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Isabella's head lolled to the side as her eyes fluttered shut, she just wanted to sleep - the need was almost overwhelming but just the idea that this wasn't over yet seemed to increase her tiredness tenfold.

"I really don't think I can do this again" Isabella muttered with her eyes still closed, Hunter was stroking the hair out of her eyes and face but once again this seemed to just soothe her, even more, making her want to sleep if only these what seemed like constant contractions would stop.

"You said that about our little boy and you did amazing, you can do that again - was it worth it?" Hunter asks

Isabella's eyes fly open to stare at Hunter in annoyance "Of course it was worth it, it was one of the best moments of my life!"

"That's the fight we need Isabella" Dr Guirrerez grins, silently thanking Hunter - he knew Isabella better than anyone

"Exactly my love, we can have that moment all over again with our next little one - I know you're tired and I know you want this to be over but it will be soon" Hunter whispers in Isabella's ear as she groans her way through yet another contraction

"Baby is moving down the birth canal, I can see the start of the head but we just need to you pant right now, any forceful pushing could cause a tear and stress for the baby... that's it Isabella, just pant for me" Doctor Guirrerez calls, she was the perfect cheerleader 

The first baby was quickly deemed small at 5lbs 6ozs but he had strong lungs and was wriggling around happily in the nursery just until baby 2 was born before the family could be reunited. 

Hunter quickly let go of Isabella's hand to run a cloth under the cold tap in the sink within the room, he placed it onto of Isabella's red, sweaty head in a hopes to cool her down - she clearly liked it if the groan that left her lips was anything to go by.

Isabella gritted her teeth, put her chin to her chest and pushed with all her might - she just wanted this over and done with... not to mention she couldn't wait to meet her second child but right now the only thing taking over her mind was the pain. Isabella knew that it would be all worth it but it was hard to see herself ever getting over this pain let alone having another child in the future.

"Isabella... Isabella!" there was yelling but it seemed like it was coming through a tunnel. Isabella had found herself a zone that she wanted to be in, it was pure determination - something that she didn't want to lose, it was what she felt she needed to be able to get through this.

The yelling continued along with shaking of the shoulders making an annoyed Isabella come out of her 'Zone' 

"What?!" she half yelled half panted. This better be good she thought

"You need to stop pushing, right now!" Dr Guirrerez yelled, there wasn't panic in her voice but it wasn't quite as soothing and calm as it had been previously letting Isabella know instantly that something had changed, something was wrong.

"What is going on?" Isabella asked

"You're labour is progressing too fast" the doctor explained which instantly made Isabella scoff

"I feel like I've been in labour for 3 years... too fast? It can't come fast enough"

"Isabella, the doctor knows what she is talking about - you need to stop pushing," Hunter said softly, he perched on the edge of the bed and once again wiped away the hair out of her face soothingly.

"I... Can't" Isabella groaned as another contraction ripped through her body forcing her to push down

Isabella was listening to what her body was telling her to do, she couldn't stop - she wanted this over with and couldn't understand what the doctor was saying enough to be able to fight the contractions. They were unlike anything else she had ever felt and something she didn't want to slow down, she just wanted them to stop.

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