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"Molly," both women said at the very same time

"But she calls him Alexander?" Isabella says in a questioning tone hardly daring to believe that she always felt alone in the world and yet really she had a brother and sister out there.

"I honestly do not know what Alexander has told her, I presume she knows but I can't answer any questions when it comes to her, I have seen one picture and she looks too much like Alice, my heart cracks whenever I see the girl, I can't bring myself to look at her. Alice wanted her called Molly after her own mother who she loved dearly but had lost at a long age, it appears History was set on repeating itself" Catherine says sadly 

"What happens now?" Isabella says, she suddenly feels weary and exhausted, she hadn't moved an inch from her chair and yet she felt like she had a run a marathon, maybe a mental and emotional marathon would be more appropriate.

"I can take you to the attic, I don't know what it will reveal but Dominic always hid his secrets up there. If you are to find anything that is the place that it will be"

"The door needs a key, Hunter tried to barge him way in himself" Isabella explains hoping that Catherine is about to take out a key 

"Silly boy, it is a wonder how he didn't seriously injure himself. The witch made sure that only the key would open the door" Catherine says with a shake of her head, clearly she wasn't a completely new woman as she couldn't help but criticise her son

"He wasn't to know was he?" Isabella says rolling her eyes

"No, I expect not"  Catherine sighs, she would never like being spoken to like that but Isabella was Queen now and she had to accept that

"The key?" Isabella reminds her trying to get back on track

"Yes, the key. There is a picture in Hunter's office, what was Dominic's of course, he never told anybody what was behind it, a safe, he doesn't even know that I know but again, secrets are never really secrets here. I saw him open it late one night through his door that was ajar, clearly, we need to learn to shut doors around here" Catherine laughs softly before becoming serious again "I know Dominic does not have this key and that was the place he trusted with his most important possessions so it should be behind there"

"You want me to go behind Hunter's back and retrieve this key don't you" Isabella asks wearily she didn't want to go behind Hunter's back, it felt wrong and yet she didn't know if she could tell him. It wasn't a matter of trust that worried Isabella it was simply the reaction that all this information would cause from Hunter, he would try to find his father, he would kill him and scare off anybody else that might have useful information

"I'm sorry Isabella, truly I am, for everything and also for asking you to do this but we both know no matter how much we love my son that he is a hot head just like his father" Catherine explains looking genuinely sorry but Isabella's anger flares up 

"Hunter is nothing, I mean NOTHING like his father. I shall do this and get the key because I need information for what all this means but never say that again" Isabella growls softly, something inside of her felt different, the only way she could describe it was, she had felt more wolf-like than she ever had before - she put it down to feeling protective of her mate and moved on.

Catherine has a knowing smile on her face but when Isabella raises her eyebrows Catherine stops.

"Look, I have written down a number of combinations that it could be, I'm afraid if none of those is right then we are back to square one" Catherine hands over a piece of paper with what has at least 15 different combinations "I could already discount some ideas because I tried once or twice to get into it myself"

"I have no idea when I will get the chance to do this Catherine but I will try my best, where are you going to go now?" Isabella asks, she knew that although trust was building, Isabella still didn't want to live beside Catherine and as it still stood it appeared that Catherine and Dominic were still some kind of package deal and that man would never gett close to her again if she could help it.

"Back to Dominic, I have no other choice, I know you don't want me here" 

you got that right, Isabella thinks

"And despite all the things Dominic has done to push me aside, I daren't think of what he would do if he found that I wasn't on his side so for now, I have to play the dutiful wife and be by his side. Keep me informed, you can call me at the number on the back of the sheet I have given you, you will likely be put through to an answering machine until I find a safe enough time to listen to it" Catherine starts to collect herself together and stands up, Isabella does the same, her legs shaky and weak.

"Thank you for telling me these things Catherine, I know it can't have been easy," Isabella says genuinely, she knew now that she had leads that she never would have gotten without Catherine's input

"It is time Isabella, things need to change and my husband cannot continue to keep doing the things that he is without consequence," Catherine says with a small sad smile

Isabella looks a the time and is shocked to see that it is 7am, Hunter will be coming soon and all cover will be blown if he discovers Catherine here having a chat. Isabela starts to head to the door hoping to give Catherine the int that she needs to get the hell out right now, Hunter could be coming at any time.

"Goodbye Isabella" 

Catherine pauses before heading out of the door, she places a hand against Isabella's cheek, it feels warm and welcoming but Isabella remembers it only takes a second for the claws to come out and steps back.

"Bye Catherine"

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