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Hunter and Isabella lay on their sides in bed that night, mostly staring at each other without a word being said... There were no words that could be said to help either them understand what they had been told and the situation they were in. At that moment, they both just needed the company of the other, Hunter reached out and placed his hand over the top of Isabella's which was resting on top of her evergrowing bump.

Isabella was noting that with each passing day, the skin on her stomach felt tighter, the bump felt heavier and everything just ached even when she had just woken up after a long sleep. Only weeks earlier, Isabella almost couldn't wait for these feelings because she would know that the time was almost there for the babies to arrive yet now she couldn't feel more the opposite. While the babies were in Isabella's belly she could keep them safe and she knew she was safe from the unknown of what could occur during childbirth.

"What are you thinking about?" Hunter asks with concern etched across his face, Isabella finds herself coming back out of her deep thoughts with eyebrows raised to silently ask how he knew she was thinking about something 

Hunter let out a chortled laugh while he looked at her pointedly "Bella, not only do I know you better than you know yourself but you're so obvious"

"How?" Isabella asks rolling her eyes jokingly as Hunter reaches down and kisses the tip of her nose 

"This..." Hunter starts lightly pressing the space between her eyebrows "Always furrows when you're deep in thought and your lips..." Hunter stops again to place a peck on her lips "Always purse and then you bite your lip without even realising it"

"Oh.." was all Isabella could manage out

"It's actually rather adorable" Hunter shrugs

Isabella lay her head down flat on the pillow with her eyes closed briefly before opening them again, letting a small smile tug at the corners of her lips as she drank in Hunter. A furry body slid up Isabella's thigh alerting her to Tobias.

"Hello you" Isabella says scratching Tobias head, she felt him stop, glancing down she saw Tobias looking up at Hunter as if asking for permission

"Oh come on then" Hunter smiles softly now it was his turn to roll his eyes playfully.

As Tobias settled in between Hunter and Isabella, there came a sharp knock on the door. Groaning Hunter rolled out of bed while Isabella curled up just for that moment feeling content that in that bubble everything was okay, there was nothing out of that room that they needed to think or worry about.

"Jackson?" Hunter simply said making it clear that is this wasn't important it could wait 

"Can I come in?" Jackson says his voice tense and nervous

"Um.... Uh... Yeah?" Hunter says his authoritative tone gone, he still kept his cool and calm composure as he opened the door a little wider to let Jackson in.

Hunter came and sat on the bed as Isabella sat up and Tobias stretched out angrily at being disturbed, he ended up with his legs on Isabella and his head on Hunter's lap. Much to Jackson's surprise, Hunter even scratched Tobias' head.

"Wow" Jackson grinned to which Hunter raised his eyebrows "It only took 50 million years, a couple of near-death experiences and a long-lost father for you to accept the cat"

For the first time in she didn't know how long, Isabella found herself bursting into a real, uncontrollable, belly-hurting laugh to which both Jackson and Hunter found themselves unable to do anything else but join in.

"Okay.... enough, enough" Hunter wheezed before the tense atmosphere filled the room once more 

"What's wrong Jackson?" Isabella asks clinging onto her belly for comfort as little kicks rain down on her

"As you know, your mum and dad left the night of the ball" Jackson starts, the awkward feeling thickens as we all know Jackson won't have known this for long since he hadn't been home since the ball too scared of what Hunter would do to him

"So? As long as they are not near here then I don't care what they do" Hunter waves off wanting there to be no more talk of his parents

"They called.." Jackson says 

"WHAT?" Hunter says whipping his head around to glare at Jackson who shrunk back slightly from his gaze

"Hunter, it isn't Jackson's fault" Isabella soothes, placing one of her hands on his shoulder where he leans his head into it, instantly calming down

"What have they said?" Isabella asks trying to keep a calm tone in her voice even though on the inside she was shaking violently from nerves 

"They're coming back to visit... again" Jackson says taking a further step away from where Hunter said, the vein in his neck bulging slightly 

"What for? I don't want them anywhere near me and my family, they disgust me" Hunter spits out closing his eyes momentarily to further help him calm down not to much avail

Isabella couldn't help but feel her insides warm up a little as Hunter referred to her and the babies as his family but that was soon replaced with the sheer panic of facing Catherine and Dominic again, it had felt like a lifetime since Isabella had seen either of them and yet the thought of them still felt like a tight hand around her throat and her heart.

"According to our trackers, they are already on their way and close by. They should be here within a day" Jackson sighs sympathetically not knowing what to suggest

"Well raise security on the borders, they do not get into the castle and certainly nowhere near Isabella" Hunter shrugs but all three knew that would be useless 

"Respectfully Hunter, they might not be King and Queen now but they once were.. nobody but you and Isabella is going to be able to completely fight off their compulsion" Jackson explains, it was something Isabella didn't even know 

"Let them come" Isabella managed to spit out even though everything else in her body was screaming no 

"Bella, you do realise what you're saying?" Hunter questions confused 

"At least we know they are coming, if we even try to deny them entry they will find a way in and it will be a surprise... we won't be prepared and we know how that ends" Isabella shrugs sounding much braver than she felt "Plus why haven't they told anyone about me and the babies yet? If they wanted to get back at us in the most public way they would have told everyone... We need to find out what they want and why they're risking coming back here and facing your wrath" 

"The Queen has a point" Jackson sighs feeling torn, he was terrified of how Dominic would behave since the last time he saw Jackson, he knocked him out

"Fine but I want everything monitored, I want to be the first to know - the second they come to the borders, you tell me, I don't care the time or place... You tell me, do you understand?!" Hunter barks while Isabella just flops back onto the bed wondering when all this bad news would end

"Of course.... Goodnight Hunter, Isabella.... Sleep well" Jackson says before quickly leaving the room, quietly shutting the door behind him like he hadn't just dropped a bombshell 

"Like that's going to happen" Hunter mutters angrily after he has left the room

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