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GEMINI WAS A TICKING TIME BOMB TO BE AROUND. Why the teenager had always been categorized as a short fuse, but with all of the odds stacked up against her this year...she'd dexterously been examined as destructive and uncontrollable. Though, who honestly had the right to place blame on her? Her mother managed to escape a "highly secure" prison, members of society gawked at her in judgement instead of usual adoration, and she was just recently told she couldn't journey to the village nearby. So, it was no surprise when another load of pent up anger unleashed itself on her hovering friend

"Harry, Love, please refrain from gazing at me. Though I defined it as flattering at first...it becomes a bit unnerving to now constantly catch you in such an act," Gemini snarked; glaring at the emerald-eyed boy from her spot in the common room. Yet, instead of expected spluttering, Harry Potter narrowed his eyes in a penetrating stare. "Well, excuse me," he retaliated, "As I am not a psychic, the knowledge of when your next disappearance might be is a mystery to me. Far be it for me to look out for you." An acrimonious chuckle fell from the girl's parted lips. Look out for her? "Harry Potter. There is a sizable difference between looking out for someone and stalking them!," she shrilled.

"I am not stalking you," he argued against her accusation, "I am simply making sure you don't leave without a trace of your existence for twenty-four hours...again!" In retaliation; Gemini snorted once his words had fully registered, "You're so bloody dramatic! I was on school grounds and had only been clearing my mind for three hours at most. Besides, this was two weeks ago! Let it go." He huffed and, crossing his arms, looked to where Hermione and Ron had descended from the stairway.

"You two aren't going to kill each other whilst we are gone...are you?," Hermione queried; exchanging a cautious glance with her red-haired companion. "No promises," Gemini grumbled; still glaring at The-Boy-Who-Lived. Clearing her throat; Hermione diffused the previous strain, "Well, we'll bring you both lots of of sweets back from Honeydukes. So, I'd advise you to stay alive." Ron, who awkwardly coughed, agreed, "Yeah, loads of sweets. I'll even nab some extra chocolate frogs for you, Gem." The discontented lass' heart had warmed just a smidge. Hermione and Ron had finally forgotten a squabble they had over Crookshanks in the face of their friend's, who they viewed as siblings, difficulties. "Don't worry about me," Gemini assured, "I'll see you guys at the feast, and you'll tell me all about what you experienced today. Plus, in the face of the annoyance I currently feel for him, I've got Harry to keep me company. I wouldn't want to be stuck in this castle with anyone else." The raven-haired boy subtlety smiled...she didn't mind to spend time with him. In what he hoped to be an offhand voice; Harry confirmed Gemini's statement, "Yeah, don't worry about us. We'll be fine. Now, let us walk you to the entrance hall."

The duo's presence did not go unnoticed as they accompanied Ron and Hermione. "Staying here, Potter? What about you, Black? I bet you're scared of passing the Dementors," Malfoy jeered; standing in line with Crabbe and Goyle. Gemini just laughed, "Oi, Malfoy! Nothing scares me and that's a known fact. You're not pretty enough to be this stupid. So, shut the fuck up." Harry, though secretly proud of her quip, picked her up into his arms and exclaimed, "Merlin, Gemini. Why do you always have to start a fight? Just ignore the ferret! He isn't worth our time." The lioness savagely explained, "I don't start fights, Harry. I fucking finish them. Now, LET ME DOWN!" However, her angry demands went overlooked. For; Harry ignored her and made his way up the marbled staircase, through the deserted corridors, and back to the Gryffindor Tower. Gemini locked into a bridal carry the whole way there. She had to admit, perhaps the Quidditch workouts were doing him some good. Though, she was too furious with him at the moment to jokingly flirt.

"Password?," questioned the Fat Lady; nearly shouting over the complaints that spewed from the young girl's mouth. "Fortuna Major," Harry answered nonchalantly; as if holding the thrashing female in his arms was ordinary. The portrait swung open and he climbed through the hole into the common room. It was full of chattering first-and second-years, and a few older students...who had obviously visited Hogsmeade so often the novelty had worn off. Yet, all of that babble ceased at the sight of an enraged Lupin-Black. "What the bloody hell are you lot looking at," the girl sneered, "I wager that you all just think I'm so cute when angered. That's why you are so speechless right now. Isn't it? Well, get ready because I'm about to be fucking gorgeous!" They immediately scattered...at least that's what the pair assumed.

