Bonus chapter 2: the final end

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A/N: I recommend listening to the song while reading this chapter.

Rose p.o.v

Nervously I adjusted my dress again. It was the fourth time in the past seven minutes I touched my dress. I looked at myself in the mirror again and it was hard for me to recognize myself. It wasn't only now, I had it multiple times in the last few weeks. 

My hair looked strong and healthy. It shined. I often wondered as a teenager why my hair never looked the same as I saw other women have, with their fancy updos, braids, and curls. 

My skin looked better than ever. Anna had helped with my self-care. She introduced me to Korean skincare, how to follow the ten steps before I go to bed, how to protect my skin, and how I should never ever leave the house again without wearing any SPF. I laughed then. 

My weight was finally at a healthy number. A month ago I saw my curves for the first time in my life. I saw how I got boobs at the age of eighteen. The dresses I got from Derek finally stayed in place instead of slumping down my shoulders every time I moved. 

Often I wondered how I could become more like the women with their fancy hair.  I remember how envious I was. 

And now I am one of them. 

I smiled in the mirror. The nerves slowly slid away. 

Who could be nervous when they looked like this? 

"Rose? Rose? Are you ready?" I heard Derek yell from below. 

I responded back with a 'yeah' and made my way downstairs. There Derek was waiting in a dark forest green suit. He looked handsome as ever. Or pretty, as I would have said two years ago when I met him. 

Life had changed drastically since I fell on my knees in grief for the loss of my only friend then, Belle. A friend who couldn't even speak to me. But the loss of her brought me real friends and a boyfriend. 

"Well, hello beautiful," Derek greeted me with a kiss on my forehead. "Happy birthday, Rose," He whispered and kissed me on the lips. 

I blushed like I did every time he kissed me. Our hugs and kisses matured more over time as our relationship matured. 

I loved it. I loved how I got the space to grow up and mature on my own, on my own time and pace. I loved how mature Rose was.

I also loved how the small side of me kept me going all those years, how she fought through horrible times. 

But once I grew up. Once I no longer needed her, I let go of her. Sometimes she comes and says hello. Nonetheless, she is no longer a big part of my life anymore, and I made peace with that.

Big Rose, mature Rose, will conquer the world from now on.

"Shall we go?" I nodded my head and Derek lead us to the car where Jack held the door open. 

"Thank you, Jack." 

"Anytime, Rose," He winked. 

When we were both seated I asked, "So, what have you planned for me?" Derek didn't respond at first and grabbed me by the hips and planted me on his lap. I squealed in delight, wrapping my arms around his neck as we made it out of the driveway. 

"You shall see, baby girl," He kissed my cheek as a peace offering for not telling me. 

Instead of pestering him about his plans for me. I enjoyed sitting on his lap while he softly caressed my thigh with his thumb and soft music was playing on the background coming from the radio. 

It was still light out, but the sun was slowly setting. The sky changed from blue to a more yellowish-orange color. I could see how here and there lights were turned on, like silent fireworks one by one giving light in different directions. 

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