Chapter 14: Rome

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Derek p.o.v

Today was Rose seventh lesson with Oliva. I knew the girls got along with each other and I was glad they did. Only, Rose had a hard time with her lessons. Olivia told me Rose was far behind with her reading, writing, speaking, and understanding. More than we thought.

The hate I felt for her father was growing with each day. To see how Rose struggles sometimes is hard to watch and to know it is her father's fault made it even worse. I swear to all the mighty gods that are out there, I will beat him up.

When I looked at the clock, I saw their session would be over soon. I cleared my desk of the files I had been working on and made my way downstairs.

Nearing the library, I heard the girls talk. It appeared to me that Rose was having a hard time. Her voice sounded distressed.

"It's okay Rose. This takes practice, you'll get it next time." I heard the soothing voice of Olivia.

"But you said that last time, I-I want to get it now." Rose half whined, half whimpered.

"Patience, my dear, patience. Rome was not built in one day." Olivia calmly responded.

I heard Rose sigh. "What does that mean? What is Rome?"

I peeked around the corner and saw a defeated Rose sitting across from Olivia. I felt for the little girl. I wanted so badly fix everything for her with a flicker of my fingers, but the reality was that could not happen.

"That's okay. Look I have here a map of the world." Olivia took a book from the table they were working at. She opened it and displayed a map with all the seven continents in front of Rose.

"Look, we are here, and this little spot is the location of Rome. Rome is a city, a very old city. It was built around 753 BC, so that means over twenty-two hundred years ago. For its time, the city was very big but was not build in one day. It took a long time to get her grand form. And that's where the phrase comes from. Rome is now a magnificent city, but it took it's time to become that way. Therefore, you need to be patience to grow and one day you are as magnificent as Rome is." Olivia ended her explanation with a smile, feeling confident that Rose would be as smart as every teenager. Maybe even smarter.

Rose, on the other hand, she had a hard time believing her wise teacher. She slumped down in her chair and pouted. I saw this as my cue to enter the room and end their session.

"How is it going ladies?" I asked.

"Well, Rose is doing her very best and I think we are making progress." Olivia and I both looked at Rose for a response, only see looked away. Still pouting.

"How about I make you two a drink with a snack? I think you both deserve one after your hard work." I offered.

"Sounds like a plan, don't you think Rose?" Olivia asked.

Rose did not answer the question, but instead looked at me. "Daddy can I go upstairs?" Her voice sounded tired and sad. I did not want to leave her alone in a bad and sad mood. But I had to give Rose a chance to be alone with her thoughts. I nodded my head and hummed in approval. In a wink of an eye she had left the library and was already on the stairs to her room, I assume.

"Well, that leaves to us two. Do you still want a snack?"

Olivia grinned and said, "From you always." A small blush appeared on her cheeks after she made her bold statement. I could only chuckle.

"Then please, follow me m'lady." I said with a slight bow. Olivia giggled and the two of us went to the kitchen.

• • •

After we were done with our drinks and snacks. I went to check up on Rose. Olivia and I had a great time together and she even offered to go for a coffee sometime. I know I should not have my hopes to high up, but still a man can dream.

First, I looked in Rose her nursery. She was not there. I could feel my heartbeat started to beat faster. A slight panic washed over me. With quick steps I went to Rose her other room. Her big girl room. The small girl had curled herself up the mattress under her favourite blanket. It seems Stella was done washing her items.

Rose sniffled and sucked her thumb while hold her beloved stuffed animals. She tried to get a hold of all of them but failed. It was a cute sight, except from the tears.

"Princess?" I walked towards the bed and sat right next to her. "Princess what's wrong?" I hummed. Rose did not answer at first. I picked her up, leaned with my back against the headboard and laid her down on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and asked her again. "Tell daddy what's wrong so I can fix it."

My sweet girl mumbled something incoherent against my chest. "Can you repeat that for me?"

"It's difficult daddy. I don't understand... I don't understand why I have to become Rome so I can write better."

If Rose was indeed a toddler I would have laughed. Maybe. But seeing how Rose is not an actual toddler but a teenager and had a really hard time with understanding what was being taught to her, I felt for her. I felt for my little girl who was struggling so much.

"Don't think about it too much little one. One day you will understand. Daddy promises you." I said. I gave her a kiss on her head and rubbed her back.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

A/N: I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. Please let me know what you think. 

Also, if you have any ideas for this book, please let me know because I think I might have a writers block, kinda...

Anyway, thanks for all the support. I saw this book has over 5k reads, thank you so much!

Thanks for reading and stay safe! 

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