Chapter Forty-Six

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The man glared up at the girl who stared down at him, daring the man to do something she didn’t like.

She would destroy him if he so much as looked at Shikamaru again.

She was pissed, If she hadn’t been right there that kunai would have hit him, where she didn’t know but all she knew was that it would’ve.

She could feel the others approaching from behind her which pissed her off further because she knew for fact she told them to stay put and not come after her. 

“Shingami!” Ino called out.

Shingami looked over her shoulder. “Stay back.” Shikamaru was the closest to her; she checked him over making sure that there were no wounds. 

In those few seconds, the Kiri ninja whipped out a kunai and jammed it into a distracted Shingami’s thigh.

She didn’t notice until she saw the terrified look on Shikamaru’s face. She looked down at the man blankly slamming her foot down on the man’s chest breaking or cracking most if not all of his ribs.

She didn’t acknowledge the kunai and instead pressed harder on the man’s chest. “...” 

They stayed like that until the man passed out from the lack of oxygen he was getting, too much pressure on his lungs.

She let up her foot only when Anko, Genma, and Ibiki can through the trees. Shingami watched Anko carefully before looking at the ground near Ibiki’s feet.

“It’s my fault he escaped, it won’t happen again.”

Ibiki looked down at the girl’s masked face. “You didn’t do anything wrong, if I were to blame anyone it’d be Anko and her stupidity.”

Anko wanted to defend herself but saw no point in making it worse.

He placed a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll take it from here, enjoy your time with your team.”

Before he left his hand down the girl seemingly pulled the Tupperware out of nowhere and held it out to him.

“I made this for you.”

He looked at the container before gently taking it from her hands, opening the top getting a delicious whiff of the mushrooms.

He didn’t know what to say so all he did was pat the top of her head, while Genma and Anko dragged the prisoner back to his cell.

“Thank you, Shingami. Now get that wound cleaned up.”

She nodded as the four of them disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Shikamaru was staring at her leg throughout the whole conversation as soon as the T&I team had left.

Even though he wasn’t a medical ninja he knew that the kunai had most definitely punctured the artery in her upper thigh. The blood was getting around the blade trailing all the way down her leg.

“Are you alright, Shingami?” Shikamaru asked taking another step closer to her but she didn’t bother to look at the kunai sticking out of her leg.

“I’m fine it’s nothing to worry about.”

“Let me heal you!'' Ino said kneeling down in front of Shingami but Shingami was quick to shun-shin bedside shikamaru to avoid the girl.

“That won’t be necessary.” 

“Asuma-Sensei, tell her to at least go see lady Tsunade!”

He said nothing and lit his cigarette before turning around walking back to the training grounds.

Ino called after him but he didn’t turn around, Choji didn’t want to take sides and start an argument so he just kept his mouth shut and followed the path Asuma had chosen because it really was the best choice.

Nobody wins an argument against Shingami. Doesn’t matter who you are.

Shikamaru was worried for Shingami but he really, really, didn’t want to listen to Ino.

So he did the next best thing.

Scooped Shingami up into his arms the way you would to a bride, careful to not touch her leg, not that it mattered much of course, but Shikamaru didn’t know that.

Shingami frozen and her face turned red in embarrassment. This was the last thing she had expected him to do.

“W-What are you doing?”

He looked at her eyes through the mask before blushing even more than Shingami. “You shouldn’t put pressure on it.” 

He was quick to avert his gaze. “P-Please let Ino heal you. It won’t take long.”

The silver haired girl closed her eyes and crossed her arms. “Fine.”

Ino shook herself out of her fantasy world and gently pulled the kunai out with Shingami focused on not letting the wound close to quickly so it’d seem like Ino was healing it. She didn’t move an inch the whole time.


Ibiki was glaring through the trees.

Anko and Genma stayed a good distance away from the man.

His murderous intent was enough to keep them away. They would laugh at him for it later but for now it was best not to irk him any father if they wanted to keep their lives.

They’d already put the prisoner in a more secure cell with an anbu guard watching the kiri shinobi like a hawk.

So they wanted to come back to see what Shingami was doing to explain her ability. But she didn’t, she acted like she didn’t heal like an axolotl.

Anko was hoping that the girl had ripped out her own throat or cut off her arm or something just as extrem if not more.

Genma didn’t have any expectations as to how but he’d hoped she would be calm and explain it.

Ibiki just wanted to make sure she was okay afterwards. He didn’t realize that Shikaku’s son had taken this much of a liking to the girl that he practically raised for the past four years.

Suddenly all that murderous intent was gone.

He blinked a couple of times before turning his back walking in the direction of the village.

“Where are you going?” Anko asked with a raised eyebrow.

“To see the Hokage.”

“For?” Genma butted in.

He stopped walking for a moment to turn around and look at the pair.

“Something I should have done a long time ago.”

Her Mask (Shikamaru x Oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя