💞🎭Chapter 13: Getting closer

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Before I start I want to say thank you for reading, and the comments 🥰🥰, the positive comments keep me going, btw I'm not signed it signed in, in Wattpad so I can't answer your questions or say thanks.

Okay back to the story-


"I do"

Moons eyes widened, what? Her mind whispered.

He just kept looking at her, his head slightly titled.

"Hello??" Moon waves her hand back and forth in his face.

She moved his cold hand off of her face and lowered it.

Moon looked back at him, he was still at the same position. Then she snapped her fingers.

"Wh-what" Winter said confused looking up.
"Uh, sorry" he said while rubbing his hair hard.

"You okay...?" Moon asked him.

"Uh- yeah, it's probably because I hit my head" he lied, trying not to look at her.

"Mmm...." Moon mumbled and picked up her book. "We should go, before our Jade Winglet thinks of the wrong thing" 

"What do you mean?" He asked, following her.

"I don't know...maybe something that happened last time.." she said embarrassed.

"Ah.. right" Winter nodding his head.

~They left the shop and started walking to campus~

"Soooo... why did you decided to come?" Moon asked.

"I mean... look it's late afternoon.. it's almost dark, and you know..." Winter answered and looked at her like she would get the next part but instead she looked more confused.
"You're a girl...." he finished off.

"Oh, ahhh so that's what's it's about" She rolled her eyes but appreciated the thought.
"I doubt it" she added.

"I don't" Winter commented, kicking a rock on the pathway.

"Everyone here it's either from school or people I seen from middle school, who ignore me" Moon stated. "I stayed in the shadows, so I doubt people well even remember me"

"I mean, you never know, gotta be safer then sorry" Winter said as they were close the the school now.

"Yeah but don't you think it's a bad idea?" Moon asked looking at Winter so he would look back.
"A NightWing and a IceWing, especially you, you're an IceWing?! You have a repetition"
Moon looked at him as if he would change his mind about hanging out with her.

"I mean yeah... but we can hide" he joked.

"But anyways, you shouldn't be concerned, I mean unless someone likes me, that I doubt" Moon said looking at the floor entering the school.

"Why do you always doubt yourself?" Winter said confused and with some anger.

"In middle school I was bullied a lot, I got doubted so I guess now it's a bad hobbit" Moon said now walking to her dorm but Winter still followed her.

"Well you shouldn't, you're a smart, kind girl, someone will be interested in you" Winter said as they were in front of her dorm now.

Moon smiled, graining a little confidence. "Thanks, well thank you for everything" then she awkwardly waved bye and closed her door.

Right after Kinkajou was busting with questions.

Outside the door, Winter walked over to his dorm while covering his warm face. Well today was embarrassing, why would you compliment her? Idiot. No wonder I'm a disappointment. You should be hanging out with a IceWing.
Winter took a deep sigh. It's wrong but I feels so right but you know you can't...And opened the door.

"What took so long??" Qibli jumped with questions.

"Nothing. Happened" Winter sighed passing him.

"You guys took about a hour!" Qibli followed him.

"Like I said nothing happened" Winter growled.

"Took 45 minutes, it's 10 minutes here and back so 20 minutes walking, you guys took 25 minutes in the library" Qibli said talking fast.

"If your so worried why don't you go with us next time?" Winter snipped, although released what he said. Shi-

"That is a good idea, Winter you are so clever, I don't want any 'accidents' happening again" Qibli said walking away.

Winter face warmed up from the reminder but added "it was an accident, do you really think I'm capable of doing that?" Winter turned around.

"Actually, yes I do" Qibli answered matter of factly.

'I do' echoed in Winter mind and he turned around so Qibli wouldn't figure out, he covered his face from warming his face.

Qibli raised his eyebrows "Something did happened...." it almost said like a growl.
"Did another 'accident' happened? Did you hurt her?"

"No, I didn't. I wouldn't. She was about to fall but I helped her" Winter sighed taking off his suit.

"Hmm.. what if I asked her?" Qibli asked but lay on his bed from tiredness.

Winter went to the restroom taking off his shirt to change but still talking because knowing Qibli, he would keep asking like his annoying self. "She'll would probably be embarrassed" 

Winter came back and went on the top bunk. He signed remembering back at the library. He wasn't staring at her because he hit his head. To be honest he was just spaced up and looking at her beauty. How her skin was light tan but not white as his, how she just looked at him with those eyes, how she looked at him like he wasn't a disappointment. But he wouldn't say that, it was wrong, he was an IceWing, she was a NightWing.

Winter moved around on his bed, sighing. He touched his chest, take this feeling away.
I'm supposed to feel like this with a IceWing. Not you. I'm not.. I'm not supposed to feel jealous when you glance at other guy, I'm not supposed to feel this gushy feeling when you smile.

He stuffed his head on his pillow, feeling how hot his face was.

Welp...I'm screwed he slightly smiled and slept away.

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