Chapter 1: Starting Jade!

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HEY! if you like to get straight to the point (like me) look for these emojis at the beginning of each tittle of a new chapter:

🔥: More of juicy romance
🎭: drama
🖼: a drawing (I made)
💞: romance

Moon walked out of her mom'a car sighing deeply. She was greeted by a girl who wasn't much older then her, in front of the school with a map of the school. She pick out the keys to her dorm (bear with me :,) ) and started to walk around the area. She reached her dorm and opened the door, she felt hands on her shoulder right away.

"HEY, you must be my roommate! MoonWatcher, is that correct?" said a girl shorter then her, who had very bright clothes on.

"Yes...." she answered looking around the room. "But call me Moon instead, please".

"My name is Kinkajou! Take a look around! ITS AWESOME!" Kinkajou ran around. Surprisingly, they got along very well, the quiet kid and the energetic kid? They talked about the school, comic, TV shows.

"I waited for you to pick, bottom or top" kinkajou pointed at the bunk bed.

"Oh, the bottom, I'm actually alright with anything" Moon answered.

Kinkajou probably wanted the top because she started smiling and jumped on the top bunk, unpacking. Moon drank some coffee before she looked at the clock.

"KINKAJOU, HURRY! Class is starting soon!" Moon rushed and picked up her backpack. After locking the door Kinkajou and Moon started running, until reaching the halls, which were really crowded. It was noisy and Kinkajou and moon would probably get lost. They both nodded and walked into the crowd. Moon pushed everyone in her way (not really she was dodging everything).

She then felt something hit her feet. And heard someone fall. don't tell me-. Moon slowly turned around, fear in her eyes. A guy with white, blue hair got to his knees and got up. Moon was frightened by how tall he was. She could feel people staring. She walked in the group of was walking trying to get lost so no one would know.

"Get back here!" Moon felt herself being turned around and was faced with the coldest eyes she ever saw. He let go of her sweater. "You think I'm going to let you off the hook that easy??!" He yelled loudly for her to hear but not to drag the whole school to them.

"Apologize" He growled but said it like he was going to explore of anger. Moon flinched because she felt like he would yell at any moment. "ANSWER NIGHWING!"

He yelled away. That-that made Moon look down. Was that it? Because I'm a NightWing? I didn't asked to be born like this- it isn't MY fault.. The reality was that, this school was made for other tribes to get along. Although, it was hard because the past was that other tribes were never supposed to get along. Especially NightWings and IceWings- Moon for a fact knew that he was an IceWing. He looked like it for sure- he's pale skin and white hair... how couldn't he? Most tribes hated NightWings..  all Moon wanted was a CHANCE! before they judge her.

"HELLO! ANSWER!!" Moon heard someone yell. She snapped and noticed he was waiting for her. She couldn't open her mouth no matter how hard she tried.

"Look- Im- I'm very very sorry!" Moon trying to reason with him.

"WINTER!" someone said, Moon looked to the side and noticed that a deep tan, yellow haired, SandWing was walking there way.

"Seriously winter!" The SandWing said. He got between both of them.

"It probably wasn't her fault! I don't think anyone would want to cause this between you" he said rolling his eyes then switching his eyes to Moon. He grinned at her, as if this was normal.

"Hi, I'm Qibli, this is Winter, the dramatic King" Qibli was somewhat the size as Winter, he was just a pinch shorter. Moon sighed quietly he had a warm feeling to him and she already felt more comfortable.

Qibli was going to say something else until they heard a BONG. The crowd that was around turned around and ran to there class and Moon knew that class was starting soon. She ran to her class and hope she wasn't the last one. After running down some halls she made it to class. She saw Kinkajou waving at her.

"What took you so LONG!"

Moon huffed "Long story".

As Moon sat on her seat, looking at the clock, she noticed the bell was going to bong again, but this time for lateness. Just as the bong was going to happen- she noticed everyone looking at the door.
Strange. So she looked at the front door. Her eyes went wide-

Both Winter and Qibli standing at the entrance looking at her with shook surprises although they had tingles of curiosity in the back of there minds.

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