Chapter 19: Stuck in a locker

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Qibli woke up happily as he woke up grumpy Winter.
Qibli was tapping his shoes impatiently as Winter fixed his tie up and smoothed his hair.

"Why are we such in a hurry?"
He grunted as he put on his shoes.
"It's only....."
Winter moved his arm to see his silver watch.
"We still have 20 minutes left! Why would you wake me up!?"

"I thought you would appreciate it!" Qibli pretended to be hurt.
They both walked throughout the hallways until they arrived to there first class, a few people were already there, all of them laughing or on there phones.
He scanned everyone until he found who he was looking for.

"Oh, I now, see why" Winter raised his eyebrow as he stared at the same person as Qibli was.

"Ha, now do you want me to wake you up early?" Qibli laughed.

"Hm" Winter thought a moment before answering, thinking if it was a trick question.
"You would, anyways" he rolled his eyes.

"That's one hundred percent true" Qibli nodded before waving at Moon.

"Goodddd morninggg!" He ran towards Moon and Kinkajou.

"Well, you're certainly in a good mood today" Moon looked at him but she eyes shuffled to behind Qibli.

"Sheesh, Winter needs a break" Kinkajous eyes widen at his tried looking face.

They entered the room and class passes by slowly like it always did. A hundred of thoughts rushing into Qibli's head. Students walking out of the prison of there last class. The hallways full as he tried to find her. Finally he spotted her wavy hair.

He jumped at the how loud the voice was.

"Hey! Wanna hang out today? I'm bored. We can go to the little store across the street" Cactus wrapped her arms around his neck, making him crouch.

"Sorry I can't today, I'm kinda busy" he answered as kindly as he could.

"I'll see you later" Qibli unhooked her hands, waved and her and ran through the less crowded hall.

Qibli ran until he stopped and noticed Moon and Kinkajou walking together. Kinkajou walked away as Qibli got closer to them.

"Why did she leave?" He asked as Moon slightly jumped.

"Oh, it's just you" she sighed with relief and smiled at him.
"She's going to sign out for a club or some sort.... again"

She kept looking straight until her eyes lifted.
"Hey Winter!" She then started to run at him, Qibli behind her.

"Yes?" Winter looked down at her tiredly but calmly.

"I just wanted to give you this" she reached down in her backpack until someone called out Winters name again, this time a Male voice.

Winter froze and look panicked.
"Hide" he said coldly.

"There endless halls we wouldn't make it in time" Moon glared down the halls.

Qibli just looked back and forth at both of them.
Cant we just pretend we're passing him?
Pretty simple.

Winter struggled to open his locker quickly, then the rusty door open.
"Get inside" but he sounded desperate?

Moon looked surprised and her eyes darted to Qibli like she was asking his permission. If anything he would ask her.

"Winter?!?" The voice got louder as their footstep echoed.

"Please" about now he sounded nervous.


At the last minute both Qibli and Moon entered the locker. Qibli wrapped his arms around her, not specifically a hug but just out of protection.
He felt his head bump into Moons.
"Sorry" they both said in the same time.

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