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"Where do you think she is then? Surely you could track her?" Isabella asks, if this threat was still out there and as was Dominic, it must be better to be one step ahead of them

"I could track her but I'm not going to dear, it's like inviting her back in to invade my mind. I have not thought about Daphne and a number of years. Now, let's talk about you" Daisy grins taking Isabella's cold hands into her warm ones - as if by magic, Isabella's hands started to warm up

Oh wait... yes by magic.

Isabella looked down bewildered wondering whether she truly did have any magical skills to do things like this.

"No you don't understand, we are all in danger. I just know I am on a journey and I need to be prepared for the ending" Isabella said, she knew she was talking in riddles but if anyone was going to understand her it would be her grandmother.

"There isn't much to say that you haven't already found out for yourself but be warned now that you are Queen and everyone knows who you are, it won't be long before she makes a reappearance to take back what she feels she is owed" Daisy warns sending a shiver throughout Isabella's body

"Will she come and try and hurt me?" Isabella whispered, she almost didn't care about herself, if giving herself up to ensure the safety of those she cared for and loved then it would be worth it

"I don't know what she will do but she doesn't like to be beaten and will not take to finding out about you lightly" Daisy replies, she almost appears nonchalant like this isn't a real threat which infuriates Isabella.

"We have kept my... condition a secret so she might not know" Isabella replies niavely to which Daisy lets out a bark of a laugh

"You are the creation of her control, she will know you anywhere and Dominic is also still alive, if he knows about you he will be no doubt regrouping to take over - if anyone knows where Daphne is then he will" Daisy nods

A large thud at the door makes both Isabella and Daisy jump from the seats they had sat themselves in, the door bursts open to reveal a red faced Catherine. Daisy's eyes widen as she shoves Isabella behind her, her hands started to twirl as she whispers an incantation, a ball of purple light shines in between her hands. At the threat, Catherine starts to growl at Daisy, her teeth and claws extending in warning.

"NO!" Isabella shouts, she knew that Daisy perceived Catherine as a threat and although Isabella wasn't truly sure how safe she was around Catherine that didn't mean she needed attacking with magic

"Just stay back Isabella" Daisy shouts clearly not understanding.

In a panic, Isabella is unsure of what to do, she feels her whole body tingling, pins and needles seem to shoot their way around her body and her hands and fingers feel red hot. Isabella looks down at her hands that are almost glowing, she can feel the panic rising from her toes to her head, she is unsure what to do but lets her body take over.

"I SAID STOP" a voice shouts out, Isabella isn't even sure where it had came from, she certainly didn't recognize it as her own voice but when a ball of light hit the corner of the cottage and burst into flames that quickly died out and disappeared leaving no mark that it had ever happened, Isabella knew it had come from her own hands.

Both Catherine and Daisy turned to look at her with their eyes wide and jaws practically dropped to the floor, Isabella looked from her hands to the two women unsure of what had happened, how was this even possible? This had never happened before.

"W...what happened" Isabella cried looking back down at her hands which now felt and looked completely normal 

"You did magic dear" Daisy says with an excited clap and the biggest smile on her face

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