Chapter 3: Shiping

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HEY! if you like to get straight to the point (like me) look for these emojis at the beginning of each tittle of a new chapter:

🔥: More of juicy romance
🎭: drama
🖼: a drawing (I made)
💞: romance

Days and then weeks past of school with homework and assignments. Moon talked little bits here and there to Qibli. She tried to avoid Winter, and she did.

"Okay class so today we're just going into groups and finish a worksheet" Gill said waving a pile of papers.

"Turtle, Carnelian, Umber, ....."
The name when on and on
"Moonwatcher, Kinkajou.... Winter and Qibli"
Moon sweared she say him smile saying the last to names-

As all of them formed groups Kinkajou sat next to Moon. Winter referred to sit with Qibli so he grabbed his chair and sat and the edge of the table.

Time when on until Kinkajou said "Can you check my answers?"

"Sure" Moon then grabbed Kinkajou sheet.

"This and this one are wrong but yeah"

"oh ok, thanks" said Kinkajou as she quickly changed it.

It was an awkward silence.


"Yeah" she respond

"Why don't you help turtle?" Moon smiles but slowly turned to a smirk.

"What's that face for?" Kinkajou glanced suspiciously at her.

"Kinkajou you ship everyone else, BUT YOU!" Moon said desperately.

Kinkajou looked generally confused. Moon blinked a few times.

"He likes you-" she finally said.

"Huh??!!" Kinkajou face turned pink.
Moon then turned to Qibli.

"Qibli your opinion?"

Qibli smirked and laughed. "Well- DUH. Kinkajou seriously??"   

"See" Moon said turning back to Kinkajou. "I mean I guess" she said and rising up to her chair.

"Qibli, watch this..." although he was already watching.

He sat were Kinkajou was sitting, next to Moon.Kinkajou then slowly walked to Turtle. He looked tried and plain bored. She tapped on his shoulder and Turtle looked over his shoulder. Turtles face was a mix or confusion and happiness.

"Ha, did you see his face?!" A deep voice next to Moon. She looked over and Winter. They both faced each other shook and surprised. Although, Moon was more surprised then him. Winter forgot about hating her and slowly sat back down to his chair.

"Do you need any help there?" Kinkajou asked Turtle.

"Um- I- no- I mean- sure sure" they both checked and laughed for a while.

"I ship it" Moon said, barley a whisper.
"Who does Kinkajou ship?" Qibli asked, both of them sitting down normal again.

"I- uh..." Moon face burning up.

"What?" Qibli chuckled, though he wondered why she was nervous.

"You see..." moon said placing her hands together and pointed her hands at him like an arrow.

"You should just ask her" Moon inhaled sharply while playing with her curry bangs.

"Is it embarrassing?" Qibli asked.

"You have no idea" Moon laughed nervously.

"Does she ship you with anyone?" He asked

"Uh" Moon then stopped playing with her hair.
"Of, course not? Why would she- it's not like anyone likes me" she laughed.

She's laughing it off- Qibli thought.
"Oh please Moon" Qibli then tapped her in the head with his knuckle.

"OH PlEasE MoOn What?" Moon wrinkled her nose at him.

"Even my OWN TRIBE doesn't like me! How can anyone else?"

"Uh hello? Are you Kinkajou now?" Qibli mimicking the wrinkling nose affect.

"Easy for you to say...everybody likes you.." Moon grumbled.

"Huh? I'm sorry I didn't hear that?" Qibli said leaning closer to her.

"I SAID- it's easy for you to say.." Moon grumbles again. Why the moons- is it so hard to say???

"I'm sorry, I think there's something suck in my ears" Qibli then pretending he got something out of his ears. "There, you were saying?" Him getting even closer to her.

"SO HOW DID IT GO?" Moon got pushed back by some cold hands. Then Moon looked besides her. Winter?

He was moving her and Qibli back away.
Qibli knowing what Winter was doing, slightly rolling his eyes.
Moon looked back at who Winter was talking to.

"Why do you wanna know?" Kinkajou looked at Winter suspiciously. "I mean I'll tell you but, it's unlike you"

"OH" Moon literally flew out of her chair "SO, sit down and tell us"

"I mean it was alright, he got most of them correct" Kinkajou shooed Qibli and sat down.

"I mean I'm not interested in this but seriously I don't think she asked about the questions" Winter eyes Kinkajou.

"Oh okay, but why did you ask then" Her eyebrows rising.

"Uh- well" they well know- why did I say that? I don't know my body told me to separate Moon and Qibli- they were just too close.

"I'm just wondering..." he said avoiding eye contact.

"Like I said, it was fine, nothing happened" she said shrugging her arms.

Moon exaggerating a yawn "and you said I'm boring"

"I- I mean you are! The only romance you got going on is going out with your assignments!" Kinkajou turning red with embarrassment.

"Jeez, thank you Kinkajou" Moon tapped her chest twice with her fist, pretending to be hurt.

"I mean none of us can talk, really.." Winter said out of the blue.

"Hm, he has a point tho-" Qibli popped up grinning at Moon.

-In history we kept getting into groups. Yup. The same groups.-

"Listen up guys!"
All the students almost became quiet and turned there head to the teacher.
"Today we're doing a project it's a book project on history and you guys pick a something would like to present"
Everyone groaned
"Oh and you can go anywhere..THAT IS BASED OFF THE PROJECT!"

Everyone's mood changed because they had more freedom now.
"So now what?" I said.
"I mean we should probably go to the library" Qibli said walking out of the classroom.
"huh??? Where's the library I wasn't able to find it!" Moon said with energy, that Kinkajou rarely saw.
Kinkajou glanced at Qibli and saw his expression. He was looking at moon with- care? He looked at her as he didn't want to leave her. I mean I barely see her this happy imagine how he feels. Kinkajou giggled, Drama already.

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