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Isabella crawls back into the bed and requests a nurse brings the twins back to her, once not on alert from being around Catherine she raises how much her heart is aching from being away from the twins. The second they are brought to her Isabella fights the urge to pick them up, they are so settled and sleeping soundly that to move them now would surely be asking for trouble, Isabella smiles to her self as she reaches down and runs her finger lightly over Gabriella's cheek, the baby turns her head in the direction of the finger and purses her lips in search of the milk she thinks is coming.

Isabella removes her hand but watches closely as Gabriella snuffles in annoyance at no milk before settling down again. How is possible to have two such perfect babies, Isabella knew that all mother said that but was almost certain that nobody could ever refuse that these two babies were the most beautiful and pure of all...then again, they wouldn't exactly disagree when this was their Prince and Princess.

Sighing with content, Isabella leans her head back on the bed the tiredness almost overwhelming but within what feels like two seconds, Grayson is letting out a tiny squeak of a cry. Hoping that he hasn't woken up his sister, Isabella scoops him up in her arms and cuddles him close, she places her nose on top of his head and sniffs gently, the newborn baby scent was something so amazing that Isabella could not get enough of it.

"What is your mummy doing huh?" Isabella coos at the tiny baby, big blue eyes look up at her with confusion making Isabella laugh at herself, she sounded crazy she was sure but she simply didn't care.

After a couple of moments of cuddles, Isabella's nose wrinkles up in disgust 

"Grayson, you smelly boy!" she exclaims with a laugh laying him down between her legs as she reaches for his changing bag. This would be the first big 'explosion' that she had dealt with on her own, there was no way to pinch her nose and change the nappy at the same time.

Isabella starts but soon it is going haywire, Grayson won't keep still spreading it everywhere, Isabella feels covered in it and seems to be getting nowhere. The sound of voices getting closer doesn't seem to register in Isabella's world of stress.

"Yeah, so I was telling him.... Oh dear god" Isabella finally looks up to see Hunter and Jackson at the door, their jaws dropped 

"Grayson man, you're a stink bomb" Jackson says retching dramatically while Hunter rolls his eyes, he walks into the room while Jackson walks in the opposite direction "Let me know when Mr Stinkinton is dealt with"

"It's his superpower" Hunter jokes before closing the door behind him, Isabella notices how fresh and happy Hunter is, he is in his playful mood and she realises she definitely shouldn't tell him about his mother visit, not yet. Over the hour or so that had passed since Catherine had left, Isabella had been going back and forth between telling Hunter and not telling him about everything she knew, she didn't want to be like Catherine and yet here she was withholding the truth from her mate. 

Like a pro, Hunter whisks the room into order changing Grayson with ease, Isabella watches impressed. This is the man who was terrified that he would be no good as a father and yet here he was doing something Isabella had failed terribly. Hunter noticed her watching and smiled sympathetically 

"I've had more practice remember" he shrugs as if it is nothing

"Hunter, I was thinking..."

"Oh dear, we must be very careful then if you're thinking!" he jokes with a wink, Isabella reaches out and hits his arm lightly with a smile

"I think it's time for me to get out of here, to start living properly not in this white room that I feel like I have been in for a year. I know you're worried and if it makes you feel better I can still come and see the doctors for checkups as much as you want but I want to be back in my own bed, cuddled up to you" Isabella says going for the cuddle route, she knew even Hunter missed that

"Okay you see the doctors every day," Hunter says raising his eyebrows knowing that Isabella will protest to his overprotectiveness 

"Oh Hunter, you're being ridiculous, I do not need to see a doctor every single day" Isabella sighs rolling her eyes

"I'm pretty sure you just said I could choose how often you saw the doctor, I told you once a day" Hunter says with a wolfish grin

"You're a nightmare" Isabella says, she knew what to expect when she brought this up to Hunter but at least it gave her an excuse to be away from Hunter once a day so that she could hopefully find the time to get to the safe in Hunter's office.

"Jackson!" Hunter yelled and soon enough Jackson was entering the room nervously

"Has the smell gone?" he grins has Isabella laughs at him, he wasn't exactly wrong, it even surprised Isabella how something so tiny could make a smell so bad

"Yes, you're safe. Can you go and get the doctors to get me out of here!" Isabella grins excitedly, she couldn't wait to snuggle down in that big bed in the arms of the man she loved


Hours later, Isabella founds herself in the bed beside Hunter, the twins have a separate cot at the end of the bed but they had noticed that the twins always wanted to be side by side and since they were so small they fit perfectly in the cot together. Noticing that they were sound asleep after what felt like hours of stressful crying (for apparently no reason), the call of sleep was pulling on Isabella but she suddenly thought about her future, or more so the future of the twins.

"Who was born first?" Isabella asks making Hunter jump up, she instantly felt bad as he was on the verge of sleep "Sorry" she whispers kissing the tip of his nose

Isabella had tried to wrack her brain but there just seemed to be grey fuzz whenever she tried to think of the birth which made her sad that although yes it was painful and likey traumatic, she wanted to be able to remember the moments that her children came into the room.

"Grayson" Hunter says sleepily, he eyes shut again

"So he will be King?" Isabella asks, she hopes his mate will be much simpler than Isabella had been for Hunter even though she was sure he wouldn't change her for the world

"No" Hunter sighs

"NO? What do you mean, he was the firstborn isn't that how it goes?" Isabella asks confusion filling her voice. Hunter opens his eyes and sits up slightly ready to explain

"I've decided that a couple of minutes does not a King make, we will raise them equally and whoever appears to be ready for the position will take it, that being said I don't want to raise them in competition, they should have a normal life and we will explain when the time is right" Hunter smiles "Who knows, Gabriella may be the next Queen"

"I like that plan and I agree, I want them to have a normal life" Isabella smiles kissing Hunter on the lips before laying down on her side, Hunter follows suit and lays behind her, he wraps an arm around her waist and kisses the skin exposed between her neck and shoulder making Isabella shiver.

Both Isabella and Hunter close their eyes and their breathing becomes deep, Hunter is left having dreams of a happy life with smiling babies and a smiling, beautiful mate whereas Isabella is wracked with guilt at all the secrets swimming inside of her.

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