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Isabella knocks lightly on the door and pushes it open slowly, she couldn't help but feel completely split in half - in one mind she felt hungry for more information about her history, the blood that ran through her veins but oppositely she wanted to run away from it, run back into Hunter's arms and pretend like nothing had ever happened, how easy that would be.

"Jackson?" Isabella whispered everything looked dark but she heard whispering. Flicking on the light she noticed Jackson and Molly fling themselves apart instantly blushing 

"Thank God you're clothed" Isabella giggled holding onto her large stomach but the laughter turns into pools of tears in her eyes that she fights back, she wanted Hunter more than anything but she angrily told herself to suck it up, he knew where to find her.

"Sorry Isabella" Jackson mutters blushing furiously

"Oh don't worry about it, you're mates who have just found each other - I could've walked into something a lot more embarrassing" Isabella grins as they both blush an even deeper red colour. Isabella's eyes go towards the shut door that leads into the kitchen, only just realising that Alexander was clearly not there

"He's sat in the kitchen reading a book - too scared to be around us he said" Molly giggles softly as she snuggles up to Jackson's arm.... is he flexing his muscles!?

"I'll leave you love-birds to it" Isabella grins again but forcefully this time as she feels a flash of jealousy rushing through her veins.


Walking into the kitchen, Alexander looks up and smiles softly at Isabella and she couldn't help but smile back, this was her father, the man that made 50% of her - she shared his blood, his genes and his determination to live even in the worst of circumstances.

"Hey you," he says closing his book to stand up, his long arms wrap Isabella in an awkward hug, her first hug with her father... well that she remembered anyway.

As if reading Isabella's thoughts Alexander holds her at arms lengths and drinks her in "When you were returned to us at night, I would hold you in my arms for hours, your fingers would wrap around one of mine and you had the tightest grip I had ever felt in such a young baby and I was so full of love but I was hurting so much too"

"What those people did..." Isabella starts a stray tear slipping out of her eye but Alexander wipes it away before helping her into one of the seats at the table before he sits down on the opposite side of the table 

"I've accepted my past now Isabella, Betty would have too if she had been given the opportunity - we wouldn't want you, our daughter upset because of this" Alexander explains with a now sad smile

"But you were taken from me, I was taken from you... my mother was killed and I have spent all my life thinking I wasn't wanted" Isabella sighs angrily further tears dripping slowly from my eyes 

"Don't cry, my darling girl" Alexander whispers placing his hand on top of mine and squeezing slightly but feeling him jump makes Isabella look up, she notices him looking at the door and when Isabella follows his gaze, her heart leaps

"Hunter" Isabella breathes, any other words she tried to speak got caught in her throat at the simple sight of her mate "You came" she manages to splutter out 

"Of course I did," Hunter says smiling softly, yet Isabella can see it is strained but chooses to ignore it, she also noticed the side eye he was giving Jackson - who couldn't even bring himself to look at his Alpha.

"Hunter...." Isabella starts, even her soft voice was enough to catch and hold his attention "This is my father, Alexander"

Both men stand exactly where they are not moving an inch, Alexander because he is stood in front of his King and was scared of disrespecting him and Hunter because as always he was untrusting. Isabella took matters into her own hands and walked over to Hunter, she took his hand into her own and pulled him gently towards her father was ever so slightly shaking from nerves.

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