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^^^ Alexander

A/N Hella long chapter..

Isabella stood there for at least a minute just appreciating what was happening in front of her, Jackson had finally found his mate but she quickly came to her senses by remembering exactly why they were here

"Look... we really need to speak to whoever is in there" Isabella says with a sigh feeling bad to put this girl in this position, this was the opposite to how Isabella thought she would have to approach this situation - she definitely didn't expect to see a young girl on her own - then throw the fact that the person protecting this person is Jackson's mate just made it ten times harder 

"I can't" she says gulping nervously "They will kill me"

Isabella jumps when Jackson lets a large growl pass his lips in anger, the thought of anyone touching a hair on Hunter's head was enough for Isabella's heart to hurt and he wasn't in immediate danger where as this girl could be and Jackson now felt that it was his job to protect her.

"I won't let them but you need to let us see this person" Jackson says scooping her two small hands into his big ones, his eyes circle around her face trying to soak in every single feature about her like it was the last time he would ever see them... he didn't even know her name yet.

"Okay... follow me" she whispers nervously, Jackson places one of his hands on the small of her back with the other on her arm to steady her. The girl lead us to the back of the house and to a door with multiple locks on it, Isabella couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at this girl... was the person inside of there really that dangerous?

"It's just procedure, I have to follow all the rules set for me... I'm Molly by the way" she says with a hint of a smile as she speaks more to Jackson who is too shocked to say a word

Once the final lock is undone she swings open the door to reveal what looks like a simple bedroom, the curtains are still open and the beam of moonlight coming in through the windows lets us see a lump under the bed sheets which was moving up and down in time with their breathing, Isabella's own breath was caught in her throat, she couldn't control herself anymore, her legs would simply not move forward even though she was pleading them too.

"Alexander?" Molly says, she walks to the edge of the bed and pushes his shoulder a couple of times to wake him up which he does. As the man is stirring slowly both Isabella and Jackson do not move any further into the room, they didn't know what to expect and Isabella was having second thoughts about everything.

"Switch the lights on Moll, I can't see a thing" a raspy voice calls out, Molly nods her head to the light switch beside Isabella's head so she turns it on

"I have some people who want to speak to you Alexander" she whispers, she crouches down beside his bed, Isabella waited with baited breath as the man in the bed lifted himself up slowly his bones cracking as he stretches out his limbs

"Who is it?" he says before clearing his throat, he is finally sat completely up and lets Isabella and Jackson see his old and weathered face, he has graying hair and wrinkles spread evenly across his face, he must have been around 60 years old.

"Hello Alexander, my name is Jackson and this is..." Jackson starts 

"...Isabella" Alexander butts in leaving everyone else taken aback, how did he know that?

"Molly send them into the kitchen, a pot of tea if you don't mind. I will be out in a moment" Alexander says in a nervous tone as if sensing the need to do exactly as he says, Molly starts to usher them out immediately.


Ten minutes later, Alexander entered into the kitchen with a sad look on his face, sad yet not surprised like he had been expecting Isabella for some time but now it had finally come he was having doubts about telling her what she needed to know. Alexander sat down at the final free chair beside Molly, Isabella felt bad about keeping Jackson from his mate but she had asked him to sit with her because she didn't want to sit next to a man she didn't know.

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