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REMUS HAD STAYED FOR ALMOST AN HOUR; TALKING WITH BOTH HARRY AND HIS DAUGHTER. He shared a multitude of stories about the teenage years spent alongside the boy's parents. The Boy-Who-Lived eagerly soaked in every detail, thankful to hear more about what they were like. Of course; Remus excluded the details about being a werewolf, his husband being James' unofficial brother, the Lupin-Black's, having such a close relationship to the Potter's, and being named the boy's Godparents. He hadn't even informed Gemini about any of that; just his furry little problem and that he shared a dorm with James Potter.

If the teacher peeked at them in haste; it was almost as if his two best friends were situated in front of him. Merlin. Harry was a carbon copy of his Father, but he had an abundance of Lily's qualities. His Gem may have had a close resemblance to himself, but her personality was much like that of Sirius'. Discussing this with the both of them had proven to be arduous; a fraction of the time he couldn't even administer direct eye contact.

Though tough, Remus was pleased to get to know his Godson on a much more personal level. In another life the two would've been much closer, but offering him this knowledge helped ease the man's guilt. "It has been lovely having stayed to chat with you both, but I really must be on my way," Remus said dolefully. Gemini pulled her Father into a steady hug when he stood. "I will be home later tonight, Daddy. I love you," she expressed assuredly. She had appreciated Remus sharing his memories with Harry, but she knew it was complicated for him to reminisce. The man pulled away and placed a pouch of coins into her hand, "I love you, too. Here are some coins to buy your supplies. If you aren't able to acquire all of it then we will figure something out. Be safe and mind," he instructed as he affectionately patted her head. Twisting to Harry, he exclaimed, "Harry. Do not hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything. It was great seeing you again."

After Remus had apparated, everyone gathered in the living room. They all stood, awaiting, in front of a large fireplace. "You first, Harry dear," Molly Weasley started out. She offered the boy a flowerpot, and settled inside was a layer of soft dust. Harry frowned in confusion, but politely took it. Gemini analyzed the look on Harry's face and said, "Harry's never traveled by Floo Powder before, Mrs. Weasley." The boy shot her a puzzled look, "Floo Powder?" There was an absurd amount of things Harry didn't know about the wizarding world, and Gemini couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. He had never had anyone to teach him. She was about to offer him an explanation, but when Percy entered the room it caused Mrs. Weasley to appoint him to offer a demonstration. "Percy. Would you mind going first, so Harry can see how it's done?," she requested kindly. "Certainly Mother," he responded. Percy Weasley was condescending and thought himself better than others. He turned to Harry and said, "Don't worry, Harry. It's simple enough." The older ginger took a pinch from the pot, threw it down into the fireplace, and bright green flames roared high. To Harry's amazement, Percy calmly walked...straight into them. "Diagon Alley," he shouted and then vanished.

Tentatively, Harry reached into the pot. He walked forwards when he assumed he had enough powder. "Remember to speak clearly, dear!," Mrs. Weasley informed the boy when she saw the move he had made. Gemini cleared her throat and everyone looked at her expectantly. "Mrs. Weasley. I think it is best if someone goes with Harry. If there is a mix is better he isn't alone. I will go with him," she said whilst taking her place alongside him. Harry seemed soothed with the change in events. "That is a smart idea, darling!," Mr. Weasley quickly answered. "You just can't get enough of me," Harry muttered out. Ginny looked distraught at hearing his words and Gemini chuckled, "Don't let this inflate your ego too much, Potter. I am just making sure you don't screw up. I will let you say the words because you need to learn." Harry nodded in affirmation. "And mind you get out at the right gate!," Ron yelled at them both. Harry looked around at them all, unsure, and stumbled out, "D-Dia-gon Alley!" Oh no. "Harry!," Gemini despairingly squealed.

SABAISM | H. POTTER जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें