Chapter 11: apologies

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Derek p.o.v

Jack needed three days to be with his mother. His mother got accepted to get the new treatment and was now settled in the hospital. I hoped for Jack this would help his mother to get better. She had been sick for as long as I can remember and never really understood what was exactly wrong with her, but I had seen her. Jack's mother was indeed ill and was in great need of help. So, I hope this will be the start to the finish of her way to get better.

Rose has been asking for Jack everyday, saying she wanted to apologize to him. It was honestly very cute to see her pout every time I had to say he was not coming back yet. I was proud Rose knew she did something wrong and needed to apologize. Not all littles are like that. One time I had met this girl, Eva, and she never, ever admitted she did something wrong. She would always blame it on her little side. Luckily, she was not my little because she would have a tough time with me. Her mommy was just too nice and sweet to put Eva on her place.

I just got a message from Jack he would be here in five minutes, so I made my way to Rose to let her know. When I came closer to the living room, I heard giggles. I smiled. I loved the sound of her giggles.

I entered the living room and saw her sitting in front of Stella who was braiding her hair. Rose looked happy. I remembered the first days she was here. She was so tense and shy, but little by little she came around and started to trust us. I was glad I could offer her place where she could be who she really was.

"What is so funny that I'm missing out of?" My words had startled both the girls. Then the infamous glint her Rose's eyes appeared whenever she saw me.

"Daddy!" She stood up and ran into my arms. I picked her up and put her on my hip. "Well hello to you too little one. So, what is so funny?"

Rose giggled again. "We were talking about how you would look like with braids." She said between her laughter.

"Oh, and you think I could not pull that off? I think I would look great with braids." I said a bit offended, but playful.

"No, no daddy, don't be sad." Now I laughed. "I'm just joking baby girl." I put some hairs out of her face, that were too short to stay in her braids. "Guess what?"

"What daddy?" Rose asked eagerly.

"Jack will be soon home." The moment those words left my lips, she started to wriggle in my arms. "What is all the fuss about?"

"I need to get it daddy." I still hold her in my grip. "Okay, but can you ask nicely to be put down?" It was very dangerous what she did, I could have lost my grip and then she would fall.

"Please daddy, I need to get my present for Jack." She said with big puppy eyes.

I chuckled, well that was for now good enough. I set her down and she went off to her room. When Rose came back, she was holding something behind her back, probably the present, I thought. Short after I heard footsteps coming our way. I saw the excitement in Rose's eyes, but she also looked quite tensed.

She stepped closer to me and held my hand. I kissed her head and told her that everything was fine. Jack stepped in the living room and looked surprised. I think he did not expect a welcome committee. Stella excused herself and went on with her work after she greeted Jack.

"Jack good to have you back." I shook my hand with him and we both smiled. Then his eyes went from me to Rose, who was now hiding behind me.

"Hello Rose." Jack greeted, but no response came from the little girl behind me.

"Rose, come on. There is nothing to be afraid of." I nudged her a bit to get her from her hiding place.

"H-Hello Jack, I-I have s-something f-for you." Timidly she brought her hand behind her back towards Jack. It held a card. When Jack took it from her, she said, "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry I-I did n-not listen and used stuff on you I-I was not s-supposed to use. I'm really sorry." Jack took the card and opened it, his eyes widened, but he was quickly to fix his posture.

"Thank you Rose, and I should apologize as well. I was too harsh on you and I'm sorry that I made you scared. It was never my intention. I brought you a gift too, if your daddy is okay with me giving it to you?"

Jack looked at me and I nodded. Rose deserved a gift after her good behaviour. It was a little bag with the symbol of a make-up brand on it. I feared for what was inside, but I did not want to be a party killer, so I let Rose to investigate what was inside.

"Of course, you need permission form your daddy to use it, but this is what you're suppose to put on your face. Well according to my sister. I asked her for help." Jack scratched his neck. He was nervous. Not because of Rose, but because of me. I held my breath for what was coming.

I saw Rose getting the items from the bag and it was a small eyeshadow palette, lipstick, and mascara. I sighed.

This was going to be a lot to handle. However, Jack meant well, and I was not going to put the gift away. I would ask Stella to help Rose understand how and when to use to products.

Rose looked up and I saw her eyes spark with joy and happiness. She put the items back in the bag and hugged Jack. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She jumped up and down and showed me proudly her gifts.

I caressed Rose her head and suggested, "How about you show Stella what you got." I did not need to ask that twice as she made a direct bee line towards the woman.

"I'm sorry sir if I overstepped a line, but when I talked with my mom and sister about what happened they suggested this. To learn Rose not to use paint and crayons on people's faces." He looked down at his hands and his word were rushed.

"Jack, I thought it was very thoughtful of you and you did not overstep anything. Only I did hope I was maybe the first one to give her something like that, but I still got many other first to give her, like perfume, so no worries. I'm just glad you are getting along better."

His eyes widened and he thanked me. Then I remembered his reaction a minute ago when he opened Rose her card. "By the way, what was in Rose's card that startled you?"

"You saw?" I nodded my head. "Well, look for yourself."

I opened the card and was surprised too. The text she had written was full of errors. A seventeen-year-old girl should be able to write better than this. I was worried. Did her father keep her at home, away from school?

A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait, but currently I'm very busy with uni. I have to write a lot for assingments, therefore I don't want to write everyday after I have already written over 2000 words. I hope you can understand. 

Please let me know what you think of the story. 

Also if you have any ideas for the story please let me know, I'm happy to include your ideas as well. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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