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GEMINI WAS IN AN UNCOMMON, POSITIVE, MOOD ON HER WAY TO CLASS, AND PEOPLE STEERED CLEAR FROM THE SKIPPING GIRL. "We generally have to haul you into any classroom...are you okay?," Ron queried; taking one for the team.

They all entered Defense Against the Dark Arts, and situated themselves in desks near one another. Harry actually slid into the seat alongside Gemini before Hermione could sit down. Leaving the other Gryffindor girl to reluctantly place herself beside Ron. The bushy haired girl answered before Gemini had the chance, "Leave it, Ronald. She is probably eager to learn from a Professor who actually knows what he is doing." Hermione shared Mrs. Weasley's odd obsession over the Ken Barbie-doll lookalike. A scowl overtook Ron's features, "That man is a snobbish fraud." Gemini cleared her throat, after chuckling from her freckled friend's remark, in an attempt at thwarting another argument between her friends, "No, Hermione. I am in high spirits because my prankster notoriety has been wholly established. I am quite pleased with people knowing about my adventuresomeness, and am looking forward to carrying out my usual tricks this semester." It looked as if Hermione planned to castigate her roommate, by the way her finger raised, but Gilderoy Lockhart had entered the room; taking all of the bookworm's attention.

The "famous" wizard paced before the class, "Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. Me. Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award -- But, I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" Hermione and the other females, not including Gemini, hung on
to his every word. While the alternative students stared at the rattling cage perched on their Professor's desk. They were understandably on edge. Lockhart, who had been expecting laughter, continued his speech after noticing a few weak smiles issued his way. "I see you've all bought a complete set of my books. Well done. I thought we'd start today off with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about. Just to check how well you've read much you've taken in," he explained to the class. A quiz all about himself? Merlin, how full of oneself could someone honestly be? Lockhart then begun to circulate the papers out.

Ron and Harry examined the questions with disgust, "Look at these questions. They're all about him." They were in fact. All from his favorite color to what you thought he'd wish to do in his spare time. "What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?," Harry said incredulously. "What is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?," Ron mockingly replied. Gemini chimed in to their conversation, "When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday and what would his ideal gift be?" The boy's laughed at her sassy remark. Truthfully, Gemini knew the answers to all of the ridiculous questions due to her studious nature. The strong distaste she had for the man prevented her from ever admitting that out loud, though. "You have thirty minutes. Start...Now!," the acclaimed man yelled out; ending their hushed taunts. Quills could be heard scribbling harshly against the parchment.

Later, Lockhart rifled through the completed exams. "Tut, tut. Hardly any of you remembered my favorite color is lilac. But Misses. Granger and Lupin-Black knew that my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil, and market my own range of hair care products. Good job girls." Hermione beamed from the praise and Gemini only grimaced. Suddenly, Lockhart's expression dramatically darkened, " warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest of creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourself facing your own worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here." Girl's could be seen swooning from his ludicrous declaration. With a showman's flair, Lockhart turned slowly to the mysterious cage, "I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them." Them? Harry, Ron, and Gemini leaned forward; intrigued. Lockhart let the tension build up and then whipped off the cover.

Inside the cage were several electric-blue creatures. They were eight inches tall, with pointed faces, and detailed wings. They furiously rattled the bars caging them in, and pulled bizarre faces at the students. "Cornish Pixies?," Dean questioned. "Freshly caught Cornish Pixies," Lockhart amended. Unable to control himself, Seamus snorted with laughter. "Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan," the hair-sprayed man started out, "But...pixies can be devilishly tricky, little blighters. Let's see what you make of them now!" Pettily, Lockhart flung open the cage door. Not offering the students to ready their wands. Harry's fast reflexes caused him to grab at Gemini's hand, and dive for cover underneath their desk. They watched, from their hiding spot, as the crazed pixies instantly rocketed out and chaos erupted. The creatures sprayed the student's with ink bottles, broke beakers, and shredded any books they could get their hands on. Gemini yelled out in anger when two pixies seized Neville by the ears, lifting him into the air, and began to circle him about the ceiling.

"Come on now, round them up, round them up! They're only pixies," Lockhart shouted; ridiculing them all. Brandishing his own wand...he confidently spelled, "Peskipiski Pesternomi!" His magic had absolutely no effect on the devilish creatures. One pixie in particular delivered the teacher an obnoxious look, and seized Lockhart's wand from him. Gemini jubilantly laughed as it chunked the wood out of an open window. Lockhart then joined the stampede of other children en route of the door. "I'll ask you four to just nip the rest of them back into their cage," Lockhart desperately called out to the remaining student's. They all blinked as the door briskly slammed, and the Gryffindor Quartet were left alone with a soaring Neville.

Ron swatted at a pixie gnawing at his ear, "What do we do now?" Gemini raised her wand and casually stated, "Immobilus." The pixies froze midair. Neville fell, plopping onto Lockhart's desk; shaken but unhurt. He sent Gemini a pitiful stare, "Why is it always me?"

Fresh from the pixies, the five of them angrily walked down the seventh floor. All of their robes were shredded, and they were exhausted. "Can you believe him?," Ron fumed; obviously outraged. Hermione looked down defeatedly, "I'm sure Professor Lockhart just wanted to give us some hands-on experience." Why was she defending him? "Hands on?," Harry started doubtfully, "Hermione, he didn't have a clue as to what he was doing!" Gemini aggressively nodded, "Yeah, 'Mione! Finding the bloke attractive doesn't mean you need to advocate his stupidity." Harry looked at her in admiration, thankful for her support in even the smallest of things.

"Rubbish! Read his books. You'll see all the amazing things he's done," Hermione sniffed. Neville looked at her in timid resentment. "He says he's done," Ron jeered in a correction that fell on deaf ears.

SABAISM | H. POTTER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora