Chapter 5: rules and new stuffies

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Derek p.o.v

After I woke up I had taken a shower and headed straight downstairs. I wanted to make sure breakfast was ready before Rose woke up. But to my surprise, she was already up and in the kitchen. Also, Jack was here instead of Stella which was weird. Nonetheless, I paid all my attention to the little girl who stood in front of me. 

I have to say I was a bit surprised, to say the least when she wanted me to hold her. I had told this morning this whole speech to myself that I wouldn't do that kind of stuff until it was confirmed what her situation was and what the boundaries were for the both of us. But I couldn't say no to this sweet little Rose. We knew each other not even for twenty-four hours and she had already wrapped me around her little finger. 

While I was making her breakfast I hold her on my hip. When I sat her down on my lap I started feeding her. Because I was already babying her without her complaining I didn't see a problem with that. But her behavior needed to be confirmed before I had my hopes up. I really wanted a little, although I wasn't really seeking hard for one. I had thought that she would show up eventually and - maybe- she did. So I really needed that talk with her about her possibly being a little and becoming mine and of course also about her staying here no matter what the outcome would be after our talk. 

"So I see you have already met Jack, Rose?" Giving her another bite of her cereal. She just nodded her head. A bad habit of her, if she is becoming my little we really need to work on that. 

"Well, aren't you going to say hello?" Again she was just silent. I looked at Jack and I saw that he wanted to wave it off but I didn't. My Daddy dom mode was full-on and I wanted to remind her of her manners. 

"Come on now little one, we don't want to forget your manners, don't we?" She shook her head. "Well go on then, say hello to Jack and introduce yourself," I said in a slightly stern voice. 

"Hi, Jack. N-nice meeting you, I am Rose," she said timidly. I was proud of her, for overcoming her shyness and for listening to me. Jack said hello back and continued on his phone, probably texting either his sister or mother. "Good girl," I said and gave the rest of her breakfast. 

After we were done Jack went to his mother and Rose and I went both to the living room. She sat on the couch in front of me and looked at her hands. I was a bit nervous but this had to be done so that there would be no miscommunication. 

"So Rose, we need to talk." Her head went straight up and I saw sadness in her eyes. 

"I need to go, r-right? I understand you were very kind to let me stay here so-" Oh no this was not what I meant. Shit, I should have dealt with the situation differently. Stupid me. 

"No, no that's was not what I was going to say." She looked again up from her hands and I saw a confused look on her face but hope in her eyes. She tilted her head and asked, " so you want me to s-stay?" The disbelief in her voice was kind of cute. 

"Yes, only if you want of course. But first, before we start talking about your stay here I want to discuss something else. So I need you to be a big girl, alright?" The last part I added was because I needed her to understand that it was going to be an adult kind of talk. 

She nodded her head in an understanding way and I continued "It has come to my attention that... that your actions and behavior don't add up with your age. Meaning you don't act exactly like your age," I said because I saw again the confusing look on her face. 

"So that left me with two questions and if you don't know the answer that is totally fine, so don't worry about it. The first question is, are you a little like a little in the ddlg/clg lifestyle. Or do you act a little bit childlike because you don't want to grow up yet?" I let her think about the two questions I asked her. I already knew it would be difficult for her to answer but I didn't know how I could ask her differently at the moment. 

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