Chapter Sixty-Two

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Shingami was sitting in the hospital, having nothing better to do, she went ahead and decided she was going to donate double the amount that she usually did, Shizune was collecting her blood and had gone off to get a clean scalpel and some other things leaving the girl alone with her thoughts.

It had been a couple of days since they got back to the village and Shikamaru's fever broke while he and Shingami were sleeping and he was feeling fine but tired the next day. That morning she made sure to ask if he needed anything, he didn't and she went home to take a shower and go to Ibiki's office to receive any tasks that were available and that needed completion.

She got three interrogations that were completed in two hours and attended a meeting the same day the next couple of days were spent doing paperwork with Ibiki, Anko and Genma had been out of the village on a mission during this time and haven't arrived back yet.

Shingami's eyes looked over all the now filled blood bags, ten liters, Shizune had said. she was hesitant to take as much as she did but shingami told her to keep going so she did exactly that.

Shingami's body kept making blood just as fast as she lost it, so there was no physical changes even though shingami had given up enough blood to fill the bodies of two grown adult men.

And She'd offered to give shizune a few hearts for a couple of people that were waiting for them but they had to be fresh so shizune had set up the surgeries with the patients before hand and now all they needed was the hearts, Sakura and Ino would be in both operation rooms one in each as they were still learning, Sakura would be watching Tsunade do one operation and Ino would be watching Shizune do the other.

It's going be a great learning experience. Tsunade asked Shingami earlier in the day if she would be interested in being part of an anatomy class for all the medical ninja and civilian nurses and medical students including Ino and Sakura. All she would have to do is be the one on the operating table in the theater and allow people to see what the inside of living bodies looks like and being able to work on an actual living body without consequence so they can correct potentially fatal mistakes.

It was a great idea, and Shingami would've been glad participate but if Ino or Sakura was going to be there they'd tell everyone else and so couldn't potentially everyone else there and Tsunade cut herself off half way through explaining a couple of details calling herself an idiot and said she forgot about the deal before pulling out a bottle of sake and poured it into a cup taking a sip and telling the girl she could leave.

Shingami approved of Lady Tsunade. If there was anything she could do to help her hokage she would gladly do it.

The door opened and when shingami looked up her face remained blank and she did not stand up upon seeing Councilman Danzo standing before her, nor did she greet him.

"You test my patience, Shingami Morino."

"Pardon?" Her voice was void of any emotion as she stared at him just as intently as he did her.

"I know the game you and Ibiki are playing, and let me tell you, it will not work."

Shingami leaned back into her chair, crossing her legs, and locked her fingers together. "And yet, it is working."

He slammed his cane against the little rolling table that had the blood bags on it causing the pile to fall over and cause one of the bags to fall and splatter into the floor staining the white tiles red.

Her eyes shifted over to the puddle. "What a waste."

"No. You are the one wasting your true potential."

Her eyes flashed over to the man and let out a low chuckle. A warning, she already heard enough out of him.

"See that's funny."

He stepped forward. So he was looming over her small form.

"Listen here, and listen very carefully, Shingami. Your true calling is ROOT."

Shingami remained unmoving before laughing again looking down at her lap.

"You wanna know something Councilman?" She looked him directly in the eye from the otherside of her mask. "Fuck, ROOT. Fuck ANBU. Maybe most importantly of all, fuck you."

"Showing your true colors I see."

She sighed slightly with a smirk on her face. "Not quite."

His uncovered eye watched her intently. "That's disappointing."

The door opened again and Shizune walked right in with a scalpel on a small tray. "Sorry to keep you waiting Shinga- Lord Danzo, you can't be in here."

"It's alright, lady Shizune. He was just leaving."

His eyes remained on her for another second before walking out of the room not even sparing the newcomer a glance.

Shizune quickly put down the tray and loomed all over Shingami.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"Not at all. But I must ask that you take another bag for those surgeries." Gesturing over to the puddle of blood, Shizune sighed at the mess.

Shingami felt bad since is was her blood. "Don't worry, I'll clean it up."

"No, you've done enough already why don't you go home and rest for a couple hours."

"I have to return to The T&I building, Genma and Anko should be getting back soon."

Shizune sighed. "You work too much."

The girl stood up and threw her trench coat on and walked over to the door looking over her shoulder with a smirk on her face even though Shizune couldn't see it. "I'll stop when I'm dead."

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