🔥💞Chapter 15: Simp

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~Skip to the 🔥 chair for the action 🤭~

Kinkajou told everyone to meet up in the library and soon everyone in the Winglet came.

"Guys! I have something plan for a game for us to play!" She said excitedly.

"What kind of game are we talking here?" Peril asked as she put her shoes on the table.

"So I saw this post where people went in there dorm and basically played a gun fight with paint"

"We should use cool aid or a drink from causing a stain" Umber commented.

"He's right, and we should use worn out shirts "Qibli added, and fake coughing looking at Winter who always used a suit.

"Yeah yeah" Winter rolled his eyes.

"So when are we going to do it" Turtle asked.

"I already have anything planned actually" She said looking at Moon "and you didn't even noticed"

"Wait- I mean your always so sneaky, how am I supposed to know?"

"Mhm, and we'll have this is our door" Kinkajou reached for her phone and texted everyone in a group chat about there dorm number.

"Wait you got everyone's number??" Moon said confused.

"Yeah, and we have to do a couple of thing, well fo it today later at night" she said texting in the group chat.

"Today???" Moon said more shocked.

"Yes Moon, today, at 9:30"

"I'm just so shocked on how you planned this already"

~as time when on, classes were over and Moon and Kinkajou got there dorm ready by moving there bunk bed and pinning up blankets as walls~

Qibli and Winter were the first ones to show up.

"Hey guys! You can sit over there" Kinkajou pointed at the table, Moon on the other side was helping with the blankets.

"Is it just me, or Winter looks weird without a suit?" Kinkajou squirt her eyes are him.

"HA, same, that was my first reaction!" Qibli chuckled.

"Moon what do you think" Kinkajou asked.

"Give me a sec," Moon mumbled drinking a cup of water

She turned around to see Winter with a normal T-shirt, messy hair (without gel because he always had it) Moon chocked on her water.
She didn't want to draw attention so she softly coughed. I well not be one of those fan girls Moon focused back on what she was doing.

Qibli walked over to where Moon was "Soooo, what are you thoughts?"

"What thoughts?" Moon glance at him for a while but focus back at the blankets.

Qibli nodded his head at Winter.

"Oh, well.. he looks different that's for sure" Moon said trying to show no emotion.

Qibli scanned her but Moon shoved her hand in his face.

"What???" Qibli grabbed her hand and gently removed it off.

"You're doing it again" She laughed.

"What again?" Qibli played dumb.

"The thing you do! Where you stare at someone for like minutes straight" Moon rolled her eyes laughing.

Qibli smiled at her, maybe for too long because Moon waved her hand in from of him.
"Sorry, I zoned out" and acted liked it by rubbing his eyes.

-Soon everyone came and sat at that one table-

"So everything is really, we just have to separate into two teams

"There is seven of us, so it's an uneven number" Umber added.

"I don't wanna organize, sooo it's boys VS girls" Kinkajou tapped her chin.

"Sounds good" Peril crunched her fist.

Moon passes the water guns over, blue and red.

Blue being girls and red being boys.

The two groups separated, the dorm was pretty big so they got lost quickly.

"Okay guys separated will shot them faster" Moon whispered to Peril and Kinkajou. In return they both nodded.

On the other side, "I haven't seen anyone around, or hear anyone, we should separated it would be easier" Qibli whispered.

Turtle nodded, Winter scoffed because he was already on planning on doing that, umber walked away slowly.

~ 🔥~ 🔥~ 🔥 ~🔥 ~🔥 ~🔥 ~🔥 ~🔥 ~ 🔥 ~

Winter walked for a while until he heard someone's footsteps, he froze looking around. He slowly walked to a corner and saw Moon sneaking around, he walked behind her, dropping her to the foor.

Winter pinned Moon from the group raising her arms up so she wouldn't do anything.

"Game over" Winter grinned.

Moon only had a few second before he loading the gun up.

Right as Winter inserted the bullet he heard Moon talking.

"Your positioning is great~" Moon said with shakily breathing.

Winter turned to see her, she was breathing heavy because of running around so much, her eyebrows arched, her mouth slightly opened, she was also sweaty, he was also pinning her so this looked completely wrong. His heart skipped a beat and he wanted to look away but he stood there, covered his face because he could already feel himself blushing.

"W-what?" Winter said but Moon quickly pushed him off because his grip loosened, pinned him down, grabbed her gun and placed it against his shoulder.

She grinned "I can't believe you fell for that" and shot him in the shoulder, marking him blue.

"You a simp or something?" Moon asked him.

"No...." Winter mumbled, shoving his face on the ground because he couldn't believe he feel for that also because he was still blushing.

Kinkajou came running in the corner, "HA! You got him!" She shouting whispered. "I got Umber, I'm not sure where's Peril"

"She probably already got Turtle" Moon added.
"Qibli is real smart so it's going to be harder"

"Why, thank you" he turned behind Kinkajou and shot her.

When Qibli shot her so did Moon shot him.

"It's up to Turtle and Peril Now" Kinkajou laughed.

Turns out that Peril shot Turtle so meaning that the girls won.
They played all night and eventually fell asleep.

Winter groaned, slowly opened his eyes.
His eyes widen from what he saw.

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