Chapter 17: birthday pt. 3

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Sorry is not a good chapter but wanted to give you something

Rose p.o.v

Meeting all of Daddy's friends was a lot. A lot of fun! Everybody was nice and kind to me. And they all gave me the best birthday ever. I never had good memories of my birthdays because that was the day my mother left me and my father. She was the one who gave me my first and my last birthday present at three years old, my stuffie and only friend Belle.

Every birthday my father was reminded of the fact that my mother had left us, which meant that I would be his target. That day of the year he would hurt me the most. But now, the day was filled with laughter instead of cries. I even got presents!

After my second nap of the day, we ate the cake and it was present time. From Max and Nathan, I got several colouring books with tons of crayons and pencils to colour with. From Ellis and Anna, I got two very pretty dolls which I could dress in different clothes. And from Miss Olivia I got two puzzles and book to read. I was very grateful for all the presents I got. I could not wait to play with them.

As the day went by, we all had a great time. We had a nice dinner, which was pizza and even a dessert. Although not all of our daddies and mommies liked the amount of sugar we got, but we got our dessert anyway.

But after dinner things did not go so great. I wanted to play with my new presents together with Max and Anna. As we wanted to choose which to pick, we got into a fight. Well, Anna and Max got into a fight. I did not like it. Fights always remind me of my father.

"I want to play with the puzzles!" Max almost screamed.

"And I want to play with the dolls!" Anna screamed back. She turned her back toward Max, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

I fumbled with my fingers not knowing what to do. I just wanted to play with the toys. Why could they not just make up? As long as we can play together, right?

"Rose, what do you want?" Max asked me angrily.

I stuttered, "Uh-uh, I-I don't know. I-I don't mind playing with the dolls or the puzzles." I kept my voice low, not wanting to anger Max more. Most of the time it worked with my father.

"No! You have to choose!" Max yelled at me. He crossed his arms and glared at me.

"The d-dolls?"

Max did not like my answer. He came up to me and pushed me while screaming, "You're so stupid! I don't want to play with you anymore!"

Only he did not know his strength, or rather he did not know how light weighted I was, because I fell down. And I fell down hard. In fear I looked up at Max, he walked up to me and without knowing, as a reflex I protected my head with my arms. "P-Please don't h-hurt me."

For a short moment it was quiet, before we heard Nathan's stern voice, "What is going on in here?"

The three of us all stayed quiet.

"Max, what happened? Why is Rose on the floor? And why did we hear screaming?" Nathan's voice sounded even lower than before.

"I- uh- got mad." Max said in a whisper.

"You got mad, why?"

"Because Anna wanted to play with the dolls, and I wanted to play with the puzzles and Rose did not know what she wanted and in the end she chose the dolls and then I got mad." Max spoke really fast, and you could hear he was nervous.

"Then why is Rose on the floor?"


"Max?" Nathan pressed.

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