Chapter 30: Hospital

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Trigger warning: curse words are being used in this chapter. Read at your own risk. 

Rose p.o.v

It was hard to stay still. I only saw white around me. I was scared. My stuffies weren't there, Uncle Nathan wasn't there and...and Derek wasn't there. 

I needed someone to hold my hand. This thing was scary. 

They tried to explain to me what was going on and there was nothing to be scared of. But I didn't understand. 

Why didn't they understand me? I just wanted to go home, to my stuffies. 

The white thing made loud noises. Uncomfortable loud noises. I hated loud noises. They remind me of... No! 

No! I need to get out of here. 

I started to shake. My body trembled. I grabbed the hospital gown tightly with my hands. 

"Please lay still." I heard echoing through the room. 

I couldn't answer. I just wanted comfort. 

Tears streamed down my face. Please help me, I thought. Someone out there must help me. I needed some reassurance. That's a difficult word. How did I know that difficult word? 

I tried to focus on how I knew that word. It calmed me down for a couple of minutes until I found out. 


I got sad all over again. I hated her. Not as much as him, him whose name I don't want to think of. But I still hated her. She was a meanie. A big meanie. 

If she wasn't in my life, Derek would still be my Daddy, holding my hand right now, giving me my stuffies, tucking me in my bed. Giving me comfort. 

But Derek wasn't my Daddy, not anymore. That made me sad all over again. 

Can I please get out? I thought. I couldn't say it as my fear made me speechless. 

I hated the difficult words now. Not because they were difficult anymore, but because Olivia taught me them. 

Then finally the bed thingy I ley on moved and the loud noises stopped. 

When I was fully out of the big white thing a nurse came into the room helping me off the bed. "Can I go now?" 

The man smiled at me, "I am sorry sweetie. But you will have to wait until the doctors think you can go home and that can take a while." 

I pouted. 

Soon I was back in the other room where Uncle Nathan was waiting, but there was someone else too. Derek was there too. I did not know how to react. 

When I was carefully placed on the bed again they both stand close to my bed. Uncle Nathan grabbed my hand and asked, "How are you feeling?" 

I shrugged my shoulders. My body hurt, but that was nothing new. 

"I want cuddles," I whispered. 

Uncle Nathan chuckled. "I don't think any of us will fit with you on that bed." 

Then Derek spoke up, "I might have a solution." He walked to the corner of the room where he had a bag. Out of it, he grabbed my stuffies. My stuffies! 

He walked up to me and with hesitance gave it to me. "Here you go, baby." 

I buried my face in them the moment I had them in my hands. I needed them so badly. I didn't know how much I missed them until then. I was so happy I could feel their soft fur in my hands again. 

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