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GEMINI KNEW THE TRIO, AS THEY TRUDGED DOWN DIAGON ALLEY, COULD BE HELD IN COMPARISON TO AN ODDITY. The boy who survived the cruelest unforgivable, a half-giant, and the daughter of a deranged prisoner; all walking alongside one another in harmony. Gemini snorted at the mental image. The observation in itself sounded like the beginning to a lousy joke. - She typically didn't mind the attention, truthfully having grown used to it eons ago, but the soot that streaked her face fueled an irritation deep within. Gemini wanted to snap at the judging eyes that bore into them all, and the mask of negligence she routinely held in public was about to crack...Which is why she found herself in this situation; having a staredown with a witch in a hideous bonnet. However; the girl's attention span was rashly cut when the calls reached her ears, "Harry! Gemini!" The children in question looked up to see Hermione Granger, who excitedly stood at the top of Gringotts' steps. A mop of bushy hair flowinf threw the wind as the girl ran down to meet her friends. Gemini couldn't help the grin that found it's way onto her face; Hermione always managed to make her feel at ease.

When the girl approached the trio she said, "Hello, Hagrid. Oh, it's wonderful to see you three again." She stopped as she took in her friend's appearance. They could all tell there was a question on the tip of her tongue from how her head cocked curiously to the side. "Don't ask," Gemini jokingly commanded as she held up her head. Harry quickly nodded his head in agreement, not wanting to explain his mistake. Hermione respected their wishes and responded with, "C'mon. Everyone's been so worried." She lead them to Gringotts, where Hermione's nervous looking parents stood with the Weasley's. They could hear their exchange even from the distance.

"So you're dentists? Fascinating! I understand other Muggles quite fear you? Why is that?," Mr. Weasley spouted off. Gemini decided to make her presence known, "It's because they prod about your mouth, and they try to prevent you from eating sweets. Tried to do it on me. Hello, Grangers!" Hermione's parents looked at the girl in amusement. "Oh, Gemini! Harry! Thank goodness. We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Come now. We're off to Flourish and Blotts," Mrs. Weasley said in obvious relief. She frowned slightly at seeing how dirty they appeared. Merlin, these two were attracted to danger. "Isn't it thrilling!," Hermione started out excitedly, "Gilderoy Lockhart's going to be there! We can actually meet him! I mean, he's written almost the whole booklist!" Mrs. Weasley and herself dashed off enthusiastically. Harry frowned in confusion. "Lockhart is a right prick," Gemini informed him as the two followed in their wake.

Gemini had wonderfully memories connected with Flourish and Blotts. When she was a child; Remus would frequently bring her here, and the two would immerse themselves in all the things the store had to offer. They weren't always able to buy anything, hut it was always an adventure to them both. The girl happily breathed in the signature smell of old books and fresh parchment.

The shop was strangely packed today. Harry, Gemini, and the others threaded their way through a throng of middle-aged ladies. The smell of desperation oozed off of them in waves as the women craned their necks to get a look of Lockhart. He was sat at the rear of the shop signing books. Gemini had to admit, despite her unwarranted hatred for them man, that Gilderoy Lockhart was the basic definition of handsome. He was golden-haired, had pearl-white teeth, and bright blue eyes. He wasn't really her type, though. At the sight of the man, Mrs. Weasley patted at her hair. Gemini shot the woman a disappointed look that went unnoticed.

"There he is," the ginger-haired woman practically squealed. "Mum fancies him," Ron informed the group. For this, Mrs. Weasley gave Ron a harsh jab to the shoulder. Before her son could groan in shock, a short man with a camera bumped past the group. "Out of the way! This is for the Daily Prophet," the man rudely explained. Lockhart instantly looked up with a trained smile on his face, but then the author's face fell in recognization. "It can't be...Harry Potter?," he exclaimed in wonder. Harry groaned, ad the crowd began to whisper excitedly. Lockhart unexpectedly dove forward and seized Harry's hand. "Oi! Personal space!," Gemini reprimanded the older wizard, but her criticism fell on deaf ears. Lockhart turned Harry to face the photographer, and under his breath he instructed, "Nice big smile, Harry. Together, you and I displayed across the front page." He sounded like a kid on Christmas who couldn't believe he got the gift he asked for.

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