Chapter 9: movie

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A/N: Before you start reading this chapter I have something to say. I started this story about a half year ago. 

Right then I read a lot of ddlg stories and I was inspired to write one as well. Now I am not really into this genre anymore, even though I have written one other story about ddlg as well. 

But that story was completely different and I was more focused on the emotions of kidnapping someone and forcing someone to do something like this, than rather the lifestyle itself. 

So, with that being said I have lost my passion for this theme, for this genre. However, I've started this book and more and more people started to read it and some people requested for me to finish this book. So, hereby I swear I will try to finish it. 

Now it also must be noted that my style in writing has changed and that the way I described the characters may change a bit as I have 'lost contact' with them over time. I do not really know anymore how I pictured them, but re-reading my chapters I hope I can make some kind of connection. 

In conclusion, I hope that this book will be still fun to read and will turn out great. Now a little chapter to get this get on with this book. 

Rose p.o.v

For one week I had to lay down in bed. I was either in my daddy's bed or in my own crib, but the former was my favourite. I felt really frustrated because I could not play with my toy's daddy got for me. But luckily, I had Aurora, Stormy and Koya to keep me company when I was resting.

During this week I worn diapers because that was easier for both me and daddy, but I did not like them when I was all better, but I did not mind the pull-ups and daddy said they looked really cute on me. He said I was indeed more a pull-up girl than a diaper girl.

When I was all better life became a bit weird for me, especially for big me. All this time I was either worried about getting my chores done or searching for food on the streets, but now I could do whatever I wanted.

Little me on the other hand was incredibly happy because I had suppressed her the whole six months I lived on the streets. Little me was dangerous as she did not saw the severity of the situation, I was in. But now I could be little whenever I wanted.

When I felt bigger, I still helped around with the chores, just because I felt like I had too, and Stella was really nice. Even when I was little, I would gather my toys and sit with her.

Daddy was busy from time to time with his work. I did not mind it. I still had to get to know him better to be completely comfortable around him, that was mostly for when I was big.

Right now, though, I missed him and wanted his attention. I had drawn a picture for him in the hope I could trade that for some time.

I held the rolled-up paper in my hand as I was walking towards his office. I knocked three times like daddy had taught me. I heard him saying I could go in and entered his office.

"What is my beautiful princess doing here?" Daddy said as he looked up from his laptop. I quickened my steps and stood right in front of him. "To show you this!" I hold up the drawing, feeling proud of my plan.

"Well thank you your highness." Daddy took the rolled-up paper from me and gestured with his hand to come closer to him, to sit on his lap. I made myself comfortable as he opened my gift to him.

He gasped. "This is very beautiful baby girl." He said while planting a kiss on my head. I melted into his chest, loving his attention.

"Daddy?" I dragged out.

"Yes?" He copied me.

"Can we watch a movie together?" I asked while batting my eyelashes innocently.

Daddy sighed. "I'm sorry sweetie, but daddy is very busy right now. How about later?"

A huff escaped from my mouth as I crossed my arms. "But you are always busy. I gave you something, now you must give something back." Pouting my lips to make my point I was mad.

"I know little one. Daddy knows he has not given you much attention. Okay, let's make a different deal. I will finish this in about thirty minutes and then we will watch a movie, is that alright with you?"

I tapped my finger at my chin, thinking if this was a good deal. It was, so I said yes.

Thirty minutes later and daddy came downstairs. Right then Jack came in the living room as well. Jack was someone I did not really know how to act around him. He was nice but for some reasons I did not really like him. Maybe because he is not as much around as Stella and daddy are.

"Jack, do you want to join us watching a movie?" Daddy asked. I did not want this; I want some alone time with daddy. Jack agreed to daddy's offer and settled himself in an armchair.

Daddy came to me and picked me up to put me on his lap. I melted in his embrace. I did not why or how, but his presence and affection would made me calm. All my stress would flow away.

"So, which movie did you pick?" Daddy asked.

"Brave." Was all I said. I was a bit tired and just wanted to relax. The comfort that was surrounding me, making me droopy.

"You sure? Last time you said the movie was scary."

I only nodded my head. "Alright, Brave it is, but if you have nightmares tonight, no more watching Brave for a while. Do you understand, young lady?" His voice came out stern, which let me know I had to behave. I again nodded my head, but by now I knew he did not like that.

"Rose, you know I want a verbal response, meaning you need to express yourself in words. So, answer me properly." Daddy said in a scary voice.

I buried my head in his chest as I was scared. I knew I had to answer him quick, or I was afraid he would punish me and until now I was his good, little girl. I did not want to be bad. "I understand daddy."

"Good girl." He said while stroking my hair.

He put on the movie and we watched. It did get a bit scary with the mean bear. Daddy noticed this. "You okay Rose?"

"I don't know, can I have my paci and blanky?" That were my ultimate comfort objects. Daddy said 'of course' and fetched the asked items. When he came back, I snuggled up on his lap with my blanky, paci and he also got Aurora for me.

Like this I could watch through the end. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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