Chapter three

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“Are you fucking kidding me?”

The council and the Hokage made the choice to stick her in a genin team when they graduate. Shingami was far from delighted about the news. Ibiki and her just came here to give information that the pair had gotten from one of the people they were holding captive.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Hiruzen…” Councilman Homura Mitokad said.

“It’ll be good for her. Being around others her age. Maybe more potential friends?”

“I have friends.” She growled.

“Genma and Anko don’t count, Shingami.” Ibiki pinched the bridge of his nose already knowing how much she was going to be on his ass about the whole situation. 

“Naruto counts doesn't he?” If looks could kill they’d all be dead.

“He does, However, It is more preferable that you make more than one friend your age. Naruto is a start but I require you to make at least five more.”

Five? One is more than efficient.” 

“Shingami this isn’t about efficiency.”

“...” Her glare intensified.

Iruka and some of the lower ranked chunin and Jonin weren’t handling the intensity of the refusal of a simple request.  


“Fine, but if they say anything about my abilities-”

“I’m putting you with team ten.”


“Is there a problem?”


The Hokage stared at the girl knowing full well that she was lying. So he moved on.

“Alright then it’s settled. Everyone is dismissed.”

Everyone started leaving, Shingami was walking right beside Ibiki as they made their way to the door.


Both interrogators turned to look at their Hokage.

“I need to speak with you before you take the new case.”

He then directed himself to Ibiki.

“Morino, you set up so that everything is ready when she gets there.”

The director bowed his head slightly. “Yes, sir.”

He looked at his apprentice once more before leaving.

“Take a seat, Shingami.”

The masked girl didn’t want to comply but did as the older man said and took a seat right in front of him but didn’t say anything.

“What’s your problem with team ten?”

“There is no problem.”

If Hiruzen hadn’t known the girl for as long as he did, he would have thought that she was telling the truth, however, he knew it was a lie.

“You get along fine with Asuma, is it one of the students?” 

The girl said nothing at first before deciding that there was no way of getting out of this.

“The ino-shika-cho formation. The specialty of team ten. It’s the Yamanaka.” The girl said truthfully.

“What about them?”

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