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Isabella wakes up feeling refreshed, it is now day 10 and the announcement ceremony for the twins, as far as she was aware nobody other than herself, Hunter and Jackson knew the names of the twins and only those and the people in the hospital wing had even seen the twins, they had been kept in the bedroom to ensure privacy, there seemed to be a lot of rules surrounding this.

There was a constant buzz of excitement in everyone as of course there hadn't been an announcement ceremony since Leila had been born but even then she was likely to have no been that big of a deal as she was not the hire to the throne, that was what truly excited people just like the twins, one of these babies would be the future King or Queen.

Isabella looked around the room and noticed that Hunter wasn't there and neither was the babies, she didn't feel worried just confused as to why now right before the announcement ceremony Hunter was taking them out of the room risking them being seen which would've been frowned upon. Not for one second was Isabella scared that the twins were gone, just like she knew he would Hunter had shown everyone what an amazing father he was and she had no concerns about the level of care he could provide.

Taking advantage of the time to himself, Isabella takes a long shower, she loved the feel of the powerful hot water as it ran over her shoulders. Isabella found herself feeling like she had to rush before reminding herself there were no twins waiting for her to finish and she could take as much time as she needed.

A while later Isabella left the shower feeling refreshed, she enjoyed taking her time getting ready for the announcement ceremony which would be happening shortly. Isabella curled her hair and placed makeup which she hadn't done for the longest time. Looking in the mirror Isabella barely noticed the girl looking back, of course, the makeup helped but it was something else, the sparkle in her eyes, the shine in her hair and the permanent blush on her cheeks.

It was pure happiness.

The last thing Isabella did, other than her shoes, was take down her dress that had been hung up the night before. Whoever decided a woman who had just given birth should wear white was an idiot, Isabella thought. It was an incredibly beautiful dress but the colour choice was dangerous, let's just put it that way.

It was an off the shoulder white dress that fell just above the knee, it was fitted at the bust and then flared out, Isabella absolutely refused to wear anything fitting, she did not need to be self-conscious right now about the little (or not so little) pouch left behind from carrying twin babies.  Isabella had been led to believe that women just simply bounced back but that was absolutely not true, the body goes through a huge process and can't be expected to go back to normal overnight and Isabella was okay with that, let's face it, the body is amazing! 

To be able to do what it does without any extra input (unless you count the men's input, literally) is incredible and even more, so that women are able to do this day in, day out.  

Isabella smoothed the dress over her body and looked in the mirror in front of her, she turned from side to side, even though she was incredibly impressed with her body and in the grand scheme of things a little pouch is not the end of the world she was a woman who had some confidence issues and was scrutinising herself slightly at what she saw in the mirror.

"How gorgeous is your mummy" a voice whispers making Isabella jump slightly, she had barely noticed how into her own world she was 

Isabella looks over and smiles at Hunter in his suit, he looks incredible as he always does, he never fails to make Isabella want to jump his bones but she isn't sure when he is going to come near her again, he still treats her like a china doll even though the doctors have told her that her recovery is going amazingly well. In Hunter's arms, Isabella noticed Gabriella in her knitted white dress, she looked like a little angel.

"You must have got all your beauty from your mother" Hunter whispers as Isabella watches the moment as Hunter reaches down and kisses his daughter on the forehead, she shifts to look up at him and reaches her hands out grasping his nose as he leans closer to her face.

"It's all you Hunter" Isabella says walking over to him, she kisses Gabriella on the head and then pecks Hunter on the lips

"Never!" he exclaims "Are you almost ready?"

"Yep, let me just slip my shoes on. Where is Grayson?" Isabella asks, still not concerned, she trusted Hunter with no only her life but the twins,  he loved them more than anything

"Oh he's with Uncle Jackson and Molly" he grins rocking Gabriella in his arms softly. Molly was now a member of the inner circle of the royal Pack and both her and Jackson were extremely happy, Isabella still hadn't had the discussion with her about what she knew, particularly about them being sisters, it felt even more of a betrayal to discuss this with someone so close to Hunter without telling him herself.

Without saying another word, Isabella places on her shoes and Hunter opens the door following closely behind as they walk down the corridor with Hunter telling Isabella where to go to find her son. Isabella felt a mixture of excitement to introduce her babies to the world but also nerves, was this really a world she wanted them introduced to?

Of course she does, not everyone is bad, Hunter and Jackson arent and good people were going to be the ones who surround the children, Isabella knew that her mother wolf instinct was in there and would ensure that she did anything and everything in her power to ensure that her children were safe, that was the upmost importance.

Before they could walk into the room where Jackson was, Isabella held up her hand to Hunter signalling him to stop as she listening and looked in through the gap in the door to watch Jackson with Grayson. Jackson was completely in his own world near the window with Grayson in his arms, Molly was no where to be seen but Jackson was explaining what was outside the window.

"...And you see that over there? Those trees? me and your dad climbed up there one day, I fell off and broke my arm but don't worry when you're old enough I'll teach you but you can't tell your mum because she would kill me but I'll always keep you safe"

"Busted" Isabella grins walking into the room making Jackson jump, he looks over and grins sheepishly. Isabella walks over and kisses Jackson on the cheek before taking Grayson from his arms. As she turns round she notices Hunter frowning at what just happened but she rolls her eyes at him in exasperation.

"Where is Molly?" Hunter asks

"Oh she's just in the bathroom, once shes here we can go, everyone is waiting" he smilesat the thought of Molly, he was completely smitten and unashamed at letting the world know it.

As if on command, Molly walked through the door with a similar smile when she looked at Jackson, Do I look like that? Isabella thought. Do I have that dimple?

"Lets go gang" Jackson whoops and Hunter just laughs at him

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