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Isabella stormed furiously back to the bedroom avoiding the eyes of people who now turned to stare at her, she knew that they had heard her shouting at Hunter and she was now embarrassed about it but she just chose to avoid their eyes. Once she got into the comfort of her bedroom with no prying eyes, Isabella sat on the edge of the bed taking a couple of deep breaths to calm her down, as expected, Hunter was soon walking through the door, closing it firmly behind him.

"What now?" he asks with a clenched jaw

"I... I am going to see Jackson" Isabella starts but if briefly cut off by a growling Hunter to which she rolls her eyes at him

"Oh please Hunter, I am going to see Jackson.... and I'm also going to see Molly and you know who else I am going to see? My dad Hunter, his name is Alexander and yes he is my biological dad and yet I don't feel like I can call him that because his right to raise me with my mother was robbed from him by your parents, they felt no other choice than to risk the life of their newborn daughter in a hopes to protect me from a life they had suffered from the choices and the hands of your parents" Isabella says, stunned by her own words but no nearly as much as Hunter is as he stares at her, opened mouthed for a couple of seconds 

"I don't know what you want me to say, Isabella," Hunter says with a weary, weathered look on his face - it's enough to nearly break Isabella but she manages to keep her cool and keep her tears at bay

"I am going to see them and if you want to come then feel free but you need to promise me that if you do there are no harsh words to Jackson, no angry anythings!" Isabella says pulling her pyjamas off, Hunter's eyes widen as he drinks the view in front of him in

"I can't promise that," Hunter says finally, managing to speak after clearing his throat 

"Then you're not welcome to come" Isabella shrugs waddling around the room until she is dressed and in a presentable manner

"And what do I do while you're away who knows where with some man, albeit your father but a stranger who you don't know what his intentions are?" Hunter says not really know what else to say, he instantly regrets what he says when hurt flashes through Isabella's eyes before they go stern

"Like I said, this wouldn't be the case had your parents not intervened in a situation there was no need for them to intervene in" Isabella sighs sadly, she suddenly felt too tired to continue this loop of an argument, she loved Hunter more than he could ever possibly know and yet she didn't know how long she could keep this up - he didn't even know the danger she could be in when she went into labor 

"I'm sorry for what my parents did, I don't know what else I can say but you betrayed me when you went to Jackson for help rather than me, what if I had gone to... oh I don't know... any other girl in this pack for help rather than trusting you... How would you have felt Isabella?" he says his tone of voice waving as the lump in his throat grows 

"Oh Hunter, we've been through this, I don't know how many times..." Isabella shrugs finally picking up her handbag and heading towards the bedroom door 

"You know what I am like Isabella, I am an alpha male. THE top Alpha male and the girl I love with all my heart, my soul mate trusted another man more than me - how did you expect me to take it" he questions and Isabella's heart cracks even more than she even thought possible, this was a pain deeper than she had ever felt when Finn was physically hurting her

"And why is that my issue? If you had done the same to me I would sit you down and ask you why you had made the choice to go to someone else in your time of need, I would try to change in the ways that made me unreliable, I wouldn't be screaming and shouting the place down like you are right now, throwing your toys out of the pram because for once things didn't go the way you wanted them too!" Isabella says, in her head, there was a loud voice shouting that she was lying, she knew, deep down that if Hunter had gone to someone else in his time of need and not her, she would be undoubtedly hurt and he had every right to be

But I am not a crazy maniac like him

Isabella said, replying to the voice trying to reason with her own subconscious to no avail. What was the point in trying to argue with your own self, you could never win!

 "I love you Isabella with all my heart and the thought of you with another man makes me want to destroy everything in my path, I can't change the way I am" he replies flopping down onto the bed, tiredness finally showing since he had no sleep last night 

"I would've thought by now Hunter you would've realised I didn't want another man. I have never wanted another man. I only wanted and want you, yet your trust in me isn't good enough to let you believe that - only you can change that, not me" Isabella shrugs, she stands there for a couple of seconds neither of them saying a word until Hunter sighs deeply

"Oh and this... best friend of yours, the one you're so worried about me being around because he is unmated, well he found his mate last night and I am so happy for him Hunter because I only want him to be happy - I would like to hope that you would be happy for him too and not because now he is less of a threat but because you care about him like best friends should" Isabella adds on staring at him with big doe eyes that Hunter would never, not love 

"Mated wolves are still a threat to the most beautiful girl in the world" Hunter whispers, Isabella almost doesn't hear it but she catches it and even though she wouldn't admit it, her heart skips a beat like he always manages to make happen

"Goodbye Hunter, I'll be back tonight at some point and I really hope you think about everything we have said because I can't keep doing this" Isabella shrugs her eyes heavy, also due to lack of sleep - even the small amount of sleep she did get was restless and full of nightmares about Hunter leaving her and her being alone for the rest of her life 

"I don't want you to go" Hunter whispers, his broken voice was enough to make Isabella agree not to go but she knew she needed too, Hunter knew this too

"The invitation for you to come is there Hunter but you need to do... or not do -as the case may be - the things I have asked of you... if you decide you can do that for me, or even for our babies Hunter.." Isabella says cradling her large bump "Then I'll be at the place that shines as bright as a star in my memory even though we were in darkness"

Isabella leaves the room, closing the door softly behind her while Hunter stays behind, it takes him a mere second to know where she is going 

"The cabin"

Hunter knew Isabella better than she knew herself and she knew him better than he knew himself.

A/N Leave comments about how things should go with the story and if you're enjoying it!

Silver BloodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora