Chapter Twenty-Four (Edited)

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^^^^^^^Picture of Isaiah now^^^^^^^

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^^^^^^^Picture of Isaiah now^^^^^^^

Anna sits on the sofa at Emily's watching Isaiah play with Leah on the floor "Remember we've got the bonfire tonight

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Anna sits on the sofa at Emily's watching Isaiah play with Leah on the floor "Remember we've got the bonfire tonight." Emily reminds Anna sitting next to her handing her a coffee. "Thanks, yeah I remember about the bonfire." Anna nods. Just as she says that Sam and Jared walk in from Patrol "Jacob is bringing Bella with him." Sam tells her. "Great, he does remember what she said right? The bonfire was supposed to be fun and a chance to wind down with my friends and family. Now the back stabbing liar is going to be there." Anna rants running a hand through her hair. "Just stick with us and we'll make sure that she stays away." Jared responds sitting down at the dining room table as Sam kisses Emily. Anna nods and gives him a smile "Thanks Jare." she tells him. Isaiah toddles over to her "Mumma up." he tells her. Anna smiles and lifts him onto her lap "Hey baby." she says kissing his nose and making him giggle. Isaiah gives her a sloppy kiss "Where Dada?" he asks. "Daddy is at work, he'll be home soon though. Why don't we make him some muffins for when he gets here?" she asks him. Isaiah grins and nods "Ya, chocwot!" Isaiah exclaims. "Chocolate? Come on then baby. Why don't you get Leah to come help?" she tells her son. Nodding Isaiah runs over to Leah and pulls her hand making her follow him to the kitchen.

After a while Embry walks through the door with Quil "Daddy!" Isaiah shouts running over to him with a grin. Chuckling Embry picks him up and blows a raspberry on his cheek "Hey buddy." he smiles. "Hi daddy. We mwade chocwot muffwins." Isaiah tells Embry with a giggle. "You did? Shall we go get one?" Embry responds. "Ya!" Isaiah cheers. Embry smiles and carries him to the kitchen and kisses Anna gently "Hey beautiful." he smiles. "Hey handsome." Anna responds handing Embry a muffin. Embry bites into it and smiles "They're very tasty buddy." he tells Isaiah. The boy giggles before wriggling to get free. Chuckling Embry puts him down letting him run over to play with Leah and Seth. Anna puts her arms round Embry's neck, Embry's arms going round her waist "Miss me?" Embry asks. "Maybe." Anna smiles kissing him. "Okay you two enough PDA. Go get ready for the bonfire, we'll meet you later." Sam tells them with a smile. Chuckling they both grab Isaiah and head home to get ready.

That evening Anna sits next to Leah with Isaiah on her lap as Embry grabs them some food to eat before Billy starts the meeting

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That evening Anna sits next to Leah with Isaiah on her lap as Embry grabs them some food to eat before Billy starts the meeting. "Jacob's running late, probably Bella." Anna mutters. "Hey if she says anything, she'll have the whole pack to answer to." Leah tells her. "Not Jacob though. He's wrapped round her finger." Anna reminds her friend. "Ignore them both then." Leah grins giving Anna a friendly nudge. Anna laughs as Embry walks over to them "What you laughing about?" he asks while handing Leah her food. "Doesn't matter babe." Anna says kissing him gently. "Aww aren't you two just adorable." Jared says sitting down with Paul. "Is Kim coming?" Anna asks him. "No, I still haven't told her yet." he responds. "Well when you do I would love to meet her." Anna smiles making Jared nod with a smile. Isaiah starts wriggling to get free "Hey, what's up baby boy?" Anna asks him. "Want down." Isaiah tells her. "If you go down you have to stay by me, daddy and Leah, okay?" Anna tells him. Isaiah nods and giggles as Anna puts him down. Leah moves to the floor and starts helping him with his food Embry had bought over "I love you." Embry says kissing her neck. "Mmh, I love you too." she responds smiling. As she says that the couple spot Jacob arrive with Bella walking next to him "Here we go." Anna mutters gently brushing Isaiah's hair back slightly. Isaiah looks up at her a giggles "What's funny baby?" Anna asks smiling. Isaiah giggles again and lifts his arms up, making Anna pick him up and sit him on her lap with a kiss on his cheek.

Billy motions for everyone to quieten down making everyone gather round the bonfire. "The Quileute have been a small tribe from the beginning. And we've always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape-shifters that transformed to the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day our warriors came across a creature that looked like man but was hard like stone and cold as ice. Our warrior's sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear the cold man was not alone. They were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki's third wife would see that we would lose. The third wife was no magical being, no special powers but one. Courage. Third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time our enemies have disappeared but one remains. The cold ones. Our magic awakens when they're near and we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming and we must all be ready. All of us." he says reciting one of the Quileute legends to everyone. Anna smiles and leans into Embry as Isaiah drifts off the sleep in her arms "We better get this one home." Embry says making Anna nod. "Leah, you want a lift back?" Anna asks. "It's alright, I'll run home later. Going to spend some time with mum." Leah responds. They both nod and stand up before walking over to Sam and Emily "We're heading off, need to get this one home." Anna explains. Sam smiles at Isaiah "We'll see you both tomorrow, get sleepy home." he chuckles. "Night." Anna smiles walking over to the car and putting Isaiah in his car seat.

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