Chapter 20: play date pt. 1

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Rose p.o.v

"Daddy do you really need to go?" I asked again. It's so unfair. Every time I thought I had Daddy for myself he had to go again. I wished it was just the two of us, not for a day but for a month. Just us together doing fun activities like watching movies, painting, and playing soccer. 

"Princess, I have explained this to you three times now. Yes, Daddy needs to go, and if you are a smart girl - and I know you are - you would stop whining or I have to leave you in time-out. Do you want that princess?" Daddy asked while fixing his clothes in front of the mirror. 

I shook my head and mumbled a low 'no'. I sighed. 

"Princess?" Daddy put his finger under my chin and tilted my head until we were eye to eye. "I am sorry. I was indeed too busy and if I could I would have pushed this date to a later moment. But I have to keep my promises as well, just as you have to do with me. So, as we discussed after this date you will have me all to yourself for a full week, okay?" 

Another sigh left my mouth. "Yes, Daddy." 

Daddy had let go of my chin and said, "Good girl." I slumped again, hanging my head low. Keeping my eyes focused on my lap. Daddy patted my head and caressed my cheek. 

"You will not even notice I am gone because you, little lady, are going to have so much fun." Daddy checked himself once again in the mirror and put his phone in his pocket after checking it. He walked to me again and took my small hand in his own big, comforting hand. 

Daddy guided us to the foyer as the visitors had already arrived. 

Nerves started to grow in my stomach. The last time the said visitors were here it didn't end well. And to top that I had never been alone with someone else than with Miss Olivia, Daddy, and Stella. 

We were halfway on the stairs leading us down when I saw them. "Nathan, Max, welcome. Good to see you both," Daddy greeted them kindly. 

Daddy had let go of my hand when our feet hit the floor to give Max a hug and Nathan something that can be described as a brotherly hug, I think. They were exchanging pleasantries while I hid behind Daddy. 

The last thing I remembered of them was Max pushing me and Nathan leaving angry at my birthday. I absolutely did not want to stay with them. I wanted to stay with Daddy and I was really close to asking Daddy again to stay, but I didn't. I did not want to be put in time-out. I was Daddy's good girl. So, I stayed silent. 

It was when the broad-shouldered, muscled man asked for me, that all the attention was on me. "Hey there Rose, how are you? Excited about today? I know Max is," Nathan asked. 

I looked at Max and he had a big smile on his face while holding proudly his new toy, I guessed. Knowing Daddy would scold me if I did not speak when spoken to, I mumbled as small, "I am fine." 

A short and awkward silence followed after my reply. Until Daddy stepped in. "Once again thank you for coming over. You know if things were different I would have brought Rose to you but..." Daddy trailed his sentence. 

"It's alright. I understand it's no problem. Max was very excited to visit, even more, to have a play date. He hasn't had one in a while because of his studies. That reminds me, how are Rose's lessons going?" Nathan asked. 

Why was he like that? Why did he put all the attention on me? Just leave me alone!

I wended my head away from the two men in front of me, hiding even more behind Daddy's large frame. Suddenly, the hem of my skirt was way more interesting. 

"Rose is making progress, but not as fast as she would like. She struggles but doesn't want to give up and I think that is what counts. Right Rose?" Daddy had stepped aside and looked down at me, quirking up a brow. 

I knew it was his slightly scolding face, the face he would make to give me a chance to make things right before he would reprimand me about it. That was a new word I had learned last lesson, reprimand. Miss Olivia said I had to use it as much as possible to keep remembering it. 

"Yes Daddy," I said in a low voice, but still refusing to make eye contact with either Nathan or Max. 

"Well then, Rose did not have her nap yet because she wanted to spend more time with me. So, if she becomes grumpy or sleepy you can let her sleep for a while. I have informed Stella that she didn't have to make dinner as I understood you want to make that for yourself. If you can't find anything ask Stella, and if there is something wrong, no matter how small text me or call me." Daddy informed Nathan. He nodded his head as he took the information in.

Right then the doorbell rang. 

All our heads turned to the front door. It was Daddy that approached the door and opened it. Behind it stood Miss Olivia, who was once again dressed very nicely. 

I had no idea the date Daddy mentioned was with Miss Olivia. Somehow I liked it, but at the same time, I didn't. 

She walked in gracefully, like the true queen she was. Miss Olivia greeted everyone but paid extra attention to Daddy. Putting her hand against his chest, kissing his cheek, her smile even wider and bigger. 

Something panged in my heart. I couldn't place what it was, but a great longing formed inside of me. I had a great urge to cry, but why, I did not know. I hated this feeling, I hated the way I felt seeing the scene in front of me. 

"You ready?" Miss Olivia asked Daddy. 

Daddy looked at me and then at Miss Olivia again. "Just a second." She nodded her head and stepped back. 

"Little one?" Daddy stood in front of me, looking concerned. "Are you alright? Daddy is only gone for a couple of hours. I am afraid, though, you will be sleeping, nicely snuggled up with your stuffies when I come back." He put a strand of hair behind my ear and gave me a warm smile. 

"I am fine Daddy," I said. 

"Well if there is anything wrong you can let Nathan know and he will call me, okay?" Daddy hummed.

I nodded my head in response. "Alright, have fun princess." He kissed my head and waved goodbye before he took Miss Oliva's hand in his and left the house. 

The moment the door closed, the great urge to cry came up once again. I wanted my Daddy and not these two men who stood behind me. I wanted them to leave me alone. I did not want to play with Max. He was a meanie. 

"So, who is ready for some fun?!" Nathan asked excitedly. 

"Me!" Max shouted. 

Both men looked at me waiting for a response, that I wouldn't give. Max slumped and Nathan sighed. He made his way over to me, which I did not like. Instinctively, I took a step back. He crouched down and looked up at me. 

"I know it can be difficult, to be alone for the first time without your Daddy. Max had a hard time as well. But you have us and we can make a great day together." Nathan hummed. "You don't have to smile and be cheerful right away, we will give you some space." 

Nathan stood up again and continued, "That being said, let's make a yummy snack and play a game together." 

Max cheered at the mentioning of food and followed Nathan immediately to the kitchen. I, on the other hand, took my time to get there. 

This was going to be a long day. 

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