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A/N: This amazing front cover was created for me by @Feathersong12345 so thank you!

Just wanted also ask your opinion about once this book is finished. I don't know if I will do another book about Isabella and Hunter (I haven't decided where I could take it even if I wanted too) but I was thinking I could keep it closely linked with them such as do a book about some troubles Jackson and Molly could be facing? Or maybe since Leila had lost Finn as her mate she could find somebody new? 

These are just suggestions but its more important that you the readers actually want to see them so comment and let me know what you think or if you have any ideas you'd like to input email - werewolfstoriesxo@outlook.com and I'll be sure to give them a read and email you back to discuss them! :)

Isabella knew she was being chased through the pack house by somebody and all she could do was scream out for anyone who could help her, primarily Hunter but there was nobody around except the people chasing her. Despite her chest tightening painfully at the fast breaths she was taking and the burning in all of her muscles, Isabella pushed through and carried on running, she didn't know how but Isabella knew they were there to take her unborn babies from her just as they had tried to do with her when she was a baby.

Once Isabella reached hers and Hunter's bedroom, she locked the door and pressed her back into the furthest corner of the room away from the door which rattled and shook as the people on the other side through their bodies at the door in an attempt to get in. Once they did get in, there seemed to be hundreds waiting outside the door, wanting blood... Isabella's babies blood but there were only two people who walked into the room through the crowd.

Catherine and Dominic made their way into the room while tears soaked Isabella's face, her heart contracting, it felt as though she was taking her last breaths and she had never felt pain quite like it. In Dominic's hand was a gleaming knife, the sharp metal gleamed in the moonlight coming in through the window, it reflected around the room giving it a menacingly serene look about it. 

Cornered, it only took a couple of seconds for Dominic and Catherine to push Isabella onto the floor and just as the excruciating first cut was made into Isabella's abdomen to get the babies out of her, Isabella would find herself shooting up into a sitting position in bed with sweat on every inch of her body, the sheets around her also soaked.


It was the night before Dominic and Catherine were due to visit the pack house for what would hopefully be the final time as Isabella never wanted to see them again. Isabella had been having the same reoccurring nightmare everytime she allowed herself to shut her eyes and get some sleep, each time she woke up breathless, she would look over at Hunter just to confirm that she was really back to safety with him beside her and it would instantly give her a sense of relief.

Each time Isabella experienced the dream it seemed to end further and further into the process of Dominic removing the twins from her womb, the final time she had it, Isabella was so sure she felt the pain of the knife slicing through each layer of her anatomy that the nightmare continued to progress until everything went black  (as if you would do in excruciating pain) and Isabella woke up.

The final time it happened, Isabella noticed Hunter wasn't beside her in the bed and started to freak out, she clutched her chest pleading with her body not to force her to face another nightmare, she didn't think she could face the torment anymore. Tears streamed down Isabella's cheeks and she sobbed pulling her knees up as closely as she could to her chest, the bump, of course, stopping this almost immediately.

"Hey... hey... Isabella!!" A familiar voice shouted, shaking her shoulders, Isabella looked up into the familiar eyes of Hunter, she flung herself into his arms and continued to cry into his chest and he wrapped his arms tight around her shoulders and lay them down onto the bed not letting go of her for a second. Hunter said nothing just held her until the crying had subsided.


"I'm sorry" Isabella hiccupped, the tears had stopped but her eyes were still red and puffy and her breathing was still harsh and labored. Isabella felt very embarrassed at her reaction as if she had just looked meters across the room she would've seen Hunter sat at his desk in the room doing some work.

"Don't you dare say sorry!" Hunter said his arms still around her as he kissed the top of her head "This is a hard day for both of us"

"I guess" Isabella shrugged feeling emotionally exhausted but too fearful to even let her heavy eyes close for a second

"Want to talk about your nightmare?" Hunter asks curiously but Isabella instantly stiffens up

"No," she says in a panic-stricken voice, she never even wanted to think about it again

"It's okay Bella, you don't have too... just calm down" Hunter  soothes running his hand up and down her arm in an attempt to calm her down 

"I'm okay" Isabella lies, Hunter knows she is lying, he can hear her erratic heartbeat but decides not to push her into talking about something she doesn't want too.

As if Tobias knows she isn't okay, he jumps onto the bed and walks his way over to Isabella, he sits himself down onto her lap with his head resting on her bump protectively. Hunter reaches down and rubs him behind the ears making Tobias purr in delight. Isabella knew that as long as she had good people around her she would be okay but each time she thought about facing Dominic and Catherine today her stomach would turn and she would feel the bile at the back of her throat.

"You know we could just call this off? We don't need to see them, we're not obliged too" Hunter explains and as much as that sound perfect to Isabella she knows that they need to face Dominic and Catherine even if it's just one last time

"No, we need too. I can do this" Isabella nods defiantly, she wasn't sure who she was trying to convince more, herself of Hunter.

"Well I'll go and get you breakfast and while I'm there, I will make sure that everyone is prepared for today, my par.... they won't get anywhere near you or our babies okay?" Hunter smiles, he is almost convincing but Isabella knows he is just as nervous but he's also angry that they have this power over Isabella to make her feel the way they do.

"Okay," Isabella says still unsure if she really wants to be left alone without Hunter, "But hurry back," she says in a pleading tone'

"Of course I will if you need me just shout and I'll be there" Hunter smiles, he pressed a kiss to Isabella's forehead then leaves the room. It was almost as if he did know about the nightmare and was convincing her everything would be okay.

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