Chapter Fifty-Nine

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The sound of the chair falling backward and the sight of a kunai pressing against Shingami’s neck caused a chain reaction of everyone getting into defensive positions.

“What do you know about him?”

She didn’t budge not even as a little stream of blood trailed down the side of her neck since it had nicked the skin. 

She used a finger to push it away a little more cutting her finger in the process but she didn’t acknowledge it as she took her mask off her face and put it down on the table in front of her and licked the blood off her hand just as she’d done earlier she didn’t mind the metallic taste, she was so used to it, it was just like water to her.

“Does it really matter?” She said her face blank from years of practice, her eyes had a dangerous gleam and her other hand twitched ready for anything. “Is it worth starting a war over? Hm? Because I think you can all be adults and control your emotions before we do something reckless.”

Even though she was the reason it escalated, there was no malice and she didn’t attack first so if a war were to start it would look bad on the Tsuchikage and Iwa.

And Onoki realized that he’d done exactly what Shingami had wanted him to do, then he realized just how dangerous of an opponent the girl was. He should have seen it before when she was fighting Chōjūrō. 

She lets her opponent be their own undoing. She stayed completely calm while letting her opponent get all worked up thus making it their own fault when they lose.

Kurotsuchi grabbed her grandfather’s arm and seemed almost in a trance by Shingami’s eyes. “That’s enough.”

He put the blade away and fixed his chair, settling back into his seat causing Shingami to smirk.

A, and Mei, let out a huff before sitting back down, and Gaara just let out his breath that he’d been holding in while he had stayed in his chair from the beginning, he’d seen enough to know shingami would have won that little skirmish even if the Tsuchikage had gotten violent, she’d have killed him in a blink of an eye. And no doubt in his mind she could’ve killed everyone in the room in just a few seconds.

When the Kazekage’s eyes moved onto Tsunade he could see it for just a moment but what he saw was approval and acknowledgment. He realized that she was testing the girl by putting her in situations to see what she gets out of them. And clearly, she got what she was looking for.

“Enough, this meeting is meant for things like this to be resolved without conflict.” He glanced at Shingami who put her mask back on and went back to her place standing behind Lady Tsunade. After a few moments of silence to let everyone calm down, he looked at shingami’s eyes through the holes and saw amusement in those bright colored eyes. He broke the silence only to redirect the conversation to something more serious.

“This is why we need to establish better relations between all our nations so things like this don’t happen.”

A scoffed. “Just because you and Konoha have signed a treaty does not mean we all will.” 


Ibiki felt the hairs on the back of his neck stick up.

He set down his pen and pinched his nose with an irritated look on his face, Genma and Anko looked up from what they were doing since his action was so random.

“Something wrong?” Genma asked closing his book to look at the scarred man.

“No, it’s nothing.”

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