"Harry! Harry! Hi, Harry," was shouted throughout the seemingly empty common room. It was Colin Creevey, a second year who had proved to be deeply in awe of Harry and never missed out on a chance of conversing with him. Even if that meant facing the possible wrath of Gemini Lupin-Black. "Aren't you going to Hogsmeade, Harry? Why not? Hey -," Colin looked eagerly in the direction of where his friends had retreated, "- you can come and sit with my friends and I. If you'd like, of course, Harry." The girl, now comfortable in Harry's grasp, asked, "Am I chopped liver? Where is my invite at, Love?" In response, Colin instantly blushed a deep red. "Oh, M-Miss. Lupin-Black," he stuttered; glancing at the girl situated in the Savior's arms, "I don't intend to p-purposefully exclude you, Ma'am. It's just, my f-friends...they get nervous a-aroun-around you." She sadly smiled at the stammering adolescent; acknowledging, "I am pretty terrifying, aren't I?"

"NO," the preteen yelled; startling the other two, "I mean you aren't scary. Well, you can be sometimes...BUT that isn't a bad thing. I promise. It's just, mainly, that you're intimidatingly beautiful. Although, I'm sure you know that. It's just...I, uh, I'm sorry for yelling." Gemini eyed the nervous boy; stating, "I'm going to keep you now." Readjusting the grip he had on the girl; a groan escaped Harry's mouth before he scolded, "Gemini, we've already discussed this. Just because you like someone doesn't mean that they're now yours. We make friends...we don't collect people." Silver met emerald as the lioness teased, "You're mine. Are you going to tell me you aren't now?" Clearing his esophagus; Harry looked to Colin, purposefully disregarding the cheeky girl, as he finally answered, "Er - no, thanks, Colin. No, in regards to hanging out with you and your friends. I, I mean we...We've got to go to the library. Got to get some work done." After that declaration, the two had no choice but to turn right around and head back out of the portrait hole again. "Bye Colin," she called over Harry's shoulder, "Perchance we will meet you at the correct Hog's location if we do spend time with one another."

"What was the point of me having to withstand all of that yelling just for you to waltz back out?," the Fat Lady called grumpily as they walked away. Waving at the pissed off painting; Gemini questioned Harry as she situated in his grip once more, "Yeah, what was the point?" The boy wistfully chuckled, "I just wasn't in the mood to have a lot of people stare at me as though I'm some sort of oddity." Gazing at his locked jaw; all of the previous annoyance left her as the girl reassured, "I get it."

Harry wandered dispiritedly toward the library, but halfway there he changed his mind; he didn't feel like working and he guaranteed that Gemini didn't either. He turned around and they came face-to-face with Filch, who had obviously just seen off the last of the Hogsmeade visitors. "Merlin," Gemini yelped, "You think I would've gotten used to his mug by now, but no." Huffing; Filch snarled suspiciously, "What are you doing?" Harry, answering truthfully, stated, "Nothing." Well, the petulant man obviously didn't like that. "Nothing," spat Filch; his jowls quivered unpleasantly, "A likely story! Sneaking around on your own...the two of you unattended. Why aren't you in Hogsmeade buying Stink Pellets, Belch Powder, and Whizzing Worms like the rest of your nasty little friends." While Harry shrugged...Gemini chose retaliation, "Oi! At least we have friends." Filch then sniffed, obviously offended, and instructed, "Well, you two get back to your common room where you belong!" But Harry didn't go back to the common room; he climbed a staircase, thinking vaguely of visiting the Owlery to see Hedwig. "I take pleasure in this rebel streak you're having," Gemini admitted.

They were located in another corridor when a voice from inside one of the rooms called out, "Harry! Gemini!" Automatically; Gemini moaned, "Please keep walking." However; Harry doubled back to see who had spoken and met Professor Lupin, peeking around his office door. "What are you both doing?," questioned Lupin; though in a very different tone of voice from Filch, "Where are Ron and Hermione?"

"Hogsmeade," Gemini answered sharply; glaring at her father, "You know, the cooler Hog's location. The village where third years are now allowed to visit? The village you refused to let me be a guest of." Taking in his ill-tempered daughter, and Harry who held tightly on to her figure, Remus decided to offer, "Why don't you come in? I've just recently taken delivery of a Grindylow for our next lesson." Oh no. Twisting to face Harry; Gemini pleaded, "Don't fall for it. Please!" Yet, the Boy-Who-Lived failed her...his curiosity getting the better of him. "A what?," he questioned; going into Lupin's office and dragging Gemini alongside him.

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