Chapter 3: comfort

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Rose p.o.v 

As I was crying down on my knees, the rain suddenly stopped. I looked up and met with two warm brown eyes. They held nothing but care. For a short moment, it felt like coming home. This man in front of me felt so safe right there in one of my most vulnerable moments. 

But I knew better. I couldn't just trust some random stranger. He started asking questions, questions I had trouble anwsering. He asked me to go with him. Should I? First I was shocked that he cared enough to ask me what was wrong. But to truely offer me comfort that was just beyond my belief. 

He held his hand out for me. I doubted the situation. But I was cold and hungry and he offered me food and warmth. How could I pass that? 

So I took his hand, a blanket was wrapped around me and he lead the way to his car. I became hesitant again but he promised me everything would be okay so I stepped into the car and hoped that he was stating the truth. 

We both sat in the back. He held me close to his body because I was shivering. The driver started the car and off we went, to a place I didn't know of. I felt his hands rubbing my back in circles to calm me. My crying and sobbing became less as I could feel the comfort. 

At that moment I felt something I hadn't felt in almost ten years, I felt safe. Safe in the arms of a stranger, which was quite weird. 

"What's your name sweetheart?" the man said very kindly to me. "Rose, sir." I said in a wishper. I didn't dare to look up to him. Because we were already this close to eachother. But appearently he didn't like that. He grabbed my chin softly and made me face him. "Your full name, sweetheart," he said very calmly. 

I was hesitant, stating your first name was safe to me because many other people could carry that name. But the moment you state your full name then you become more unique. I gulped and said, "Rose Villin." He smiled at me, "that's a very beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blushed a bit and looked down again. 

"My name is Derek Idelson if you were wondering." 

I couldn't forget my manners even though I became a bit nervous. "I-it's very n-nice meeting y-you, s-sir." 

"Please, just Derek. You don't have to be formal with me." Derek said to me while petting my wet hair. He kept making these calming gestures, rubbing my back, petting my hair, or just holding me. After some time passed we stopped infront of an enormous mansion. Wow. This couldn't be the place where we were supposed to be, right? 

When Derek helped me climb out of the car I asked, "Where are we sir, I-I m-mean Derek?" I blushed a bit but he didn't pay much attention to my mistake. 

"We are at my place, my home." Derek smiled at me. 

"T-this is your house?" I asked in disbelief. How could anybody be able to afford such a place as this mansion? When I looked at the house I thought it would look better when the sun would shine. I really liked all the flowers around the entrance. 

"Yes, this is indeed my house. You like it?" He asked when we walked on the stairs to enter the house. 

"Yes very much, but it's just so big." He laughed and walked infront of me to open the door and lead me through the house to the kitchen. The house had a great hall and was very detailed. From time to time there stood flowers on a table or a dresser. There were also a couple of statues in the building. There were big windows with beautiful curtains. 

The whole house remineded me of Italy. At least a lot of those holiday pictures showed most of the time this kind of stuff. I never have been out of the country so I wouldn't know if I was right. 

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