent your feelings about anything, everyone could do with an extra friend right?

I am also of thinking of opening the opportunity to a select few who I can discuss the prospect of the story, where it is heading and a few sneak peeks on a few chapters, if this is something you're interested in shoot me a message - NO I am not charging or anything crazy like that I just genuinely think it might be nice to share this and payback to you guys who have supported me if you want it!

It won't be many people as of course for the majority of the book I want it to be a surprise so it will be first come first served type of basis, we can even talk over email if that is better for some people? It doesn't have to be every day of course but we could maybe meet up (online) once a week and have a discussion :) Hope to hear from you guys soon, enjoy this new chapter!

Isabella finds herself in an unknown environment but feels her feet carrying her in a direction she feels she had no control over, there is a feeling of nerves in the pit of her stomach that is making her nauseous. No matter how much Isabella wanted to stop and look around to find out where she was because the place felt so god damned familiar, her feet simply would not let her.

The closer Isabella got to what she suspected to be her final location she could hear voices that seemed to be getting louder, even more so than before Isabella tried to fight her feet to run in the opposite direction but it just wouldn't happen so she knew she would have to accept what she found.

Something felt so... off about this world Isabella was in, things almost seemed fuzzy round the edges and Isabella couldn't understand how what felt like two minutes ago she was in her hospital room and now she was in... these corridors that felt strangely familiar.



It was the attic of the packhouse, with Isabella's restless leg syndrome during pregnancy one of her many walks around the huge pack house led her here one night, she knew even know there were still places to explore in this huge palace. Isabella remembered walking along this same route wondering where it would take it, she found herself at the bottom of winding stairs and had placed her foot on the first step nervous with a worried feeling when she felt Hunter's fingers wrapping around her arm and pulling her backwards with a start, how had she not noticed him coming?

"You can't go up there," Hunter said sternly but with a kind look in his eyes

"Why?" Isabella asks looking over her shoulder, wanting more than ever to go up those stairs

"Because..." Hunter stopped for a moment and looked completely confused "Actually, I don't know"

"What?" Isabella asks confused raising her eyebrows, he was the King how could he not know why someone couldn't go the attic?

"My parents were always adamant about me never going up there, my dad nearly killed me and Jackson once when we tried to go up there sneakily. I swear they must've had camera's up there because before we even got to the top of the stairs my dad was dragging up down by our shirts... I felt so scared that I never tried to go up there again" Hunter explained uneasily 

"Never?" Isabella asked sounding shocked, this was not her Hunter

"Actually, once... just after I became King. I felt complete power and thought it was time to get over my fear, it felt like it took years for me to get to the top and after all that effort the door at the top was locked and I couldn't get in" he shrugged trying to pull Isabella gently away

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