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"What are you talking about Catherine?" Isabella hisses angrily, thankfully the room was buzzing with excitement and talking so nobody could hear what they were saying

"Are you okay Isabella?" Hunter asks squeezing Isabella's hand comfortingly obviously sensing the unease in the air between his mate and his mother 

"Yes, I'm good thank you darling - you go ahead, I'll catch up," Isabella says trying to force the most realistic smile she could muster 

"Okay, come find me soon," he says back once against kissing her forehead, then her nose and then finally her mouth before he wondered off doing who knows what.

Isabella turned back to Catherine who was waiting expectantly with a look on her face to tell Isabella that there was no talking her way out of this one, Isabella felt sick to her stomach and just wanted to run out of the room but she couldn't do that - what the hell did this necklace mean and how did Catherine know this meant Isabella was the one unaffected by silver?

"Explain!" Catherine demanded glancing nervously around the room, to double check nobody was listening, she did that at least every minute or so

"There is nothing to explain Catherine, you clearly know more than me so how about you explain," Isabella says feeling surprisingly fierce 

"I don't owe you anything, Isabella," Catherine says almost spitting her name out

"What does this necklace mean?" Isabella asks realising she was stilling holding onto it for dear life

"I am not telling you anything... and this meeting tomorrow - yes, of course, I know about it - is cancelled, he'll be on the next plane out tomorrow, you will never find this man again," Catherine says in an almost sing-song voice 

"I need answers" Isabella exclaims with tears threatening to appear once again

"And I need my son to not hate me but he will do because he, unfortunately, got you and all your baggage as a mate" Catherine points out angrily, Isabella can't help but almost recoil as the words hit her like a ton of bricks - was this true?

"If it is that bad, why would you do it in the first place?" Isabella asks almost in disbelief

"HE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO KNOW.." Catherine realises that a couple of people are starting to stare as she pulls Isabella further to the side "What are the chances that you would be Hunter's mate? It's like the world is playing a cruel trick on me...like I said, if you and your baggage hadn't have come along then he would've never even known this was possible and would've never have been looking into it"

"Please do not cancel this meeting, I need answers about my past" Isabella pleads practically ready to get on her hands and knees and beg

"I owe you nothing, do not bother going tomorrow - he will be gone," Catherine says before she lets a witch-like cackle out as she walks away "Oh and Isabella..." Catherine turns back momentarily "do yourself a favour and take off that horrid necklace before anybody else sees it - particularly my husband"

Isabella turns on her heels and rushes further into the room looking for one person and it isn't Hunter for once


"Jackson...a word... now" Isabella says incredibly out of breath, her heart sank slightly as she sees the drink in his hand, his bloodshot eyes and slight sway as he walked 

"Catherine knows... she knows about me," Isabella says getting straight to the point, Jackson's eyes immediately clear up slightly as if coming into focus

"Oh shit... shit-idy shit shit" 

Yep he was wasted

"We need to go and see this man now, she's going to ring them and get him moved out of the country by morning" Isabella explains now in a blind panic and as the words she had just spoke sunk into to Jackson he also became panicked

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