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The drive was tense and long, well for Isabella it was, she was left driving while getting viciously kicked in the stomach by the twins - Jackson meanwhile had rested his head on the window and fallen asleep roughly 10 miles back and was snoring slightly with a bit of drool falling from his mouth, Isabella couldn't help but stifle a laugh whenever she glanced over at him but she was also full of dread as her phone was ringing off of the hook, she felt her stomach churning every time it lit up to show the picture she used for Hunter, his big eyes seemed to be pouring into her angrily just like she knew they would when they got back. There was going to be no excuse to explain where they had been once they got back to the castle so she knew that she was going to have to tell Hunter everything and he was going to be so angry and hurt.

Shaking the thought out of her head, Isabella took some deep breaths before pushing hard on Jackson's shoulder to wake him up, which he did with a start 

"WHA... Who's there?" he grumbles sitting up with his fists clenched 

"It's okay Rocky" Isabella says almost forcing a laugh, she wasn't even sure herself how she was feeling about all of this "We're nearly here" she says nodding in the direction of a direction sign saying that the next town called Plockton

Jackson starts to snort his laughter beside Isabella as she looks over at him with raised eyebrows "Pffft who names a place Plockton?"

"Oh God" Isabella groans fighting off a slight smile, he was still slightly intoxicated but the sleep at least had taken some of it off "Come on Plockton, we're here" she says nudging his arm again after she parks the car and turns off the engine 

Despite being at their destination neither of them make any movements, they continue to stare at the simple looking cottage in front of them, a million thoughts were going through both of their heads one of the main ones being this surely couldn't be the right place... there was no big iron fences, patrol dogs or armed officers like the image both Jackson and Isabella had conjured up in their heads before coming.

"Come on" Jackson says clearing his throat nervously and yet once again, neither of them moves 

"I don't know if I can" Isabella whispers just audible enough for Jackson to pick up, he looks down at her sympathetically, this wasn't just a case of finding out information for Isabella this could lead her to answers about her own childhood, her family line and a reason for this 'defect' she had 

"Hunter is going to kill me when he knows that I helped you and didn't tell him, I didn't risk my neck then come all this way to turn back now Isabella, you can do this" he says in a firm voice and yet it was gentle at the same time, Isabella had never heard anything like it before.

"Okay" she whispers, she looked at her surroundings, the next building (another dark cottage) was at least a third of a mile down the road, the roads/streets were poorly lit and there was simply just green space for miles around - maybe this was a good place to hide something or someone you didn't want anyone else to find because it really is the last place you would expect to find them.

Finally, both Jackson and Isabella got out of the car - although Jackson was slightly wobbly on his feet every now and again he was pretty much sober. Not only did werewolves get rid of the effects of alcohol quickly but the enormity of the situation was now simply hitting him along with the sharp winds biting at both of their skin which they chose to ignore even though Isabella's teeth were chattering.

Playing his Beta and protective role well, Jackson guided Isabella behind him and started to head towards the cottage, there was a low stone wall surrounding the cottage - one that Jackson could've probably just stepped over - but we headed towards the wood gate which swung open noisily.

"How do we approach this? Just knock on the door or.." Jackson asks glancing over his shoulder at Isabella before snapping his head back around to make sure everything was still clear, there were no dangers to either of them

"It's 2AM" Isabella shrugs not really giving him an answer

"Yeah... you're right" he nods, Isabella didn't know what she was right about but the next minute he was using a clenched fist to knock on the door so hard, the sound vibrated around the open space dangerously loud.

Almost immediately, Isabella and Jackson heard a chain behind the door being opened then multiple locks being unlocked as if the person on the other side knew they were coming and they were in a rush to open the door. Both Jackson and Isabella were shocked when the door was pulled back to show a girl Isabella's age opened the door, she took one look at Jackson with wide eyes with a strange look in them before (as if coming to her sense) she tried to slam the door shut, even Jackson seemed to stand up rigid and frozen but his quick reactions meant he managed to push open the door with one hand forcing the girl backwards 

Jackson growled something under his breath but Isabella didn't even hear it, she knew for some reason that they didn't have time to waste so they couldn't be tiptoeing around. They needed to see this man, whoever he was and they needed to see him now.

"Where is he?" Isabella says finally stepping out from behind Jackson, a range of emotions passed over the girls face, the first was a look of anger or jealousy as Jackson put his hand on my shoulder blades as if to tell me to calm down but then there was a look of fear as it dawned on her who were were

"I can't" she says her lip trembling, in that moment she look so much younger than she was and Jackson couldn't control the urge anymore to move Isabella to the side slightly before he scooped her up in his arms, it took Isabella a solid two minutes of silence before her jaw dropped

"Oh shit!" she curses with wide eyes, Jackson had finally found his mate...

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