Chapter 44: Breaking down walls or trauma?

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Derek p.o.v

I was reviewing some documents I got sent to me late by my secretary. Rose's visit made me feel energized and I was feeling like working all night, while I was still feeling like I could fight the world. 

In hindsight, it was a good thing I choose to do so as my phone went off just minutes after midnight, a time when I would normally be sleeping. 

When I saw it was Max who was calling me feelings of worry waved through my body, adrenaline pumping through my veins. 

Was there something wrong?

Did something happen to Nathan? To Rose? To all of them? Or Anna and Ellis? 

Did they have a fight? 

Was there an accident?

No, please. Don't let there be another accident, my heart couldn't take that. 

All these questions swarmed through my mind before I picked up the phone. "Hey Max, what's going on?" 

"Derek, I think you need to come over," He said hesitantly. 

"Why? What's going on?" I questioned. My voice raised with volume with every word. 

"Uhm, I think Rose is having a breakdown. Shad had this nightmare and she is only asking for you and we can't calm her down. So, we need you to come here." 

I nodded my head, "All right, I will be there as soon as possible." Just before I wanted to cut off the line Max shouted to me to wait. 

"What's wrong?"

"It might be wise to get some clothes and stuff like that Rose is familiar with."


"She... Rose wet her bed. I think she is in little space." Max said lowly. 

Immediately, I thought of all the things I had to bring with me. I quickly hung up and went to get all the things I needed. 

It took me a good five minutes to get everything in a bag and get myself into the car. I was slightly excited to see Rose so soon again, but I hated the reason why I had to see her so soon. Rose was having a hard time and after everything that was going on I wanted some stability for her, some peace. 

When I arrived I was greeted by Max, who was already waiting in the driveway. He must have seen me coming up. 

"Rose is upstairs with Nathan." I nodded my head. I could hear Max following me to their room. When I was standing there in the door opening I could see how distressed Rose was. She had clung to Nathan, who look exhausted, and kept on chanting 'Daddy'. 

I carefully made my way to them and took Rose in my arms. In just seconds you could hear her coming down. Her cries became quieter. 

"It's all right, little one. It's all right." I noticed how Nathan had left the room for just the two of us. 

I laid the girl down and planted a small kiss on her head and kept holding her hand, reassuring her that she wouldn't be alone and I would stay with her. 

All my movements were slow and careful to not startle Rose in any way. I had taken off her clothes, wrapped her up in the towels again, and got her into the bath in the bathroom that was joined with Nathan and Max's bedroom. 

I made soothing noises when I cleaned Rose up. I quickly washed her hair and her body and when that was all done I got her quickly dry and ley her down on some clean towels on the bed again. 

I diapered her, just to be sure, as I had no idea in what kind of headspace she was in, and put a comfortable big, plushy hoodie on. I clipped on a paci and gave it to Rose to suck on. I put some nice fuzzy socks on and she was ready for bed. 

When I picked her up to look for Nathan I saw how he and Max had just put on some new sheets on Rose her bed. 

"Has Rose calmed down a bit?" Nathan asked worriedly. 

"I think so," I said as I put some hairs out of her face. 

"Well, then I am relieved. I had no idea what to do, to be honest." Nathan walked up to us and caressed Rose's cheeks softly. 

"Make yourselves at home, I hope you don't mind if we go to sleep now. It was a tiring night." 

"Of course, of course. We will take care of ourselves, no need to worry." I reassured my best friend. He gave me a small smile and took Max's hand in his as they both made their way out of the room. 

When they left I got us comfortable on the big bed and ley Rose down in my arms. She had clung to me like a koala and had no intentions of letting me go. I didn't mind though, this is what I had missed for so, so long, and never had I thought I would be able to take care of Rose like this any time soon. 

I thought it would have taken weeks, no, months before we would be at a stage where I could be like a caregiver for her again. Of course, the reason why I had to be here wasn't one I wanted but I would enjoy this time together nevertheless. 

The next morning I was woken up by something, or rather someone, who was pulling at my hair. When I opened my eyes I stared right back at Rose's brown eyes. "Well hello there, little one." 

She only responded with a giggle and kept on tucking my hair. 

"What are you so giggly about, hmm?" 

Rose didn't answer as she kept on giggling behind her pacifier. It was too cute. I had missed this side of Rose. It was only then I noticed how I had never seen her little after the accident. 

"Well if this little girl isn't speaking, how about some breakfast?" Rose didn't really respond to my question but didn't fight me when I picked her up to take her down with me. 

I carefully checked if her diaper was wet, which wasn't, and made my way down the stairs. 

Nathan and Max were still sleeping, I assumed when I saw nobody downstairs. I searched for a high chair and put Rose in it as I didn't want her to fall down while I was busy making breakfast. 

I took my time with making the food as I wanted to give a nice and good breakfast to the two men upstairs. I was sure it was challenging last night with Rose, so a nutritious breakfast was in order. 

When I was twenty minutes into preparing the food, I could hear somebody coming down the stairs. It was Nathan. 

"Morning." He greeted me quite cheerfully. 

"Good morning." 

I saw how Nathan made his way to Rose and gave her a small kiss on her head. Rose laughed and held out her hands to him. Nathan took her hand in his and let her play with his fingers for a moment. 

"So, how did you sleep?" I asked. 

"Quite well, actually, seeing the circumstances. How about you?" 

"I slept well too and I think Rose did too." I chuckled as I saw how interesting she thought Nathan's fingers were. 

He smiled while looking at her, but I could see how his smile faltered with time. "What's wrong?" 

"I don't know, Rose behavior doesn't sit with me right, I guess." 

"Why's that?" I questioned. 

"I don't know if this is a trauma response or that she finally took down her walls and felt safe enough to feel small again." 

I could see where he was coming from and immediately I got worried too. I had hoped, assumed, that Rose did the latter, breaking down her walls. But I hadn't forgotten that Max said she had a nightmare. 

"Well, we can only hope it wasn't a trauma response."

A/N: I hope you like how the story is going thus far, I think I am about to wrap this story up within a couple of chapters so I can focus more on The Only Child. 

Please let me know if you want a complete finished story ending or something more open so I can make a sequel? 

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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