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Isabella kept coming around for a couple of seconds for the next 24 hours, it was never long enough for Hunter to have a conversation with her but knowing she was breathing was enough for him... for now. The nurses and doctors were constantly in and out of the room making sure everything was okay and everything seemed like it was now going as expected but that didn't stop Hunter from being on edge - he didn't even want to fall asleep, not that the twins would really let him.

Approximately 28 hours after Isabella had gone into surgery she came around, she was groggy and confused but she was talking to Hunter which decreased his anxieties somewhat. Isabella easily tired out and sometimes things needed repeating to make sure she totally understood them but it was an improvement of what she was like earlier.

"So what happened to me?" she asks looking down at the cannula in her arm that was supplying her with fluids to prevent her from getting dehydrated.

"That doesn't matter now, we have our babies and you're safe that is all that matters" Hunter replied reaching over to give her a kiss on the forehead

"Yeah," she says her eyes fluttering tiredly, as far as Isabella was concerned she hadn't met the twins yet, she couldn't remember them being born and couldn't remember them being placed on her chest - I wanted the moment she remembered meeting them to be special so I'd so far managed to avoid letting her see them again.

Before Hunter had noticed, Isabella was back in a deep sleep, he sat back with a sigh rubbing his tired eyes expecting another long sleepless night.


It took a full three days for Isabella to get back to normal, she was still on bed rest so wasn't walking around but was able to wake up and sleep at normal times without practically just collapsing into an exhaustion induced sleep just from having a normal conversation.

"Hurry Hunter, I want to see them!" Isabella demanded wriggling slightly in her bed due to excitement but soon wincing and regretting the quick movements. Today was the day she was going to meet her babies properly and she couldn't even sit still.

The 5 minutes Hunter left the room to go and get them from the hospital nursery seemed to last forever but the door was soon opening with a proud looking Hunter, in front of him he was pushing a cot with two little blanket-covered lumps in it.

Isabella gingerly pushed herself up into a sitting position with her arms outstretched ready to take them in her arms, she wanted nothing more than to hold her babies, the babies she shared with Hunter. Part him and part her.

"This is our little girl," Hunter said scooping the red-faced baby into his arms, Isabella watched on impressed at how easy Hunter was finding this - if only she knew how he was feeling on the inside, he was forever scared that he wasn't doing what was right.

The little bundle was placed in her arms and her breath was momentarily taken away from her.

"Oh my..." Isabella had never felt so lost for words, even more so when her son was placed in her other arm "What are their names?" Isabella asked looking up Hunter barely able to take her eyes off of them but the look on Hunter's face was also something she never wanted to stop looking at - he was completely amazed and utterly in love.

"They don't have names yet, this was something we had to do together silly" Hunter grins coming over to the bed and perching on the side

"How are we ever going to pick two names to do these little angels any justice?" Isabella sighs her heart full of love, if she could freeze this moment forever she would

"Well we need to come up with something before the introduction ceremony" Hunter shrugs 

"The what!?" exclaims Isabella suddenly feeling like a bucket of cold water had been thrown over her, she wasn't ready to burst this bubble of happiness she had with Hunter to share it with the rest of the world 

"You're meant to do it within 5 days of the birth, the sooner the better but of course I've been able to push it back for now but it is a ceremony where we introduce the babies to the world" Hunter explains, this had been a tradition he had always known about as he had been given lessons as a young boy to be prepped to be king and everything entailed whereas Isabella of course hadn't

"But why?" Isabella asks grumpily

Hunter gets onto his knees in front of Isabella with the little boy in his arms and stares at her for a couple of seconds not saying anything, his eyes flutter down to the babies before looking back up at Isabella.

"Bella, our babies are Prince and Princess, one of them will be King or Queen in the future" Hunter explained 

For the second time, Isabella felt as though she had, had the wind knocked out of her but this time it wasn't out of love it was fear. Isabella knew first hand how dangerous it was for her and Hunter to be King and Queen, they were in a position of power and there was always people who didn't respect that and wanted to be the ones to bring you down and now they had two precious children they were putting a target on too. Isabella felt sick.

Hunter took the little girl from Isabella's arms and placed both babies in the Moses basket. He walked back over to Isabella and lifted her out of the chair and carried her gently to the bed before climbing in beside her, face to face. Hunter had already been through these feelings, he knew the fears and the scenarios racing through Isabella's head a mile a minute and there was nothing he could do apart from trying to tell her he would protect all of them with his life if needed.

Hunter put one of his hands on the side of Isabella's face, she closed her eyes momentarily and leaned into it just taking in his scent which provided her with as much comfort as she could manage. After a moment, Isabella opened her eyes and looked up at Hunter, her big brown eyes brimming with tears.

"I know" Hunter simply said, he didn't want or need to hear what she was fearing

"I don't think I can expose them to that" Isabella whispers, Hunter gathers her in his arms careful not to hurt her 

"We don't have a choice Bella, this is our life, this is their life but we have the best protection and you know I would never let anyone hurt them like I would never let anyone hurt you" Hunter explains planting a kiss on her soft lips.

"I love you" Isabella sighs placing her head on Hunter's chest listening to his heart beating 

"I love you too my beautiful Bella" Hunter says holding her that bit closer "Now lets get thinking of some names"

A/N Sorry about the long wait - I know I am completely useless but life just gets in the way sometimes and unexpected things happen which we do not have control over. 

I thought it might be nice to give you, the readers, some input in what the names of the babies should be - comment names you like (particularly if they have a special meaning and what it is) and I can give you some credit if I use it 

I look forward to hearing the names you all like!

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