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GEMINI GENUINELY BELIEVED THAT HER AND HARRY HAD FOUND THE BEST COMPARTMENT. They were sat across from each other, and regardless of the slight ache she felt from missing her Father, Gemini's easily excitable nature overpowered it.

"So, like I was saying, I sometimes use this gel that smooths my hair out. It doesn't smell like coconut, but it does work! If you ever want me to try it out on you...I would happily oblige. Not that there is anything wrong with your hair, of course." Gemini's words rushed out in a blur. While excitingly talking to her new friend, Gemini put her curls into a messy bun and used her wand to secure it instead of a hair tie. When she didn't receive a response the young girl looked up to see Harry staring at her open-mouthed. Bashfully, she glanced down. "I apologize for talking so much. My Father always says I ramble, but then again he tells me to never stop. If it ever does annoy you though; just tell me to be quiet." There was a small bout of silence before Harry let out a, "NO!" Startled, both children locked their gazes on one another. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout! It is just...I enjoy listening to you talk. I am sorry for not answering right away, I was just in shock that you were still talking to me." At those words, Gemini's brow furrowed in curiosity. Why wouldn't she be talking to him? If anything, why was he talking to her? It was well known in the magical world whom her Mother was. Before she could quench her pestering thoughts the compartment's door swung open, and there in front of them stood a sheepish red haired boy.

"Sorry, all the other compartments are full. I was wondering if it was okay if I sat with you guys?" the stranger asked unsure of himself. "Why, Of course!" Gemini answered quickly, "That alright with you, Harry?" The boy interrupted whatever Harry's response could've possibly been, "Blimey! You're Harry Potter, aren't you?" Harry glanced around looking a bit uncomfortable, but then the strange boy shut the door and sat down beside him. The look of awe on the boy's face made Gemini roll her eyes. Anyone with a brain could tell he was Harry Potter, but it was beyond rude to gape at him as if he was some animal on display. Merlin, he must be so tired of the looks. "So, it's true?! I mean, do you really have the...the...," the boy trails off, finally seeming to realize his questioning was quite intrusive. Harry entertained it, "The what?" At that, the red head looked at Gemini almost as a confirmation he wasn't going mad, before looking back at the famous Harry Potter. "The scar," the newcomer whispered out. Lifting up his untidy locks, Harry affirmed, "Oh, yeah." Even though Gemini knew it was impolite, she couldn't help but stare at the jagged lighting shape scar. This boy is the savior of the magical world after all. It didn't look as gruesome as she believed it to be, but she bet it was a nasty reminder. "Wicked," the boy started out; excitedly, "My name is Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." His flaming hair now made perfect sense to the girl sitting transversely from him.

"I am Gemini Lupin-Black. Yes, a true Gem. It's a pleasure to meet you," Gemini said, including herself into the conversation. Her puns were starting to become an issue. Ron's face paled slightly at hearing who she was, and Harry shot a curious look in his direction. Gemini spoke before Ron got the chance to squeal, " Yes. I come from the sacred 28 families. No, I do not believe in blood supremacy, or any of those other awful ideas. I was raised by my Gryffindor Father. Also; Mother is Sirius Black, the notorious psychopath. I have never met him, and despite having no claims to him, my Father just refuses to change my name. How do you do?" she confidently let out. Gemini may not be a bully, but she was not about to let a Weasley of all people look down upon her.

The boy in question blushed a bright red for being confronted on his judgements. Instead of rebutting, he tentatively shook her hand, expressing an apologetic look. "Ron Weasley," he mumbled out in a half-hearted introduction. "Your Mother's name sounds like a man's," Harry stated; confused. At that statement, both Ron and herself laughed loudly. "Why, he is a man. A lunatic, but a man nonetheless," Gemini assured. "Why call him Mother then?," he questioned; unclear of the circumstances. It was well known that Harry Potter grew up in the Muggle world, but Gemini thought he at least knew some wizarding laws. "Marriage between the same-sex is allowed in the wizarding world," Ron surprisingly cut in, "There are potions to make those couples able to carry children of their own. I am assuming S-Sirius Black carried Gemini, and that is why she calls him Mother. Although, not all same-sex couples are called the same thing. It's a preference really." Gemini was impressed. The boy seemed to be quite a dunderhead, but he at least was educated in certain matters. "Thank you, Ronald," Gemini praised; smiling brightly in his direction for the first time. "Oh," Harry nodded his head in understanding, while Ron shrugged freckled shoulders in acknowledgment.

SABAISM | H. POTTER जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें