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AT THIRTEEN YEARS OF AGE; GEMINI HAD GROWN ACCUSTOMED TO THE TENACIOUS FOCUS RECEIVED FROM THE MAGIC FOLK, ALL AGES SUBSUMED. Yet, the perceptible gasps were an untrodden extension. It was clear they had all become well-informed of her Mother's escape, and it was more evident that they suspected her of similar ill intent. What did they suppose? ...Mummy breaking free entailed the girl fracturing a non-murderous streak? What a cluster of twits. - Disregarding the collective eyes that bore into her; the girl confidently waltzed through the parted crowd at Platform 9 3/4, her head retained high in defiance. Gemini's unwavering strut challenged any unspoken remarks; executing her ingress at a smoother rate than expected. Though; solicitous ideations still consumed her brain, but her outward exterior remained passive during the awaited entrance. Admittedly, it was surprising that a multitude of insults were not ostensibly thrown in her direction...perhaps they were that terrified of a mere child.

Just as she was about to board the Hogwarts Express, to meet her Father and friends; Draco Malfoy's taunting voice cut off the inarticulateness that followed her. She had been so close. "Black," the platinum sneered; swaggering up to his cousin, "You're doing alright then?" The Gryffindor peered down at the boy; antipathy clear in her gaze, but the silver orbs also harbored sympathy. "Draco," she cooed, "Do you wish to put-down my person in an attempt to make yourself appear better? Are all of these jeers an endeavor of making yourself feel more like a 'Malfoy'? I'll just let you in on a little secret, acting as yourself is stop trying to bottle it all up. You know what I am referring to. Oh; and to answer your question, Malfoy, the young LUPIN-BLACK is particularly fine today. Thanks for asking." Gemini couldn't help but assume her cousin was grateful his minions were elsewhere during that interaction. No matter her enmity towards the false persona he put up; she'd never be cruel enough to out the male. Now, that didn't mean her reoccurring jabs were off the table; especially considering that he still led Fred on.

Draco's habitually pale face was flushed carmine. "So, Black," he deafeningly seethed; drawing in more attention towards the pair, "I've been meaning to you have any severed fingers locked up somewhere? You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Maybe if she hadn't already decided she wasn't going to sulk anymore...maybe then could his outburst hold the possibility in affecting her. Instead; a smirk stretched across the girl's features. "Yeah, actually," she retaliated; causing the eavesdroppers to lose color in their face, "It's just the one, though." Before Draco could comprehend her admittance; her, ring-cladded, middle finger displayed itself proudly for all to see. An undignified choke escaped the boy. "Oh, and Draco," Gemini whispered; getting within her cousin's space, "If the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...Well, with all of that kneeling your Father demonstrated for Voldy; it's no wonder that you're a champ at being on your knees." Her silver optics sparkled in impishness as she rushed onto the train; leaving Draco paralyzed, his mouth agape from her blunt declaration.

The Gryffindor Quartet set off down the train's corridor; visually searching for a vacant compartment, but all were full...except for the one at the very end. This alcove held a single occupant; a man who sat, fast asleep, next to the window. The adult was adorned in a pair of extremely shabby wizard's robes, obviously darned in several places. He appeared to be ill and exhausted; and, though, quite young...his light brown curls were flecked with grey. His presentation unintentionally acted as an exhortatory. - However, Gemini bounced on the balls of feet as she took in the sight of such a worn figure. "DAD," she squealed; rushing to settle besides the dormant fellow. It was a wonder he didn't awake from her shouts of excitement. - Ron, clearly confused, queried in a low tone, "Gem, why d'you reckon he's on the train?" In place of her answer; Hermione snorted at the boy's obtuseness, "Honestly Ronald. Mr. Lupin's case, that is laid out for all to see, is stamped Professor R.J. Lupin. Considering that alone, why do you assume he's journeying with us to Hogwarts?" Due to the belittlement, the hue of his face grew to match the color of fiery hair. "Oi," he bristled, "I'm not that idiotic! Gem's father teaches at a Muggle Primary School. So, perhaps that is why his case reads Professor."

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