Chapter 50: An new adventure

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Rose p.o.v

Fear. Fear was the only thing that kept me busy as my body sat rigidly in the seat, my hands grabbing the armrest tight and my feet pushed into the soft floor bedding of the plane. My whole body screamed to get out, but my excitement for the little vacation we were all going on kept me from yelling to Derek to stop the plane at once. 

Derek, however, sat as relaxed as a human possibly could. Sitting crossed-legged, watching through the tiny window, looking at how our world got smaller and smaller while he tried to soothe me by stroking my hand lightly. My hand that was now completely white because of my tight grip. 

When I felt the plane tipping forward, leveling horizontally again, was when I could finally release my breath which I didn't know I was holding. It was then some of the tension released from my body and it was then I finally dared to look around and see how the others were doing. 

Anna was all giggly and excited, pointing to Ellis and back to the window, showing her all the buildings, parks, and places she recognized. Meanwhile, Ellis tried to calm her down gently by caressing Anna's hair and giving her small kisses, whispering in the smaller girl's ear something I couldn't quite catch as the roaring of the engine made it hard to hear. 

Max, however, was indifferent to the plane taking off. He just sat next to Nathan, cuddling into his side, both enjoying each other's brace. They, too, were talking softly to one another. I couldn't quite understand why everybody was either calm, excited or indifferent to this whole ordeal. 

"That was quite the scare, huh?" Derek hummed. 

Still struck by fear and fright I couldn't speak, yet. So I just nodded my head. I could hear him chuckle. "It's all right to be scared, princess. Everybody is scared their first time on a plane." 

I looked at him with wide eyes. "R-really?" I stammered, just finding my voice again. It was hard for me to imagine Derek being scared, even though I saw him being vulnerable with me, him being afraid was just not like Derek. Derek was in my eyes a strong man, somebody who could protect me from all the badness in the world. 

"Of course, I was. I think I was about your age I went into an airplane for the first time. I, Nathan, and some other friends from college went on a trip together for the first time as a group, just like we are doing now and we had decided to go to Hawaii. It was the first time I would travel by air and when we had to take off I held Nathan's hand secretly because I didn't want to others to know I was afraid." 

"Why Derek?" I asked as I tilted my head. 

He grabbed my hand with both his hands and avoided eye contact until he finally spoke up. "I didn't want them to know I had never flown before. Remember I told you my parents were poor as well?" 

I nodded my head.

"The guys I was friends with didn't know that and because we were always running low on money we could never afford to go on a vacation, which meant I never had gotten on a plane before."

I nodded in understanding. 

"You will see, once we go back you won't be that afraid anymore," Derek assured me as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"And why is that?" 

"Because then you know what will happen." 

For the next half an hour we all enjoyed some drinks and snacks and Max, Anna and I sat alone for a while to play some games. I liked the games we were playing they were quite easy to follow and I even won a couple of times. It felt nice to feel so normal again. I had forgotten all about Olivia, my coma, and my father. 

For the first time in my life, I felt like a normal teenager, enjoying spending time with my friends and well possibly my future boyfriend. 

It was in that short moment I noticed how I had grown in the past year. It was this morning I saw on the calendar it was almost a year ago since I had met Derek. Then I was still an ignorant and naive girl, now I feel more like a grown andconfident woman. Well, more confident than a year ago. 

During our card game, Anna started to yawn, it was then all our caregivers it was time for some downtime. Derek took me aside from the others, sitting in the back of the plane. "We have some discussing to do," He said while he winked. 

When I was all settled on his lap, Derek brought the table down and held a white paper and pen in his hand. "What is this for?" 

Derek gave me a small kiss on the crown of my head and explained, "Well, I think the last time when we started the Daddy and little girl dynamic we went it the wrong way."

I drew up my eyebrows, frowning. "Wrong way? How so?" Things went wrong when Olivia came into the picture, before that everything was fine. Right? 

"Normally," Derek started, "I get my rules, punishments, rewards out and I negotiate with my sub. But with you I couldn't really because you had no idea about the lifestyle of the dynamic, other than your little tendencies and headspace." 

Derek remained silent after that, leaving me some time to settle his words in my mind. He then continued. "So, now I want us to both think of rules, punishments and rewards we are both comfortable with and then you will be my baby girl again." 

I nodded my head, "All right, let's do that." 

We took our sweet time negotiating on the details of our dynamic. We were almost ready to land. I felt way more comfortable with the rules now I had a say in it as well. My rules were now:

1. Call Derek Daddy - except in public
2. Always tell Daddy when something is wrong
3. One hour of school time each day (writing, readying or calculating) 
4. Once a month have a talk about our dynamic
5. No lying
6. No cursing
7. Bedtime is when Daddy says it's bedtime
8. Eat three meals a day
9. No ignoring, backtalking, or hurting Daddy

My rewards stayed the same as before but the punishments had changed to:

1. Early bedtime
2. No snacks
3. No tv/iPad time
4. Time out
5. Writing lines
6. Being grounded 

We both agreed that spanking was out of the way for a long, long time. Derek said he should have never kept that on the list and he apologized for it. He also assured me he had no problem not having that kind of control over me and said that if I was never ready he would be totally fine with it as well. The no cuddles and stuffies punishment was off the list as Derek had learned that wasn't healthy at all and I agreed. 

Derek sealed our agreement, our new dynamic as he called it, with a gift. It was a wrapped box with a big ribbon on it. I was curious what he would have gotten me that fit in the box that was now laying on my lap. I carefully opened it up and what I saw, what my eyes witnessed, it was unbelievable. 

It was Belle.

I don't know how but somehow he had found my Belle. My stuffie, my best friend in the whole wide world, was laying in front of me again after being separated for almost a year. Tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't speak. The gesture was something one turned speechless. 

I just gave Derek, my Daddy, a big hug. He just smiled and explained how he immediately gave an assistant the job to go find my comfort item the day we had met. Only the assistant in question went on maternity leave shortly after it was found and had handed it over to another assistant. Unfortunately, while learning his new job he had forgotten to mention it to Derek and months went by until the new assistant gave notice. By then I was in my coma and our relationship was shattered. 

But now we had healed our relationship Derek thought it was a nice way to start our new path.

I was happy with what we had established. It felt like a new, fresh start, a new beginning. Leaving the past in the past and moving forward to something beautiful. Our relationship had been tested a couple of times before and we overcame them. Derek grew as a human and I grew up to be a woman. Both ready to start this new adventure. 

So the moment the plane had landed Derek and I were officially Daddy and little girl again. 

But this time even better. 

The End

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