Chapter 46: Rose

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Rose p.o.v

As I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was how bright it was in the room. I could see that the curtain wasn't fully closed and sunlight was able to brighten the room. The other thing, or rather person, I could see was Derek. 

Derek was laying next to me, having a protective arm around my waist. I knew he was here but at the same time, I was surprised as if I didn't know he was here all the time. 

The past couple of days were like a blur to me. 

I knew I was little but I wasn't the same me. Whenever I got into my little headspace I knew I was in my headspace and had most of the time a good control over it. But this time I hadn't. 

I had a hard time remembering what had happened, only snippets of memories flashed through my mind. 

Derek must have noticed I was awake as I hear a small groan followed by, "Well, good morning princess." His voice was lower than normal. 

"Hey Derek," I said in a small voice. Somehow I was quite embarrassed about my little episode. I had no idea what I had him and Nathan and Max put through with my behavior. 

The moment he noticed I wasn't little me he woke up in an instant, sitting up straight, his eyes solely focusing on me. He caressed my head carefully and asked, "Can I assume you aren't feeling small right now?"

I nodded my head, enjoying how his hand made contact with my head. In no way was I excited to talk, especially discussing what happened to me. If it was possible I wanted to stay right where I was for the whole day, enjoying Derek's small and gentle gestures. 

"How are you feeling?" 

I shrugged. 

"Rose... are you all right? Do I need to get worried?" 

I looked up at him and I could see the worry in his eyes, on his face, his whole posture screamed he desperately wanted to know what was going on, so he could decide whether or not he needed to be concerned about me. 

I sighed. 

"I am fine Derek, I..." Finding the right words was hard. How could you describe something that was still confusing to you too? No clue was given to me why I acted the way I acted. As I tried to dig deeper into my mind, the more confused I got. It gave me a small headache. 

"I don't know what happened but I am fine, I guess."

Derek changed his position on the bed and carefully grabbed me so he could settle me in his protective arms. I liked this position. I didn't notice I was shivering until his body warmth gave me a warming comfort. 

"I don't like you guessing. Do you know why you got so far in your headspace?" 

I shook my head. 

"Do you think something might have triggered it?" He urged on. 

"What do you mean with 'triggered'?" 

"As in do you think something might have happened that caused you to be that far in your headspace?" 

I shrugged again. The last thing I had a good memory of was me missing Derek. Missing the feeling of comfort he gave me. How badly I wanted to stay with him, to stay in his arms like I was now too. 

"I don't know, I think I just missed you." 

I heard him sigh, which caused me to look up at him. He frowned, not completely believing my words. 

I searched again for that memory, for that feeling. There was more than just the longing for Derek. I longed for being myself again and for some reason I felt most like myself when I was close to him and him only. It was as if Derek could fill up that hole in me, the gap that was caused by the coma. 

"I think I also felt more like myself when I was with you," I hesitantly said. "For these past weeks, I didn't recognize myself after I woke up from my coma. Like there was a part missing... And you were the only person that could piece that part of me." 

Derek was silent for a while. I felt how his fingertips softly stroked over my stomach in an easing way to comfort me, how his big arms were pressed against me to secure me, and how his slow and steady breathing calmed me. 

"So I was the only reminder of your old self before the coma, that makes sense," Derek mused to himself. 

"How do you feel now?"

"Good, like myself again." I smiled at him, which he returned with an even bigger smile. 

Derek kissed my head, "That's all I needed to hear." 

Derek p.o.v

Breakfast was quiet. Nathan and Max were both in their little world and Rose was being her big silent self again. I didn't mind it though. The relief I felt this morning after our little talk brought a certain peace to me. A peace that caused me not to worry any longer about the little girl that sat next to me. 

I had a feeling we had her back again after such a long time. 

When the little ones were done they decided to play outside together, deciding on playing some soccer as Nathan and I were cleaning up the breakfast table. 

"So, I noticed Rose is back with us again. If I may call it that way," Nathan carefully stated. 

I hummed. "Yes, and she is not just back in the way you are thinking." 

Nathan quirked up a brow. "I think the old Rose, from before the accident, before the coma, is back again." 

I saw my best friend thinking. "She was indeed off the last couple of weeks. But what do you mean by the 'old Rose'?" 

"The Rose that isn't afraid to be herself again, being big and small, if you know what I mean." 

Nathan shook his head. "Not really, but I trust you on this one... So you guys had a talk this morning?" 

I placed the last plates back in the cupboards as I answered, "Yes, it's still vague to me too, but I think Rose will be all right." Nathan held out his hand for the last glasses that need to be put back. "You know I did some thinking." I handed him the glasses. 

"Oh, about what?" He slammed the cupboards close and put the drying towels back on the hooks next to the sink. 

"Well, I know that this is the time in the year when we all take breaks for our summer vacations, and after everything that happened, and also as a thank you to you and Ellis and Anna I thought I would take you all to one of my private islands." 

"Wait a minute, islands? As in plural? When did you ever get islands?!" 

I scratched my neck. I was kinda embarrassed I had had whole islands to myself and it was kinda a project for my parent's retirement. I got one for them and one for myself. 

"About two years ago, it was a good business deal, but anyway what do you think about my plan?" 

It was now Nathan that was hesitant. "Well, of course, it's really nice but isn't it a bit too much. I mean I think you have shown enough remorse and gratefulness to us for everything that has happened." 

We both were silent, not knowing what to say or where to look. Nathan was someone that could easily provide for himself and Max and never asked anything of me even though I was rich, never he asked me a favor. I think that's why he was one of the few people I remained friends with because when he looked at me, he didn't see the money I had. He just saw his best friend. 

"I know, you never ask me anything Nathan, but think about the little ones. I think they would enjoy it and especially Max deserves it. He was and is really a trouper through everything." I knew if I focused on Max rather than on Nathan I knew I could convince him. 

I saw Nathan looking outside at his boy. 

"All right, let's go all together."  

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

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