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After finding out where Isabella was, Hunter and Jackson started following the signs to the private room where she was supposedly staying. Hunter was sure he could hear people talking about Isabella even though it was meant to private about what was happening but he didn't have time to deal with that right now - he just needed to see his mate, he needed to know she was okay.

They rounded round the final corner so fast that Jackson's feet fly out under him causing him to crumple on the floor, any other day both men would have burst out laughing but Hunter was so focused on finding Isabella that he had heard a crash behind him but hadn't even paid attention to it.

Despite being so desperate to be in the same room as Isabella, Hunter suddenly found himself standing in front of the door as if his feet were stuck on the ground - he felt as though he physically could not move. There was a small window that Hunter could see through, he sniffed the tears away and cleared the lump from his throat, right there in front of him was the most important person in his life but she wasn't her normal self and that scared him.

"You alright mate?" Jackson asked softly (once he had caught up)

Hunter nodded slowly unable to speak, Jackson didn't believe him for a second.

"Why don't we go in?" Jackson says reaching for the door handle but Hunter's hand shoots out and pushes it away 

"I don't think I can" Hunter whispers his voice sounding strangled "She isn't my Bella"

"She will always be your Bella, nothing will ever change that," Jackson says not really understanding what he was hearing 

"What if I can't love the twins enough? I didn't have the best role model clearly but also when I look at them... I just think of what their birth has caused" Hunter explains looking to the floor ashamed at revealing how he was actually feeling "And what if she loves them more than me and she doesn't want to know me anymore?"

"I don't want to call my King stupid but you're stupid" Jackson says in all seriousness but he smiles when Hunter spins around to look at Jackson with furrowed eyebrows "don't kill me, please - look, what I'm trying to say is Isabella loves you and she will continue to love you and I know if you asked her if she would do it all over again to get the twins, we both know she would do it a million times over because she already loves them"

"I guess but..." Hunter starts to talk but falls short 

"No buts Hunter - it isn't a case of you and them, it now all of you, you're a family and you're all together and even though you might not have had the best role model - I have absolutely no doubt that you're going to be an amazing father and Isabella will be an amazing mother and I'll be the best uncle ever!" Jackson grins 

Hunter nods before gently turning the handle of the door and creeping in.

Isabella didn't stir as they walked into the room but the doctor had warned them that the anaesthetic from surgery was still wearing off and she would be incredibly tired from the long labour she had experienced so not to expect too much from her. Jackson sat down on the chair beside the bed and Hunter sat on the space on the bed beside Isabella.

Hunter watched the rise and fall of her chest, she was pale and there were dark circles under her sunken eyes but she was there and she was alive and that was the most important thing.


Hours passed and Isabella was still asleep, it was hard for Hunter who wanted to shake her shoulders to make her open those big brown eyes that he loved so mcuh but he knew that wasn't the best thing for her. Hunter's own eyes were heavy, he felt like he had been awake for weeks but he didn't want to miss the moment that she woke up.

Hunter hadn't heard the door open when Jackson leave and he didn't hear it open when he arrived back in, the only reason he turned around was because he smelt a two scents very new but familair to Hunter as a mix of himself and Isabella.

Jackson was pushing one hospital cot into the room with a burst of pink and blue inside of it where both babies were cuddling up asleep.

"What are you doing?" Hunter asks rubbing his eyes tiredly 

"I was just um... just looking online and maybe having skin-to-skin with the babies might help bring the Luna around" Jackson explains

Hunter gently got down off of the bed, he walked over to the cot and stroked the side of the little girls face gently before pulling Jackson into his arms for a rare hug. Hunter knew how lucky he was to have Jackson but very rarely showed him. Hunter knew he had shocked Jackson as he froze momentarily before wrapping his arms around Hunter too, patting him on the back supportively.

Once they pulled apart, Jackson pushed the babies closer to the bed.

"You need to expose her chest and undress the babies and put them on her chest... do you want me to leave?" Jackson asks awkwardly

"Can you help me undress the babies then I can take it from there?" Hunter asks which Jackson accepts without question.


Jackson eventually left leaving Hunter in charge of 2 tiny babies who were thankfully still asleep. Hunter untied Isabella's hospital down and let it fall down exposing her chest.

"Hi baby, my Bella... I have our babies and I thought... well Jackson thought you might want a cuddle" Hunter explains as he takes the blanket off of the twins.

Taking a shaky deep breath, Hunter scoops the little girl into his arms not even taking another breathe for fear of dropping her. Hunter places her on her belly onto Isabella's chest and wraps one of her loose arms around her.

"Thats your... our little girl and... this is our little boy" Hunter explains as he lays the little boy on his chest. Hunter watches for a couple of seconds expecting some mirraculous recovery but is soon left feeling frustrated when nothing happens.

"Bella, please come back to me. Come back your babies even if not for me" Hunter begs "Please... please!"

A tear slips out of Hunter's eyes as he sits down on the chair and places his head on the bed. Hunter knew he should really be watching the babies but all the fight he had been left holding onto was very quickly leaving his body.

A light touch was felt on the back of Hunter's head, he barely even felt it but he knew there was something there. Lifting his head up, Isabella's eyes fluttered open but quickly shut again like they were weighed down but her hand stretched out weakly searching for Hunter's hand which he grabbed and squeezed gently.

"I'm here Bella, I'm always here"

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