Chapter Fifty-Five

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“I’m done waiting for him, Shingami, get Shikamaru, drag him out of bed if you have to.” The Hokage said with crossed arms.

“Yes, lady Tsunade.”

Shingami pushed herself off of the wall next to the village entrance. Shikaku had decided that since it was his anniversary he wasn’t going to go with Lady Tsunade to the Kage summit effectively giving Shikamaru the job.

It was the early morning so there weren’t many people out and the ones that were, were mostly Shinobi on patrol.

None of them spared her a glance, leaving her with a sense of satisfaction.

It took her less than a minute to get there but she knocked on the door of the Nara’s house and Yoshino opened it after a few seconds.

“Shingami? What are you doing here so early?”

“I was tasked to get Shikamaru, he's late for our mission. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

The woman smiled. “Don’t you worry about that I’ve been up for hours. Come in, he’ll probably get ready quickly if you’re the one to wake him.”

“Thank you, Yoshino. Which way is it to his room?”

“Down the hall to the right the third door down.”

The woman returned to the kitchen table to read a book she had out and Shingami made her way to Shikamaru’s room. She’d never seen it before, so she wasn’t sure what it looked like.

She opened the door without knocking, knowing that he wouldn’t move anyway.

She walked over to his bedside and looked at his sleeping face, she slipped her mask off her face not wanting to scare him when he woke up she accidentally did that to Anko once, and let’s just say there were paper bombs involved, and a pissed off Ibiki and a confused Shingami, and a Genma trapped under rubble.

...Never again.

She placed the mask on the side table next to the bed and put a cold hand on Shikamaru’s bare shoulder and shook him gently. “Shikamaru.”

He didn’t move so she tried again before frowning and yanked his blanket off of him, he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and he was without a shirt.

He opened his eyes and looked confused. His mother would have screamed at him to wake up and Choji had a habit of sitting on his chest until he showed some resistance so he didn’t know who woke him. When his eyes landed on the girl he slowly sat up.

“Sorry to wake you, but we have a mission, remember? Lady Tsunade and lady Shizune are waiting for us.”

“What a drag.”

“Do you have everything packed?”


“I know you didn’t want to go, but at least I’ll be there to keep you company.”

“...True.” He pulled a sheet back over himself.


“Just ten more minutes.”

The silver-haired girl frowned. “No. Unless you want me to dress you, it’d be in your best interest to get up.”

A strangled groan escaped him while he blushed as he kicked the sheet off and looked at Shingami.



“I need to get dressed, will you wait outside?”

“Of course, make sure to wear something warm. Yukigakure is the land of snow, you’ll get sick if you don’t.”

“I know.”

She picked up her mask and walked out the door standing on the other side leaning against the wall.

Shikamaru sat there a few moments and had a blush on his face as he ran his fingers through his hair with his mind running a mile a minute.

He could get used to her waking him up.


Tsunade and Shizune were talking quietly amongst themselves while Shikamaru and Shingami walked quietly, Shikamaru was still half sleeping and Shingami was watching the woods around them making sure there were no enemy shinobi around, call her paranoid but between proving her skills to the hokage and her assistant and having shikamaru around was really bugging her. She didn’t want to fuck up and have shikamaru witness it. She let out a shaky breath already on edge even before they were in front of the other kage they’d get there by tommorrow since Lady Tsunade wasn’t making any pitstops like Lord third always did. 

Shikamaru noticed how tense she was and pulled on her sleeve to get her attention her head snapped over to him. “Hey, you okay?”

She frowned though he couldn’t see it. “Yeah, just thinking.”

He nodded understanding that she didn’t want to talk about it. “This is my first Summit, what should I expect?”

“Anything and everything.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s exactly as it sounds. For example, I had a spar with a member of the swordsman of the mist last time.”

“Wait, what?”

“It wasn’t as bad as it sounds.”


“...if it makes it any better, I won.”



Before anyone noticed she threw a kunai into a tree and a Iwa ninja fell out of it with the blade in his shoulder.

Shikamaru just stared at the man before looking back at her several times before deciding he wasn’t going to bother asking questions.

“What is it with the Tsuchikage and Mizukage and always sending people to attack or retrive information? It’s gets old.”

Tsunade had her arms crossed over her large chest. “Good work, Shingami.”

“It’s what I’m here for. Would you like me to get information?”

“That won’t be necessary, we’ll just leave him here.”

“Yes, lady Tsunade.”

The four of them walked passed the man who looked pissed off but he didn’t bother attacking them instead he just sat there because he was ashamed that he’d been caught by the girl.



“I’m sorry.”

“About what?”

“I-... never mind.”

“You can tell me anything, you know.”

“I… I know, it’s just…” She sighed. “Forget about it, it’s nothing important.”

But was, and she knew it and something in the back of Shikamaru’s head was telling him it was too.

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